What's the fastest you have driven your NSX?

8 March 2010
Charlotte, NC
What's the fastest you have driven your NSX and where?

I drove my first one 158mph on I-95 coming back from Daytona to FT Lauderdale racing another one, who ended up smoking me. Of course that's when I was younger and dumber.

Now I'm a wuss, I sometimes hit 130mph and back off.
What's the fastest you have driven your NSX and where?

I drove my first one 158mph on I-95 coming back from Daytona to FT Lauderdale racing another one, who ended up smoking me. Of course that's when I was younger and dumber.

Now I'm a wuss, I sometimes hit 130mph and back off.

Do you own a flame suit?:confused:
265 km /h on freeway from Germany, my NSX is OEM:cool: (165 mph)
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I wouldnt wanna say how fast I got my NSX up to cuz they could use it against you in court. but

lets just say this. I know my NSX can go 169mph then the fuel cuts out...

but that was just a dream i had so they cant use that in court.

so my location is my dream
and top speed of my NSX was 169mph before the fuel cut out. across A bridge in Tampa FL.

if I had done this in real life it would have been stupid and dangerous to others. so I would never have done that.
My stock automatic hit 110 kph but the wind noise in the cabin became uncomfortable and the front end became too light feeling so I slowed down to the speed limit.
268 km/h on the German autobahn at night but didn't have the balls to go any further.
pretty close to 120 I dont need to push it more then that I get it it can hit 170 no need to prove it to myself lol
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65 mph on the 101 South from San Francisco to San Jose.:eek:
Re: 150 mph 6500 ft elevation

7 AM high plains, straight highway, middle of Wyoming, day after '97 NSXPO. Conditions were perfect; held that speed for quite awile a couple of times. I could see a car coming from 15 miles away and slowed down to 100 mph when traffic approached.

Bone stock '92 40k miles. That's all she could do; just ran out of air. Felt as stable at 150 as it did at 100. :smile:
the NSX fuel cuts out at 169 170 so these guys saying they are doing more than that, they are pulling your leg.

oh yeah mine went 290 yeah right. just tring to beat the next guys time ya know.

now in their defense, I might have only driven 1991-1993 at those speeds. never a 3.2L model so I may be in error

the 3.2/na2 engine might go higher so I am not sure about the other years about the fuel cutting off. but would suspect near the same

and all of them were manual trans
the NSX fuel cuts out at 169 170 so these guys saying they are doing more than that, they are pulling your leg.

oh yeah mine went 290 yeah right. just tring to beat the next guys time ya know.

now in their defense, I might have only driven 1991-1993 at those speeds. never a 3.2L model so I may be in error

the 3.2/na2 engine might go higher so I am not sure about the other years about the fuel cutting off. but would suspect near the same

and all of them were manual trans

Or they have modified cars running non-stock EMS, so fuel doesn't cut until they want it to ;)
.1 mach faster than sfdreamer haha. Jk jk. I dont think i have taken the nsx that high prob 145 or so
the NSX fuel cuts out at 169 170 so these guys saying they are doing more than that, they are pulling your leg.

A stock 5-speed NSX has a fifth gear ratio of 0.771, a final drive ratio of 4.062, and 225/50 16 rear tires have a circumference of 78.09 inches. If you do the math, 170 mph equals 7100 rpm. In a 6-speed with 255/40 17 rear tires, 170 mph equals 6600 rpm. Even if you figure in tire wear, etc., why do you think the fuel cuts out so far below the redline?

If you think the picture of the GPS measurement in post #9 above is pulling your leg, here is another picture. During another run, I had two GPS speedos in the car in order to double-check the results. A Palm TX fed with a GPS signal from an external Navilock BT-359 Sirf III receiver plus a completely separate Garmin Nüvi Sat Nav. The equipment was positioned at the base of the windshield for best reception and both clicked off the speed in lock step. In the picture you can see the same current, average, and maximum speeds on both devices. Max speed – 189 mph (304 km/h).


If you don't like pictures, here is a video showing a run with a GPS-measured two-way average top speed of 300 km/h (186 mph). If you double click on it and view it in full HD, you can make out the current speed in the Garmin.

<object width="853" height="505"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/W5EmrML3p1U&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&hd=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/W5EmrML3p1U&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&hd=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="853" height="505"></embed></object>
greenberet, what year is your NSX? and those gps are most of the time 5-6 miles per hour off. I had one and it was 6 miles off compared to the Instrument cluster, but I believe you.

the reason I say the fuel cuts are 169 MPH is I cant say who was driving but going across a bridge here in tampa, and it was going great, the car was reaching 5-6K rpm and slowly getting to 168,169 then it felt like the car shifted outta gear speed dropped a little, then it felt like it was put back in gear and continued to climb in rpm and speed, same thing, asked around they said it was the ECU cutting the fuel to save the cars engine.

the 3 cars i did not do this in was a 1991, 1992 and a 1993 which all were 3.0L/NA1 engines.

now like i said I have never driven any 3.2/NA2 engines before and I dont know if that extra HP helps get you to the better speed. and then cuts the fuel when you reach its limit. what ever that may be. ya know

I stated in my other posts that I could be wrong but from my experience thats what happened in those years. so I know it wasnt my car cutting the fuel as something was wrong 2 completely different NSX did the same thing. I dont know,

thats why I asked what Year/engine do you have?
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^^^ Shawn did you try those runs with the TCS turned off? If you look at Greenberets video collection you can clearly see that the car hits fuel cut at around 174mph with the TCS on, then he would turn it off in that same run and he was able to go past that mark to over 300km/ph

Also it is the instrument cluster that gets inaccurate as the speed rises because it cannot account for incease in diameter of the tire as it expands from centrifical force. The GPS is used to actually verify the speed, not the speedo since it is universally known to be inaccurate at those speeds. Not to mention the Speedo does not know how to account for slightly different tire diameter as they wear out and different brands have slightly different diameters. The GPS when measuring a relatively steady or slow paced aceleration ( like when topping out a car ) is very accurate
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If you don't like pictures, here is a video showing a run with a GPS-measured two-way average top speed of 300 km/h (186 mph). If you double click on it and view it in full HD, you can make out the current speed in the Garmin.

<object width="853" height="505"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/W5EmrML3p1U&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&hd=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/W5EmrML3p1U&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&hd=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="853" height="505"></embed></object>

Well that is about the best video I have seen in a while. defiantly got my blood pumping. Too bad they don't have the same roads in the US. Sure would love to get 170 miles in an hour instead of 3. Worst part, all the roads around here look like the one in the video, flat, straight, amazing line of sight, and very little traffic.

BTW. you da man! I chickend Out suNday Evening at 55. I haven't had the car on a rack this year to check the tires. :D
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