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Wheels Boutique [Ben] WTF

Where Have I Been!!!

As my friend TitaniumVTEC has said, My experience with Ben was a very Nasty one. You see, I met Ben at an NSX get together in S. Florida. Sadly, there are not very many NSX owners down here that have occasional hang outs. There personalities are......well.....unique. I have met a couple down here that are very cool. I can tell you that BEN, is not one of them. He is an even worse business man (if you don't have a crap load of money to spend); however, from reading some of these posts, it doesn't really matter if you have lot of money it seems.

My HRE's were in need of some professional polishing as another NSX owner (Vinny of Merrit islands and of Vinny's Side Skirts, who's another NSX owner that screwed me over) ordered some HREs for me; but, forgot to order the clear coat for the rims.

Ben said for $100 per rim, he will have them "Looking as new". I also needed some new tires and decided to go ahead and order those as well. At first everything was perfectly fine. Then when the due date for the tires and my rim polishing came and went. I gave Ben a couple extra days before I called him. I tend to be soft with things like this, not wanting to create drama.

When I called Ben, he told me that I should come by the shop and check out something important with the rims. When I arrived, I noticed that despite a week having passed, only my two rear rims have been polished (the workmanship was quite poor). One of Bens employees was working on the front rims when he remarked that it was taking a long time due to how "Filthy" my rims were. He said it with a tone as though it was MY fault. I give you my word that I try to keep up with my cars appearance, despite having racing brake pads that create alot of brake dust and no clear coating on my rims.

Ben then pointed out that cracks were developing on the spokes of my rims. Do a search for HRE Rims Cracked. HRE advised that they will fix the rims if shipped to them. I was thankful that Ben saw this damage (though for him not to mention anything would be well beyond being simply remiss). HRE replaced the centers of my two rear rims. However, getting Ben to tell me when the rims were coming back was a mission. It took a week or more longer than he said for the tires to come in. I called and called and called but he NEVER returned my calls. The time I went to the shop to inspect the cracks in my rims, some sopranos looking latin guy with his opened button shirt, hairy chest, balding with a pony tail, guy walked up having had his Fancy Benz with what appeared to be 20'' rims towed to Ben's shop. Ben left me for a long time to go talk to that guy. In fact, I got so annoyed (and had to be at work soon) I just walked out. Right before I got to the shop's front door, Ben called out to apologize; however, he did not seem at all sincere.

I called Ben and all but demanded that he call me when the HRE rims get in. He claimed that he had my tires already.....claimed....but they still weren't in. I never heard from Ben. I called and called and finally reached him. He told me that he rims had arrived without the valve stems. HRE was supposed to ship the vavle stems ASAP. Well, needless to say, I had booked reservations to attend the S2000 event in Orlando which was just a couple days away. I told Ben as much and asked him to let me know the moment the Valve Stems arrived. Do you really think he called me????

After calling Ben time and time again, I finally reached him. He said he got the Vavle stems.........Yesterday!!!! Then, to twist the knife, he told me that he was too busy to put the tires on the rims. His shop was just too busy. I was furious. I drove my Integra over there to put my tires and rims in the car. All this time, my NSX has been on a set of stock '91 tires and rims that some other NSX owner left there in Ben's shop. When I got to Ben's shop......there was NOT ONE CAR BEING WORKED ON IN THE GARAGE!!! I was furious.....fucking furious....I wanted to bleed BEN. I've been pushed too far. I marched into his office where I saw him and his thug looking employees in his offiice all hanging out and having a good laugh. He saw me and told me that my tires and rims were ready. I asked him once again if he would put the tires/rims on my car as I had to drive to Orlando that very night. Once again he said he simply was too busy and there was no room in the garage to work on my car. He had a smile on his face almost as if he enjoyed what he was doing. It took a great deal of effort not to smash that smug smile off his fat face.

I went back home, and worked for a couple hours trying to jack up my car (which is lowered and has a body kit). It was already very late in the day and it took some time to change the tires with one single jack, a lowered car, on an incline driveway.

Oh BTW, I decided to call HRE (which had always been great to me) and tell them about my horrid experience with Ben. They immediately notified Ben of my dissatisfaction.

BEN had the audacity, to call MY cell phone and literally curse me off like a POS. He told me called me a FUCK, a SHIT, and how dare I risk his career over something so stupid as my rims, my money, my business. He kept yelling at me on the phone.........as a cop.......I kept my cool and simply asked "are you going to give me a chance to talk or keep cursing at me?" Well he continued cursing me off and eventually I hung up on him.

Dealing with BEN is like dealing with some punk KID who got himself a HOBBY side job selling rims and tires, while rich mommy and daddy will bail him out if and when needed. I bet this observation isn't too far off.

To see this fat punk drive around in a brand new supercharged NSX just out of University of Miami with all this money, getting business from rich punks like himself, makes me want to hurl chunks.

I hate WHEEL BOUTIQUE.............I hate BEN.

Fogive me for the spelling as I am in the middle of getting ready for work without my contacts on
Wow Kevin, I didn't think you were capable of going off the wall like that. Good for you. I have known shops in the past that were raided for having stolen parts on the premises, I wonder if anything like that is going on in Miami. :rolleyes:

Also, as you mentioned, I haven't been much of an event coordinator because of the weak attendance at some recent gtg's. We had some nice holiday luncheons in the past and I'd love to plan one again for this year. But, I don't want to waste my time again and I can't seem to satisfy everyone. Unless someone else wants to organize another holiday luncheon, I'm out of all future planning.

Sorry to get off topic. Back to the WB.
As someone who has a retail store in a similar vein as car parts/accessories, but also does quite a bit of online sales, I hate to see threads like this, because it scares people away from doing online business with anyone. As much as I like T-Bell's prices I also understand that he can not provide the service that a legit retail entity can and should provide, as we have these so-called Pajama dealers in our business also, and I hear constant grief from customers who have been screwed over (never shipped, took 4 weeks to ship, sent wrong item and will not reply to emails, no help with warranty issues, etc.) and want to know if I can help (even though they did not want to spend $5 more and buy from me originally). It's a hard thing to deal with. I think Ben (if this info is true) needs to be talked to by his distributor rep) about these issues, as these "events" will not only cost WB sales, but also cost the manufacturer/distributor sales. For T-Bell, I would think he would need to either make this hobby a real business, or just get out of it, as the negatives seem to outweigh the positives from all the comments. This is only mu opinion (and you know what they say about those! :wink: )
BEN had the audacity, to call MY cell phone and literally curse me off like a POS. He told me called me a FUCK, a SHIT, and how dare I risk his career over something so stupid as my rims, my money, my business. He kept yelling at me on the phone.........as a cop.......I kept my cool and simply asked "are you going to give me a chance to talk or keep cursing at me?" Well he continued cursing me off and eventually I hung up on him.

Simular things happened to me, when I post on Prime and tell everyone of my poor experience with him. He called me right away and raising his voice of how dare I did that to his business, he had couple customers thinking to cancel the $5000 wheels order because of my post... blah blah blah. Well, you can also see the tone of his post on my link. Usually, a proper business man, if they ever chose to call a disgruntle customer... They should start with the attitude of how could make the customer happy while being fair to my business... Blade, you said it right, it doesn't seems like Ben knows about how to deal with customers. Unfortunately.
not to take anyone's side, but sometimes working w/ custom wheel manufactures could turn into an nightmare

Let me give you an example-

Friend w/ 360 orders a set of HRE - promised delivery date of 4 weeks
Drags out to 8 weeks and the two rear wheels were the WRONG offset
you would think they rush the 2 rear wheels to me, but no it takes another freaking 4 weeks.

Futhermore, the money spent on mounting/dismounting were all not returned, I had to take money out of my own pocket to "make it better", even thou i didn't make any money on the wheel as it was a friend that ordered it from me.

Few weeks later, I sent one of the rear wheels to get a curb rash fixed (replacing the outter) after beggin and pleding and offering up $100 cash to the HRE person i dealt w/ and shipping the wheel overnight each way, it actually came on-time... But guess what they didn't seal the freaking wheel and it wouldn't hold air....i had to again overnight it back and for them to fix it right, the money for mount and balance were again not refunded.....
THonda said:
not to take anyone's side, but sometimes working w/ custom wheel manufactures could turn into an nightmare

Let me give you an example-

Friend w/ 360 orders a set of HRE - promised delivery date of 4 weeks
Drags out to 8 weeks and the two rear wheels were the WRONG offset
you would think they rush the 2 rear wheels to me, but no it takes another freaking 4 weeks.

Futhermore, the money spent on mounting/dismounting were all not returned, I had to take money out of my own pocket to "make it better", even thou i didn't make any money on the wheel as it was a friend that ordered it from me.

Few weeks later, I sent one of the rear wheels to get a curb rash fixed (replacing the outter) after beggin and pleding and offering up $100 cash to the HRE person i dealt w/ and shipping the wheel overnight each way, it actually came on-time... But guess what they didn't seal the freaking wheel and it wouldn't hold air....i had to again overnight it back and for them to fix it right, the money for mount and balance were again not refunded.....

Well this is one of the issues.

The other is that they didn't call your friend and tell him the F### off.... and making terrorism threats.
THonda has is correct.

99% of the time us retailers get screwed by the distributors/mfg's.

In Kings Court's case, HP Racing (yes the actual company-mfg) had f-ed up twice. First they shipped the wheels to me by mistake, when Josh should have had them in a day (same state) then Fed Ex Ground f'ed up by losing a wheel. Then HP had 1000 emails from me to ship out the replacement. They were supposed to put it on my card. Well Damian never did. So after 1000 more calls and emails, I FINALLY got a tracking # and forwarded it to Josh today. HP will NOT refund any of the double shipping to me either, so I actually lost money on the deal.

I have changed many things in which I do business since the start. Too much of my time was wasted on researching the million of emails I get that go like this.... Hi I have a blue nsx what wheel looks good on it? Or here is a list of 10 wheels I like and 5 tires, can you give me prices?

I was wasting so much time doing this crap, that the actual "paying" customers were losing out in service. I now commit to people who know exactly what they want, but need just a little guidance. I also have re-arranged some suppliers who serve me better as well.

Now back to the thread you f#*%ing c%&$#$k ......Oh wait wrong shop! :biggrin:

Oh yeah, BTW I do NOT do this for a living. I make nothing more than enough to pay for a few track events each year, and pads, tires. I have a full time day job.
I think T-Bell's change in dealing with customers could cost him a few sales, but if it benefits the committed buyers, I think it is a very smart move. I personally can relate. I get dozens of emails daily from people who may be serious, but are miles away from being ready to purchase. It is a lot of work.
Shumdit said:
I think T-Bell's change in dealing with customers could cost him a few sales, but if it benefits the committed buyers, I think it is a very smart move. I personally can relate. I get dozens of emails daily from people who may be serious, but are miles away from being ready to purchase. It is a lot of work.

It ain't easy making money esp in sales. What do we do when we want to buy a TV? We go to Bestbuy or whatever and go browse around, ask the employees questions etc. How often do you go to stores without the intention of actually buying? A LOT. This is the nature of sales. So whining about getting bunch of emails about questions regarding what you sell online is a weaksauce crap. This is the same thing as consumers asking quesiton about a merchandise at a store. For internet business, the only means for the consumers to ask questions is via email since a lot of the stores don't have phone numbers listed. So if you wanna make sales and succeed as a business, you better answer all the questions. If you don't have the means to answer the questions, then you might as well close the shop because at the end, you will not have enough resource to capture the main customers, the ones who are not sure if they want to make the sales or not. It bothers me to see a business using excuse like "Oh I don't do this for living" crap.
ak said:
So if you wanna make sales and succeed as a business, you better answer all the questions.
i hear what you're saying, but i strongly disagree on the grounds that not everyone who submits an email is a qualified candidate - qualified being the key word.

over time, successful salespeople learn to filter to the best qualified candidates as quickly as possible in order to maximize their invested sales efforts/time. were i a business owner, i'd certainly have a list of 5 relatively easy qualifying questions and focus on those who appear to be qualified.

the rest would be quite welcome to take "their business" elsewhere.

i'm right there with you wrt "i'm not in this as a full time business" attitude - when you take my $'s, i expect professional behavior and results from you and your business. btw, for those who aren't in it "full time", i'd be surprised if they weren't writing off their car/track days as business expenses.

my 2 cents.
queenlives said:
i hear what you're saying, but i strongly disagree on the grounds that not everyone who submits an email is a qualified candidate - qualified being the key word.

over time, successful salespeople learn to filter to the best qualified candidates as quickly as possible in order to maximize their invested sales efforts/time. were i a business owner, i'd certainly have a list of 5 relatively easy qualifying questions and focus on those who appear to be qualified.

the rest would be quite welcome to take "their business" elsewhere.

Maybe so if you were doing business in person but I don't think it's that easy to find a "qualified" candidates on the internet because the tones of voice can easily be misunderstood on emails and also the *filter* can be badly abused. Look at the way Dali *filter* his *qualified* candidate.
I can see both points of view, but I answer every email I get, even the somewhat nutjob ones, because as stated, you never know who will turn into a tire kicker and who will place an order. It's hard to go with your gut, as you can be wrong. In T-bells situation, I think given the choice of continuing to not repsond to buyers quickly will kill him eventually, so if he wants to only help those he "qualifies", but gives them the good service they deserve, it's better than crappy service for all in my opinion.
ak said:
Maybe so if you were doing business in person but I don't think it's that easy to find a "qualified" candidates on the internet because the tones of voice can easily be misunderstood on emails and also the *filter* can be badly abused. Look at the way Dali *filter* his *qualified* candidate.

Well said.

The ones that got filtered out wether for good reasons or not, would be unhappy and wouldl never recommend you as the sellers. It is all a matter of perceptions.

Furthermore, how can one filter out buyers accurately via email? I know people who went tire-kicking at the dealership and went back for the real purchase a few months later because of good customer services, but this is in person....
RP-Motorsports said:
I have changed many things in which I do business since the start. Too much of my time was wasted on researching the million of emails I get that go like this.... Hi I have a blue nsx what wheel looks good on it? Or here is a list of 10 wheels I like and 5 tires, can you give me prices?

I was wasting so much time doing this crap, that the actual "paying" customers were losing out in service. I now commit to people who know exactly what they want, but need just a little guidance. I also have re-arranged some suppliers who serve me better as well.


I am pretty upset after reading this! :mad: I had tried to become a paying customer but did not receive replies and quotes! You should let your customers know that you are willing to only provide a little guidance. Right now your customer's expectations are higher than that.

If a retailer ignores you before the sale, do you suddenly expect good service once you have paid? Common sense says no.
AutoVation said:

I am pretty upset after reading this! :mad: I had tried to become a paying customer but did not receive replies and quotes! You should let your customers know that you are willing to only provide a little guidance. Right now your customer's expectations are higher than that.

If a retailer ignores you before the sale, do you suddenly expect good service once you have paid? Common sense says no.

I totally agree. I will admit that I was one of the people that sent him two links for wheels that I liked from a competitors site. I felt like I was making his life easy by showing him exactly the wheels I liked and the prices for which I could get them for. How much more simple can that be. I did all the work and you just have to beat that price. :rolleyes: :confused:
What do you consider giving a little guidance? If you are a wheel/tire salesperson then I would think that you do whatever it takes to help someone trying to put $$ in your pocket, even if it is only a side job to support your racing addiction. You should've said that up front.
****DISCLAIMER**** I'm not really doing this full time so when/if I get back to you it will be at my leisure. If you don't feel like waiting then don't, I could care less really.
Is that about accurate?
I had the option of SOS or Dali as my source for wheel contact. I selected Tom because I liked the feedback I read about his service. I am sure Tom is a terrific guy, and his hard work has been a real benefit to all on this forum. I am a bit bewildered with his lack of response to my calls. That being said and with no regrets I will ty to source out a new contact for one of a kind, made to exact spec, wheel distibutor. I am in the process of moving to Ga. from Ca. so it might be a month or so. Tom thank you for all your hard work and dedication to the NSX community and I wish you well.

Dan, does this mean that there are no wheels to be bought with your specs?
They are available if you want to pay 4 to 5k for the set. My goal was to get the manuf together with a distributor who could offer them at 2500 to 3000 a set. The manuf wants to make them in sets of 5 to 10.
BladesNSX - It upsets me that someone who states they are a police officer would use that type of language to express their feelings and experience. Granted, this wheel guy sounds like a total thug; but I expect more from an officer.

It is one thing to talk to your friends and sound off in person; but when you are writing about your experience I think most of us could express our extreme displeasure with out dropping the F-bombs and other such words.

I am sorry about your experience with this disreputable person; but please try to rise to the level of prefessionalism we all expect from our police. Sorry to have said it, but I am just getting fed up with all the vulgarity we are bombarded with everywhere we go these days. The car next to you playing rap that uses nothing but disgusting language, blaring from the vehicle as you sit at the light with your child or parent. The bumper stickers that tells people to do things in vulgar language, TV shows that promote that whole disrespect everyone attitude. I am tired of it. Can't we all just try to act like civilized people with manners and class? Thanks for considering what I have written.
Cairo94507 said:
The car next to you playing rap that uses nothing but disgusting language, blaring from the vehicle as you sit at the light with your child or parent.

That blaring vehicle is music to my ears as I drive to the bank :biggrin: But I do think lyrics have hit an all time low, not just in rap, but in many other music genre's also. I cannot be a critic though b/c I curse horribly. Although, I am currently trying to curb that habit so my soon to be born daughter doesnt pick up my bad habits.
In Blade's defense, I probably would have had much worse of a reaction to that kind of treatment, thus my description would reflect that as well :cool:
SNDSOUL - The fact you recognize you were using that language to much is all it takes to change. I don't have an issue with Rap music when it does not contain the violent, degrading lyrics BTW.

At some point we all have to kind of grow-up and realize what some of these artists are saying to our children and what type of values or massge they are learning. They have to learn that girls/women are not Bit**es, H*es, etc., that when ever you have a problem, the solution is not to go get a gat and blast someone, and to walk around with 10 pounds of gold and silver around your neck with your pants all the way down below your butt and your hat turned sideways throwing mean glares at everyone.

Believe me I see these types of people all the time and what they have done to end up in a position where they need me. Most of this comes from parents that do not take the time to teach, talk, discipline their children when they are young.
Cairo94507 said:
BladesNSX - It upsets me that someone who states they are a police officer would use that type of language to express their feelings and experience. Granted, this wheel guy sounds like a total thug; but I expect more from an officer.

It is one thing to talk to your friends and sound off in person; but when you are writing about your experience I think most of us could express our extreme displeasure with out dropping the F-bombs and other such words.

I am sorry about your experience with this disreputable person; but please try to rise to the level of prefessionalism we all expect from our police. Sorry to have said it, but I am just getting fed up with all the vulgarity we are bombarded with everywhere we go these days. The car next to you playing rap that uses nothing but disgusting language, blaring from the vehicle as you sit at the light with your child or parent. The bumper stickers that tells people to do things in vulgar language, TV shows that promote that whole disrespect everyone attitude. I am tired of it. Can't we all just try to act like civilized people with manners and class? Thanks for considering what I have written.

Ok Cairo,

First - Go back and read my post. Once you've done that, go back and read it two more times. Clearly you weren't paying attention. I didn't "use that type of language to express my feelings". I was citing the language that SOMEONE ELSE, namely the business person by which this thread is about, was using with me.

Second - Withing my very lengthy post, the ONLY time I used profanity language was when I was citing Ben's words with me.

Third - AS a police officer, I will state in my report profanity that suspects use; just the same, I will state exactly the same things a defendant would say. I won't "sugarcoat" it for people with sensative ears like you. Why should I downplay the incident so as not to offend the likes of you. I want the jury to hear the same words I hear and feel the same things I felt having heard those words. Just like I wan't my fellow NSXers to get an idea of what happened when Ben cursed me off.

FYI, when I am in uniform, I conduct my self professionaly. I do not use foul language and dishonor myself or my badge. Since you weren't paying attention to my post, you clearly didn't notice that I stated it was BECAUSE I was a Police Officer that I didn't respond in kind with Ben's yelling and profanity. I kept my cool and attempted to talk to him civily to no avail.

That said, the next time you feel the need to question my professionalism in open furom, I suggest you send me a PM before Hijacking a thread to preach your righteousness.
And I quote "When I got to Ben's shop......there was NOT ONE CAR BEING WORKED ON IN THE GARAGE!!! I was furious.....fucking furious....I wanted to bleed BEN. I've been pushed too far."

Not sure but this may be the language in reference. FTR I have the upmost respect for law enforcement and our military, and I think this forum is just the place to let off a little steam. "I wanted to bleed Ben" might seem a little extreme to some.

What is it with all you guys?

Yes he was furious. Who wouldn't be? Who cares if he is a law officer or the pope or whatever. I had no trouble understanding that he was upset after reading what he went throug.

So let us please move on and not get into yet another fight which will not lead to anything good.

I am not sure why many on this board lately seems to react and get there panties in a bunch over nothing. I guess I have tougher "skin" when it comes to language because I come from europe, but please let us all be friends okey?
