Whats Your drink(s) of choice?

Lately, it seems anything with alcohol will do!


If I'm in a beer mood: Fat Tire
If I'm in a liquor mood: Crown and Seven
If I'm in a fruity mood: Strawberry Daiquiri :tongue:
queenlives said:
while i enjoy a nice port and a bit of scotch, since you asked, my favorite alcoholic drinks are those we make at our house for family & friends:

* limoncello (italian lemon liqueur)
i use only myers lemons from our tree, then infuse for ~6 months, then to syrup for ~3-6 months. only then can it be served, straight from the freezer.

* pomegranate liqueur
fruit from our tree, infused for 1 month, syruped for 1 month, served over winter holidays

* blackberry liqueur
fruit from our property, 1 vanilla bean while infusing for 2 months, then to syrup, ready to drink in 1-2 months (while it softens)

(i've got some pears infusing as we speak, i'll write when/if i can :redface:

Wow! When am I invited ? ;)
Pretty much anything with alcohol in it....really, I'm not too picky.

I have the hardest time when I go to a bar...because quite honestly I think I like it all.

Red Bull/Vodka if I'm feeling tired...

Whiskey (pretty much any kind) on the rocks...but I prefer the aged stuff.

Any microbrew is worth a try. I'm fond of the Pac NW stuff, Deschuttes, Full Sail, etc.

A good dirty martini is always nice...gin or vodka.

I think it's all about what I'm in the mood for...different occasions call for different booze.

Dang, now I'm thirsty.
#1 - Jaeger shot - (Ice cold and don't pollute it by mixing)

#2 - Zambuka shot- (same as above + hold the coffee beans)

#3 - Cabo Waba shot - Hold the training wheels (smooth!)

Rarely drink - never had a beer but shots are my weakness!!

PS - Friends don't let friends drive drunk........
I don't drink anymore ( I need to keep up w/ the youngsters in Karate ), but when I did, my favorite was Sapporo beer in the silver can. The Japanese produce great beer ( and cars ! ). Now my fav is Black Cherry Shasta w/ lots of ice ( I bet it would go well w/ vodka ).
Oh yeah, when it's wine time, S2 cab from Australia. Got it at a great Aussie wine bar in Chandler by the mall. The stock is sold out, but it is fantanstic!!
usta be Tanqueray & schweppes tonic
12yr sobriety later....h2o :smile:

enjoy in moderation, & do not take tylenol & etoh
I smell a new thread to deal with avoiding hangovers!

Oh yeah, by far my favorite liquid beverage - Coke (the real thing) in a glass bottle, please.
Shaun Ray said:
I smell a new thread to deal with avoiding hangovers!

Oh yeah, by far my favorite liquid beverage - Coke (the real thing) in a glass bottle, please.

i usually have to drink at least 3 glasses of water before i go to sleep to avoid said hangovers....
Definitely - mucho water before bed (passing out). Also take a vitamin C. Some foods can be a plus too. Then you're ready for the next morning!
1. Fresh Green Apple juice.
2. Mineral water.
3. Pepsi Twist.
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khappucino said:
i usually have to drink at least 3 glasses of water before i go to sleep to avoid said hangovers....

wake up early, take tylenol, drink lots of milk ( gets rid of drymouth ), go back to sleep, wake up later....hangover should be gone
Im all scotch, all the time!

Depending upon my taste that particular evening, I may have a nice Lagavulin or Peat Monster; or maybe a new inexpensive one that I quite like called Tomatin; perhaps a Macallan, Dalwhinnie or Balwhinnie...the list is long. They are all so tasty and so different.