Whats your yearly mileage?

Owned for 2 yrs and only added 4000 miles, I have 2 many damn toys to enjoy.
I had no idea you were the original owner of your car. 6,000 miles a year isnt to bad. Is that mostly track miles?

Now the percentage of track event miles is greater because my only longer trips are to go to a track event,ever since having our first and now second child the car gets driven less and less...For about a 6 year run i was averaging about 1200 track miles per season..now maybe 300-400:frown:
my '91 has less than 37000 miles on it. that is 1950 miles per year, over 19 years. I have owned it 3 years and have averaged 2500 per year.
Last weekend I put 800 miles on it.
very low average mileage.
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I'm doing about 3k a year too. I bought it at 43 and it now has 47 - well that's 4k isn't it - drove it from Houston to Atlanta by way of Barney in Nashville - don't really count that - since then about 3000.
You guys need to get out more.

Bought mine 11/99 with 21k on it. Now have 130k including 80 track days and over 10k track miles including 350 track miles (100 laps) at Watkins glen these past two days.

And that is driving it only 6-7 months per year.

Also have an AMG Mercedes with 217k miles driven since 2003.
The first one i ever had I put like 30,000 miles a year on it because it was my DD and the first cool car I ever had. I no longer have that on. For the past 3 years I had 2 of them and on the stock one I put like 10,000 miles a year and on the other one with all the mods I put like 1000 a year at the most. I sold the stock nsx so I guess I will be puting more on the moded one now.
I've driven my 93 40,000 miles in 5-1/2 years -- through 41 of the lower 48 states! I leave in 3 weeks to drive the other 7. Since 6 of them are the New England states, that will be at least another 5000 miles.

Has anyone else driven the 48 states in their NSX? Watch for an article in the next NSX Driver magazine.
I've had mine 30 months.. purchased at 38,500, now has ~44,500, so that is 6,000 miles. Which comes out to 200 miles per month or 2,400 per year.

If I were to subtract the 1,500 miles or so for my road trip home, that drops it to 4,500 miles, 150 miles per month or 1,800 miles per year.

It is parked in the winters and only driven on nice days. I would be driving it more, but I have been working weekends this summer, so I haven't had it out as much as I would like.

I seem to drive it about average for it's lifetime. Being a 91 with ~44,500 miles on it, that comes out to ~2,342 miles per year.

- Rod

PS. I know I'm anal... tend to pull out all the data :eek:
I put 6k on it the first year. So far this year it hasn't got as many miles. Bought it in January 2009 and I've put about 9k miles on it total so far. It is up to somewhere in the 88k range right now I think.
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Ave 3968 per yr since new.
750 yr since I have owned it. :redface:
300 mi in the past 2 yrs...... :eek:
The silly 90 M3 is getting all the miles these days......:biggrin:

NSX= 63,500 total.
I purchased my 2005 NSX in October 2009 with 16,200 miles and now has 18,400. I drive it only for fun. Almost never to work as I have a number of feral cats that hang out around my studio and they love to jump up on almost anything. Cat scratches are not an addition that I'd like to have on the paint.
I have two daily drivers, a Lexus Sportcross and a BMW 328i. I can live with an occasional scratch on those.
I do hope in the next year or so to take a road trip around the country that would add 3,000 to 4,000 miles.
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My 91 has 52k on her, which is about 2700 miles per year. I purchased in 1/10, and have put about 1000 miles on it so far (including the trip back from Charlotte NC). Mostly cruise around on a weekend, and an occasional drive to work. Problem is I have two other cars, including a 04 S2000 with only 11k miles on it :eek:

When I do drive the NSX, it seems to make the ride more of an adventure and a treat. I truly enjoy the NSX like no other car I've had in the past 40 years. Jay