Whats the funniest thing anyone's said about your car?

I've been asked "Hey what kind of body kit is that on your prelude?"

I just shook my head........ *Sigh* :rolleyes:

LOL, that explains a lot!

Also when I had my big old "H"'s on the car, I have been asked if it was the "new Prelude" lol

• Another new but SAD one is my current GF, for a while she told me she had a friend that had an NSX back in the 90's, well, last weekend we were hanging out with one of her friends from back in the day, she was also friends with the NSX subject then she told me and my GF ,, that WAS NOT THE CAR, no WAY, that was a Dodge, and I asked "dodge stealth?" her friend was YESS!!! ... OK, so now my NSX is an stealth ! LOLOL that sucks BIG TIME! lol
I've been a proud NSX owner for all of 2 weeks now :biggrin: and last night I had my first funny/cool thing happen. As I was driving along the highway in the middle lane, I noticed a car in the right lane behaving strangely - moving ahead of me, dropping behind me etc. so I gazed over at the driver and saw it was a kid in a Ford Tempo and he was either taking pics or video of the NSX as he tried to stay within his lane! I gave him the thumbs up and quickly moved away before something bad happened :smile:
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I'm filling up with gas about a month ago and this rough looking homeless guy starts approaching the car. As he gets closer he's like "Aayyyh Mane, is that a 1991 ACURA NSX?!"

me: Uhh yea it is.
him: WOW thats bad ass dude!
me: Thanks, not many people know what kind of cars these are.
him: goes on to tell a truly sad story and gush about the NSX then proceeds to ask for change.

I gave him some change and then almost clocked him in the face with the gas filler nozzle as he leaned down and approached the window and door handle (my girlfriend was sitting passenger seat, key in the ignition). Turned out he was only having a look through the glass at the interior.

I actually felt really bad for this guy. He is about my age (mid 20s) and clearly a car guy. We just took different paths in life and it sounded like somewhere along the line he got the short end of the stick.

Not really a funny story guys! Sorry!
was putting gas in yesterday and an older couple pulls up along side and the man says, "that's the greatest of all the Ferraris.....and the best looking one too".....

Cool...I could tell by his tone he knew exactly what he was looking at.....:smile:
The other day I went to grab a bite to eat and as I wait patiently for my order to be called I notice a elderly couple just admiring my nsx. So I quickly got phone and snapped a pic. :biggrin:


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Mine was in a car show last month with the hood up. A lady asked "Why did they put the spare tire in the engine?"
This happened tonight, on my way home from a show and shine.. I had to show a cop the door jam sticker, as he thought my registration and insurance both had the year wrong. "Nice 1991."
Everytime I visit my HS buddy and his wife in the Baltimore area, the very first question I'm asked as I walk through the door..."Did you bring the Matchbox car?" :mad:
I got a decent one. As some people know i just bought this car a little over a week ago. Well I decided to go to a car show that was in the next town over because it was during a festival, so i figured i would enter the car to get good parking, and go to the festival for the day with the gf... well

I pull up and this is a classic car festival with probably 40-50 c5 and c6 corvettes, as well as a few fords and classics. I got there a little late, so i had to literally park in the dead center of the corvette section. I was greeted by the attendant, who asked me if this was the c4 callaway corvette, and I am not used to this considering i just got the car, so i know i made the WTF face. I told him it was an Acura NSX. Then i went to the table to fill out my paperwork, and the guy put down 2012 Acura MDX on my sheet. I had to tell him I had a 1993 Acura NSX, not MDX. After he was down being amazed it was a 1993 model. I put the window tag back on the car and proceeded to walk away. Now as some people may know on here. A few years back I was BANNED from this forum, because I get angry pretty easily. I am not as bad as i used to be, but I can hurt someone's feelings in a second.

As I walk away a group of corvette guys say, "Hey, parking next to us gives your car a little dignity." I knew they were joking, but It was hot that day and i was in a bad mood. I kindly replied, "Yeah, but it will be the only car left when your plastic corvettes melt in the sun." The corvette guys kind of had this look of pain on there faces. Then one brave old man said "What do you think your ricer car is made out of?" I let out a small chuckle and said, "My car is made out of Aluminum, and was practically hand built. It wasn't made by sweaty union workers from kentucky." Then another guy said, "Its okay one day you will realize that a corvette is a real man's car." I just looked around and said, "Yeah, maybe when i turn 65."

I saw the judge look at my car. He didn't know what it was at all. I lost to a stock 94 dodge stealth FWD, and a 280z with rust holes in the roof. I didn't car about winning, but a lot of people don't know about the car. Plus i have a personal vendetta against american cars. My dad has corvettes, and shelbys, and all those typical muscle cars, and i have a ducati, a saab, and an Acura :biggrin:

You sound a lot like me. I think we are the same person.

BTW, south carolina - thats the problem...the car shows we have here in West Chester are Ferrari - Ferrari - M3 - GTR - M3 -NSX...and then the ferrari guys run over to admire the NSX when it pulls in.
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I'm surprised I haven't post my funny story yet. I have told some of the local guys from my area.

I daily drive my NSX to work but I usually park it in the back to avoid any exposure to the careless/lazy people who park as close to the front door as possible. Well this one day I had left work mid day to take care of my dog. When I returned back to work after about an hour or so it was the end of the lunch break for the union guys. The parking lot was surprisingly empty so I decided to park closer this time. So I'm driving down the parking lot and I see these two young guys walking back to the building. They happen to see my car, I see one of them point to me, and all of a sudden they litterally start running towards my direction. They catch up to me and start asking questions. I was in a rush to get back to work so I kind of was answering to them while I slowly edged my way towards the building. At one point in the conversation one of the guys asked me if he could "HUMP" my car :biggrin:. I kindly said "Please don't.... but feel free to look at the car some more but I got to head back guys sorry", turned around and walked away. I would of chat some more but I really was in a hurry.

It's stuff like that which I think the NSX is special. It's truely a unique car and everyone seems to apprciate it. There are some haters out there but it seems there are alot more who like the car.
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LOL another funny thing that happen to me here in Japan. I always get head turns with my car since 1) its an NSX and 2) its LHD US spec. my good friend who she is always with me is in the passanger seat and everytime someone looks at the car she think they are looking at her lol she is a cutie but I keep telling her " Its the car they are looking at not you" LOL but I so happen to put my car in the shop for repairs and upgrade and got a rental car, a 4 door toyota beater car. So one day we were driving around and I happen to mention " so I guess it was the car they where staring at" lol she put on this sad pouting face
Not really funny but the comment I get all the time, and even from an Auto Body shop on Friday, "Is that a stock color?"


Not really super funny but I just had a little conversation that was short but kind of funny today. At a intersection some guy in a nice looking yellow Mustang asked me to roll my window down. I roll it down and the conversation went something like this:

Guy: You like the car?
Me: Yes I do, it's a fun car.
Guy: It's nice.
Me: Thanks.
Guy: You interested in selling it?
Me: Nope. ( :smile: )
Guy: .... Good choice. (:biggrin: and nods).
(He pulls away and turns right)
Yeah, I bet you do! Orange is very rare. I've got a friend with one but he doesn't take it out to play very often.


SMASHING picture (not pumpkins, but Halloween is not far off! :biggrin: )

Vanity lic plates are cool! BTW, where did you get those cars painted? :confused:
smog tech looking under the hood, and telling me if the car was electric. LOL:biggrin:

I took my car for a smog check a few years back. The tech opened the hood, opened the trunk, looked under the car and did a walk-around. Finally he came up to me and asked if it was electric.
so ive had my 91 since the spring and decided to go to a cruise night with some buddies across the border as i live in Ontario. We get to the border with passports in hand and we are about to pull up to the customs officer on the the left. Then 3 more officers come and stand in front of the car, the one guy puts up his hand indicating a stopping gesture, the other walks around to the back and the 3rd guy just looks into the passenger window with a really menacing glare and says nothing.
So im thinking off all the scenarios that could happen here and they wern't good ones. Then the main officer asks for our passports and where we are going, etc.. another few seconds of silence when the officer looking into the window asks `how fast you had this ferrari going'.
i then kind off chuckled and told him that in Canada (and made that clear)
i did hit 150 mph once and only once so far...and that my car was actually an acura/honda. He then said, `well son our cruisers only do 145' They then all lightened up, asked a few more questions and couldn't believe it was a 1991. they wished me well and on we went.

mind you my heart rate had increased almost double at the time...

I was at autozone in the hood...

him: *Runs in the door* Yo Dawg! Is that your car? Is that your NSX?
Me: Yes

him: Dayammmm. I just took a picture on my phone!. *Points to phone* Thats the real deal. Thats that Fast n Furious sh*t right there. That aint no Civic. That's a NSX man! Damn shes bad!
Me: haha Thanks.

Him: *Turns to friend* The engine is in the trunk! Da trunk man! Not in the front but in DA TRUNK!
I pulled up to a light in the left turning lane and had my radio on and was looking left. and i hear

guy: Four Fifty?
me: I turned and look at him
guy: four fifty right? that thing was like $450,000!
me: I smiled and said "well it was expensive"
guy: bad azz car enjoy it
me: thanks :)

light changed and we both pulled away and i turned