whats the fastest you've taken your nsx?

Originally posted by Joel:
You just buried yourself with that comment.

Aren't we talking about kph?
You know what, today while looking at my speedo I realized that I made a mistake about my maximum speed made in my NSX. I thought that I made 264 km/h assuming that mark following 260 indicated 265 but I was wrong and it is in fact 270!

So my max speed second digit is still 6 but the last one is in the 8-9 range!

And there was still slow speed gaining but I stopped there...

almost 170 mph !
I have only had my NSX up to 125mph,however I have had my 96 Ford Crown Vic police package up to 137mph(LOL). Doing 125 in the NSX seemed effortless and I would have tried to go faster if the road were long enough.