What's the most frequent question you get on the NSX?

coreyco said:
I answer all questions truthfully, except for one. The questions, in the order most asked:

1. What kind or car is that?
ans: An Acura

2. What year is it?
ans: 2002

3. Looks fast.
ans: Yeah, it's alot of fun to drive.

4. What did you pay for it?
(This personal, inconsiderate inquiry from a total stranger gets the answer he or she deserves)

ans. I bought it new, so it cost me twenty-nine five out the door. I thought the price was pretty steep, but she handles real well.

At that point, I figure the questioner will go home and phone Acura dealers to check inventories, and then get hit with the deserved reality dose.

I get the SAME questions, in the same order, almost every time and respond about the same way.

1. An Acura NSX, made by Honda
2. '94
3. I like it.
4. About the same as an accord.
I always get the "how much" question... I hate that... it's rude. I like to give them the new price, and they usually don't even have the wherewithall to think it's 10 years old!

I get the vette and ferrari lines too... I tell them 'kind of, but it's reliable and gets good gas mileage~!"
Hello everybody!! I am new here!!!!
I just got my new NSX a week ago and I love the car but everybody looks at me like I am from Mars or something. Is that normal? I can't even pick my nose!!!! lol.....:biggrin: Soon as I stop at the intersection they either give me thumbs up or roll down window sign. If I don't roll down my window they will think "what a snob" so I am force to do so, then they ask me stupidest questions and hold up trafic! I don't mine but people behind always honk at me! One question I had was "Is this faster then poostang (Mustang) then they smile at me! I tell them no not even close and I let him win. Then they are laughing at me, I got so mad I gave full throttle at next intersection, not even close!!! you should of seen his girlfriend's face!!! poeple should know what kind of car it is before they open their mouth!!!!.... :biggrin: :biggrin:
A few months back a high school kid asked me: "What do I have to do in order to buy an NSX?"

Here was my reply: "Go to college and get a degree in a field where you can make some money. Stay out of trouble with the law. And most importantly...
always wear a condom!

The kid just grinned and gave me high five!
There was a thread in the Ferrari forum about this. In defense the guy said something like this "It small but its an angry inch.":biggrin:
Shumdit said:
I get a comment a lot, not a question: "Sorry about your penis"

Not really, but I have heard girls say it to a guy in a Vette once and I could not stop laughing:biggrin:
What year is that?

And, you know, I could tell them anything. I mean anything and I'm pretty sure that most of these people wouldn't have a clue.

funny thing I overheard recently at the auto parts store:
Two young guys looking through the window at my car. One says to the other, "it's an NSX...you know, an Acura." The other says "I thought those were illegal." The first looks at him, looks away, looks back, then hits him in the back of the head and says sarcasticalliy "Yeah, Acura makes lots of illegal cars."
Most common question: “Why don’t you wash it?”
bumbobee said:
Hello everybody!! I am new here!!!!
I just got my new NSX a week ago and I love the car but everybody looks at me like I am from Mars or something. Is that normal? I can't even pick my nose!!!! lol.....:biggrin: Soon as I stop at the intersection they either give me thumbs up or roll down window sign. If I don't roll down my window they will think "what a snob" so I am force to do so, then they ask me stupidest questions and hold up trafic! I don't mine but people behind always honk at me! One question I had was "Is this faster then poostang (Mustang) then they smile at me! I tell them no not even close and I let him win. Then they are laughing at me, I got so mad I gave full throttle at next intersection, not even close!!! you should of seen his girlfriend's face!!! poeple should know what kind of car it is before they open their mouth!!!!.... :biggrin: :biggrin:
Welcome bumbobee, I know what you mean about not being able to pick your nose!
Have fun!:smile:
So far in my first week of ownership.....

Who's car is that?
How much did it cost?
Is that a Lotus?
Is that a Ferrari?
What year is it?
I bet you get horrible gas mileage?
I bet your insurance is out of this world?
How fast have you gotten it?
Where did you get it?
Acura, that is like a honda right?

and my favorite as I am sitting in the car....
Is that your car?
Answer: No, I was just stealing it from that guy inside... shhhh...
A British guy at the airport asked me if I was Tony Kanaan. Said I looked like him from behind.
10Blade said:
What year is that?

And, you know, I could tell them anything. I mean anything and I'm pretty sure that most of these people wouldn't have a clue.

funny thing I overheard recently at the auto parts store:
Two young guys looking through the window at my car. One says to the other, "it's an NSX...you know, an Acura." The other says "I thought those were illegal." The first looks at him, looks away, looks back, then hits him in the back of the head and says sarcasticalliy "Yeah, Acura makes lots of illegal cars."

Too funny! Wish I had been there to see it...
beckertb said:
Mine is,

Hey, when are you getting your NSX back??? (21 months and counting)


Didn't you used to have a red NSX, too????



A third question for Ben would be...

"Hey Ben, I thought your car was LOUD...what happened???"
The questions I've got the what year? and how much does it cost?
but last weekend this kid in a old BMW that I was playing with at one light comes pulls up to me at the next red light and serious as hell says "hey that thing is fast DID YOU STEAL IT?? He wasn't kidding lol (I think the car he was driving was stolen too but thats another story) I should of said "yeah where do you live I need a bmw too" People are funny
Given my size, here are the most common question is:

"Can you fit in there?"

Mental Answer if asked by guy: No, you moron. I bought a car I couldn't fit in and employ a wee-small person to drive it to this parking lot so I can climb in and out all day and answer stupid questions.

Actual Answer: Yes.

Mental Answer if asked by female: You've got to be kidding, what a set up! The inappropriate and sophmoric sexual responses are too numerous to count. Is she single and, if so, would that kind of response scare her to death or work? Look to right hand -- damn, what is that, the Hope diamond!?! I don't even know her husband and I hate him already. Hmmm, maybe she hates him also? Sure she does, that's why she asked you. Yeah brain, now your working. Go for it, throw out the "if I had a dollar for every time a woman asked me that" or "sure . . . oh, wait, you meant the car" response. The moral delimma that could present itself if she laughs and responds in kind is a completely separate mental battle.

Actual Answer: Yes.

On a serious note, a very cute woman asked me that once. I said I fit in the driver's seat but wasn't sure about the passenger seat. Asked if she wanted to drive it while I checked it out. She drove me around a few minutes and seemed genuinely surprised when I announced proudly that I fit in the passenger seat also and thanked her for helping me. Cute, but not the sharpest knife in the drawer. I think she's married to some thick-necked guy named Gunter now.
I too hate the "how much" question. My typical response: "About $80,000. It just looks expensive"
My most common question by the annoying ass people that I always find leaning over my car with a chili hot dog and a drink when I come out of a store, is....Is that a Ferrari? while looking right at the Acura emblem.

I also get asked a lot if I am a stripper. Which really sucks..I guess they think that is the only way a 24 year old chick can own a car like this. (I am not by the way!!) lol

I have also gotten asked this (unfortuntly more than once, which scares me) is , how much did it cost to move the engine to the back? I just drive away at that one.
Alixp81 said:
I also get asked a lot if I am a stripper. Which really sucks..I guess they think that is the only way a 24 year old chick can own a car like this. (I am not by the way!!) lol

Its ok... my neighborhood thinks I am a drug dealer... (22yr old male who has been told this by neighbors when they find out I am not)

thats fine by me though for two reasons.

1) everybody in the neighborhood is scared of me for some reason (its funny to see how people don't know how to react when I say 'hi' to them or something if they walk by the house)
2) the cops come by at least two times a night with their light-bar lights looking for 'suspicous activity' i guess... which is ok, keeps my house safe :biggrin:
lol...thats funny! I guess us youngins have to be doing something bad to have rides like ours!
Alixp81 said:
I have also gotten asked this (unfortuntly more than once, which scares me) is , how much did it cost to move the engine to the back? I just drive away at that one.

LMAO!! That one cracked me up. :biggrin:

The question that I hear most often is the one that I end up asking myself:

"Why the hell did I not drive my NSX today?" :confused:

(I live in Southern Cali) :biggrin:
I too got the, "What kind of Honda is that?" from some high school kid selling magazines or something.

To which I reply, "The new Honda Accord."

His reply was then "really, cool", do you have any pot?

Me. No I don't have any pot.

Him. Can I get a beer from you then?

Me. Only if your mother tells me it's OK.

True story. :rolleyes: Good work from our newest HS grads.

Two great questions about the NSX from a great graduating mind!