what u guys think about this spoiler ?

Originally posted by nsxtasy:
I agree.

What about having a kid duct-taped to a stock spoiler?

Just to shock your pants off, not even I would replace the spoiler with an aftermarket version. Even the Type R looks tacky to me. It is the only part of the car that is seemless, timeless, and should never be replaced IMO. Of course, I have thought of a way to moify it to make it more "functional" without altering the appearance, but I am saving that for our next encounter! Wha ha ha ha...
Originally posted by huckster:
well, i dont know, but that kids head looks awfully big for his body. i mean his melon is huge. i think id prefer a smaller headed kid with my spoiler

Good idea. Smaller head = less weight and less drag.
Hey lets not get anal about this topic.
I like the wing myself I also like the stock one also. As far as the ricey look. Well I think it makes the Nsx look race ready.
And unlike many big wings on little ricey cars.
This wing serves a purpose.
If some like it thats there choice. If some dont then thats there choice also but you got to look at it like this.
Rice is stickers on cars showing what they dont have. Or more atraction for theives.
Or the muffler is louder then the car is fast. Thats ricey