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Wheels Boutique [Ben] WTF

Bobolinski said:
And I quote "When I got to Ben's shop......there was NOT ONE CAR BEING WORKED ON IN THE GARAGE!!! I was furious.....fucking furious....I wanted to bleed BEN. I've been pushed too far."

Not sure but this may be the language in reference. FTR I have the upmost respect for law enforcement and our military, and I think this forum is just the place to let off a little steam. "I wanted to bleed Ben" might seem a little extreme to some.

In defense of Kev, aka Bladesnsx, he is nothing but a gentleman. Sad to hear of the experience he had (I'd be ticked off too should that have happened to me).

However, guessing it is a blessing for those of us who don't have the major $$ mula, and expect to be treated the same as those who do. I still want my HRE 542's, but know it will be a long time until it happenz!*~*~ Anyhoo, still happy with my stockies, but looking for a place to have them polished here in Miami. Any rec's would be greatly appreciated *!*~

Bobolinski said:
And I quote "When I got to Ben's shop......there was NOT ONE CAR BEING WORKED ON IN THE GARAGE!!! I was furious.....fucking furious....I wanted to bleed BEN. I've been pushed too far."

Blade - I hope you can recount incidents better in court for the sake of the citizens you serve. If you can tell me how this was not you speaking above, see quote, then I will say I am wrong. But despite how many times I read it, it is your words. So maybe you need to brush up on your skills.

Now, since you raised it, I never once inferred that when writing a report you sugar coat stuff. Whatever they say is what they are going to be stuck with in court.

So if you think you are going to misdirect me, officer, you better think twice. Now all that being said, I offered the comment about the F-bombs. I guess in the day to day world of "bleeding people" maybe you have got to the point that F*** is no longer a bad word. Be safe.
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Cairo94507 said:
Bobolinski said:
And I quote "When I got to Ben's shop......there was NOT ONE CAR BEING WORKED ON IN THE GARAGE!!! I was furious.....fucking furious....I wanted to bleed BEN. I've been pushed too far."

Blade - I hope you can recount incidents better in court for the sake of the citizens you serve. If you can tell me how this was not you speaking above, see quote, then I will say I am wrong. But despite how many times I read it, it is your words. So maybe you need to brush up on your skills.

Now, since you raised it, I never once inferred that when writing a report you sugar coat stuff. Whatever they say is what they are going to be stuck with in court.

So if you think you are going to misdirect me, officer, you better think twice. Now all that being said, I offered the comment about the F-bombs. I guess in the day to day world of "bleeding people" maybe you have got to the point that F*** is no longer a bad word. Be safe.

Congrats Cairo....I hope you feel better now that you've nit-picked my post and found the one F-Bomb I used and forgot about. Stupid me, Maybe I should just hang up my badge right now huh?:rolleyes:

As far as serving my citizens. I make the best effort I can. I am flawed. I am human. When someone pushes me enough I have it in mind to punch someone, to drop kick them maybe. Hell, dare I say it....maybe even use a naughty naughty word. I mean, my nickname amongst all my friends and co-workers is BLADE for a reason! I'm not Dora the Explorer here!

Now thinking something, and acting on it, are two different things. AND you Cairo, you are not a saint either. If we are all judged by our thoughts alone, we would all be in serious trouble. I've been a cop for six years, since I was 22, and have never allowed my emotions to better me. And I'm a Cop in Miami, where EVERYONE hates cops and most use drugs and curroption is wide spread. But it seems, both myself and others on this board recognize that this is a place to vent, to express yourself. Where you are amongst friends.

However, you continue on your righteous, albeit misguided, quest. You clearly have nothing better to do than start flames. That is why you hijack boards like this one to whine and complain about the loss of civility in the world. Well, god speed my friend. If you insult enough people, the world might be a better place.

But....I must admit...if the citizen I'm serving is as cocky, arrogant, and self-righteous as you.....I think I would pass you along to the rookie and not waste my time.

That said. I'm done. You clearly prefer the attention of everyone on the post (going back to what I said about starting flames); and I don't expect you to be "civil" enough to send me a PM to voice your opinions; and now this post has been successfully hijacked thanks to you.

Well done.

You know, it's because of people like you that I don't go on Prime much anymore.

Hmm, I wonder if you and Ben are friends, LOL. Would you happen to have a balding head, pony tail, wearing a button shirt open, with a hairy chest, lots of gold necklaces and rings, looking like some sopranos guy??

Ah go Smurf yourself Cario! I'm Smurfin' Done with you and all your Smurf! So just Smurf This.