What's for Dinner?

What is your diet philosophy?

  • Anything goes - Fast food, Chain restaurants etc

    Votes: 11 36.7%
  • Look for healthy options that are low in fat

    Votes: 14 46.7%
  • Low carb, High protein Paleo diet

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • Vegan/vegetarian/Plant based diet

    Votes: 3 10.0%

  • Total voters
6 April 2012
My wife has made our family convert to a plant based diet. It got me thinking. There are so many conflicting nutritional lifestyles out there, I wonder what the Primers are doing? I figured I would start a poll to gauge it.
personally I'm careful of total calories and try to eat real food not frozen/pre prepared.My wife is more sensitive to gluten and dairy so she kinda goes modified paleo.Our boys eat what we eat.I weigh the same as I did in med school 30 years ago.
personally I'm careful of total calories and try to eat real food not frozen/pre prepared.My wife is more sensitive to gluten and dairy so she kinda goes modified paleo.Our boys eat what we eat.I weigh the same as I did in med school 30 years ago.

I have a similar sensitivity, however I am also very sensitive to most of the chemicals that are added to pre packed foods. As a result, I have drastically changed my lifestyle and eating habits almost 1yr ago. I eat nothing with any artificial ingredients. No sugars and no caffeine. I prepare everything fresh and eat a ton of fiber containing foods. I have been taking only essential supplements such as Magnesium, Niacin, Vit D, Flaxseeds, Hemp seeds, Chia seeds, etc... I only eat foods that are a natural color and not bleached. No grains. PERIOD. I'm almost completely vegan except I must eat some proteins and they are limited to small fish and chicken. Very rarely meat. I never had high cholesterol, but as a result of my strict dietary requirements, my total cholesterol dropped to 79 and my bad cholesterol is 33. My Cardiologist has now insisted I eat two eggs daily for th next six weeks and we'll do aCholesterol/Lipid panel again.

I have never felt better in my life, and most of my aliments have gone away. No joint pains, no inflamed intestines, no high blood pressure, and I'll probably be off my oral diabetes meds in a few months.
we are what we eat.
Since moving down south though my diet's been vastly different. I've been living off Happy O cereal, rotisserie chicken's from the supermarket, banana's, and greek yogurt. With the occasional wheat crust pizza dough I make and splurge on mexican and viet food...

I still pretty much eat anything but in moderation and I try and stay away from the late pasta meals of my earlier days that I used to scarf down at 11pm.
we are omnivores,,we must eat some kind of meat,,its very hard to get a complete protein on a vegan diet,we need complete protein,,,one thing you can do is never ever get full,,it takes your body 10 to 20 min to tell your brain that your full,,,if you stop eating cause your"full",,,,guess what,,you already have over eaten!!!never get full and see how your body changes,,and it happens quick!!!

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yes,,,pasta late is bad,,
we are omnivores,,we must eat some kind of meat,,its very hard to get a complete protein on a vegan diet,we need complete protein,,,one thing you can do is never ever get full,,it takes your body 10 to 20 min to tell your brain that your full,,,if you stop eating cause your"full",,,,guess what,,you already have over eaten!!!never get full and see how your body changes,,and it happens quick!!!

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yes,,,pasta late is bad,,

But but, what's the point of eating if you're never full! :biggrin:
Anything goes but I really aim for there to be inclusion of fresh veggies, less oils and fats, less sugars. Home made as often as possible. 100% whole wheat breads, avoid butters/salts if possible. Portion sizes, portion sizes, portion sizes!.....be reasonable and realistic!

has made our family convert

It's these statements that really make me gasp. Never liked the idea of any type of parental "forcing", whether it be with religion, social habits, life goals(Dreams and aspirations), or food. I grew up with very understanding parents that took neutral positions often. I got scolded when I was a moron, and they made sure I didn't waste what money I received. As we got older we talked about humanity and politics/religion.--I wasn't sheltered or left to die on my own.
With that being said, I always get a bad taste in my mouth when I hear of people "forcing" their family/kids to certain diets. (even if it's a ""healthy" diet)
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It's not what you eat, it's what eats you.

(yes, food choices do count for something... I'm just saying that when frustrations
and stress occur, I notice a bigger effect on me than I do from diet choices. YMMV)

Do you really think George Burns was a vegan? Genetics has a whole lot to do with it no matter how much wheat crap you eat.


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> Do you really think George Burns was a vegan
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I eat whatever I want. The only thing I regulate is my red meat intake. Colon cancer runs in my family and red meat is the main thing that causes it. Im only 10 pounds over weight so its not that bad I guess.
You guys are funny. Some of the responses are quite predictable.

Some background: My lovely wife is 42 years old. She was diagnosed with Borderline Type II Diabetes last year. She is a work out nut and isn't overweight but her diet in the past was horrendous. She would claim to try to eat right but its hard to cook a meal after a busy day at work. So She/we ordered food or ate out many times a week. We tried to make healthy choices but it is impossible to do that at chain restaurants. When she found out she had DM she was in tears and in shock. She was ready to change her diet. I recommended talking to a friend who is a hard core "plant based diet" expert. At the same time we saw some links about American diet and why they contribute to diseases. We watched two documentaries that convinced us to change. They were:

1. http://hungryforchange.tv
2. Forks over knives.

Both of the documentaries are on Netflix. We decided to suck it up and give it a good effort for 3 months. We cleaned out our pantry of all the white flour, processed, packaged junk and replaced it with organic, Vegan/Plant based recommendations. It wasn't easy specially since we live in Steak/BBQ/Seafood country but it was the best lifestyle change we could ever make. In 3 months - her DM went away. Her cholesterol dropped 32 points. I lost 8-9 lbs, She lost a few lbs too. Most importantly - we feel better and have more energy. Another benefit, Once you cleanse your palette of all the processed junk, Food starts tasting so much better. I love the taste of fruits unlike ever before. It isn't easy and we still "cheat" once in a while BUT we both realize the benefits of adopting such a lifestyle.

Couple of final comments:

1. We(USA) lead the world in Heart Disease(CAD) and Cancer even though we pioneer so many new technologies to combat it. You ever wonder why we have these diseases more than the rest of the world? After all we(USA) are a giant genetic melting pot, so it can't be all genetic.
2. The main reason we have so much CAD is the high animal protein diet. Where do you think cholesterol comes from? If you just consumed less or no meat then your cholesterol intake would drop which would lead to a lower cholesterol level.
3. You can get plenty of protein from a Vegan/Plant based diet. You have to do some homework. FYI - Its not all Soy protein.

I would highly, HIGHLY recommend primers to watch the 2 documentaries. You might not adopt the "diet" but at least it will open your eyes and your mind to understanding that "You are what you eat".

I am getting off my soapbox and putting my Kevlar vest on. You guys fire away!
Doesn't cholesterol level change depending on how your body deals with it?

Meaning if you started eating 3 whole eggs a day and had a cholesterol test after a week it would be "higher than your normal" one given you didn't switch from a rib eye to eggs.

Then if you kept up your normal diet "in a perfect world the same exact thing as previously before the eggs", and you kept eating the 3 eggs daily for a few months your cholesterol level would be back to normal.

Am I living in a fantasy world or has anyone else heard that?

But it's not really meat that's the enemy right? It's just certain types of meat, and certain fats and stuff. Jez, all this talk about cholesterol almost makes me want to remove the delicious skin off of my rotisserie chickens!
After reading your original post, I was going to suggest you should watch Forks Over Knives :) I also recommend that everyone should watch it. It's great to see that your wife's diabetes has resided due to clean eating.

I watched it a couple of years ago and definitely transitioned more towards eating more vegetables. For about a year I was eating mostly vegan, although I admit I don't eat that way anymore.

Most recently, I've been extremely careful about what I eat because I am trying to get rid of my eczema without using any topical steroids. About a month ago it hit me... "If the topical steroids are getting absorbed into my skin, that stuff is in my entire body." And nobody really knows the longterm side effects of what it does to you. I've been eating a lot cleaner, and also taking a nettles supplement, and I am proud to say my eczema has subsided tremendously. It's not totally gone, but I don't have to use the steroids, which I am incredibly happy about.

I believe it's a combination of better eating and taking the nettles (it's an anti-inflammatory) that has helped me get off of medications.
Doesn't cholesterol level change depending on how your body deals with it?

Sduff - I would recommend reading the wikipedia article on Cholesterol. It is a good place to start. Cholesterol is key component for cellular function and therefore quite important. Your Liver and each cell in your body produces it when it is needed. There are 2 key forms of it - HDL and LDL. Sadly too much of it is not a good thing. The Avg. american diet has too much animal protein in it. Animal protein is loaded with cholesterol and triglycerides(fat) while Vegetables/fruits don't have cholesterol in them. Your liver can only store so much cholesterol. Excess cholesterol ends up staying in your blood which creates plaques in your arteries(It is more complicated than this but for the sake of arguement I am trying to simplify this since I don't know you science background). The excess cholesterol specially LDL, fat in meat leads to Heart Disease, Peripheral Vascular Disease and Strokes. If you eliminate ALL animal protein intake then the only source of cholesterol will be your own body. It will autoregulate your cholesterol intake.

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I liked "Forks Over Knives" too, but here's a lengthy review and critique of the film that makes me wonder how legit its claims are:


I have only read a 1/3 of the article. Couple of quick comments: As a physicain I am trained to question every journal article or scientific research. I apply this approach to every Article/blog/review in the internet world. Ms. Denise Minger is an very intelligent woman BUT she has a English degree from ASU. Whether she likes it or not - It reduces her credibility. She agrees with Dr. Campbell and Dr. Eccelstyne(Sp) quite a bit but then tries to disprove the whole science of Animal protein intake and Cancer/Heart Disease theory. It is very well accepted theory that meat intake increases your risk for colon cancer. High meat intake are associated with other forms of cancer. It is difficult for me to continue with her article when she picks on one article but doesn't look at all the other scientific data.

Finally I question her motivation. Is she funded by the Meat industry? Is she motivated to getting hits on her blog so that she can publish a book(which she just did). If she really wants to be an expert at Nutrition then please get a degree in it. I know she states that you don't need to do that BUT that is how the real world works!

Again - I haven't finished the article but will at some time and make some counter points.
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low cholesterol = low testosterone,,we all are trying to keep cholesterol at a low,,this is why you see so many low t commercials now... you have to figure out what works for YOU,,love nsx prime ,,we have some great folks in here!!!............please do not got out and eat a ton of cholesterol to raise t levels,,you have to find the right way to do this,ask your doctor or research it!!!
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low cholesterol = low testosterone,,we all are trying to keep cholesterol at a low,,this is why you see so many low t commercials now...

I disagree. Do you have any evidence to support your comment? If that was the case then the opposite would be true too. I.E. - High cholesterol would lead to high T which would mean every obese 50+ Y/O man who walks into my office would have a raging erection and wouldn't be asking me for Viagra. I guarantee you that is not the case ;-)
I disagree. Do you have any evidence to support your comment? If that was the case then the opposite would be true too. I.E. - High cholesterol would lead to high T which would mean every obese 50+ Y/O man who walks into my office would have a raging erection and wouldn't be asking me for Viagra. I guarantee you that is not the case ;-)
you are correct in general,this is why i needed to say find out whats right for you,we all are different,some can have high t levels but still no erection or erection issues,,,,this is why i like this forum,,plenty of intelligent folks in here giving honest opinions for anothers well being