What makes the car worth the $

15 July 2017
What makes a car worth the price? Is it the pure costs of developing it plus the actual costs of the parts etc?

Or is it the marketing and heritage behind the brand? Considering the tech in the nsx it might be the most expensive car, just for the parts alone. Nsx has more tech then Porsche, Audi, Mclaren etc. So how is it overpriced based on these facts? Corvette z06 and mclaren both use v8, one turbo , one supercharged.

Chevy has the racing heritage to charge more. It all comes down to the brand and marketing. Acura does not have the history or prestige behind the name.

Debadge all the cars and see what people think, of course people would still figure out the brand.

Acura needs to market the car better. Hard to change the public image. Cadillac is trying, but hard to do

Just my 2 cents. People want to feel special when u spend this type of cash
Of course .....the elements of the human body might have a street value of say 10 bucks....but dare I say we are each priceless...:smile:
The marketing of the car doesn’t change the fact that it is still a beefy civic styled supercar. Everyone knows it is not worth the price, until recent incentives. The market has swept Honda off the high horse as nobody in their right mind would pay 200k for a Honda. I see Mclaren’s all day long here in South Florida and I ‘d pick one of those over a new nsx in a heartbeat if comparing costs.

Honda marketed the car to fetch the high price tag. Which we all know did not work at all. That was their fault. Trying to find reason with that will bring you full circle. It’s a cool car and it’s fast. Then you park it next to something from Europe that costs 200k and the answer you’re looking for is really quite simple.
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What makes a car worth the price? Is it the pure costs of developing it plus the actual costs of the parts etc?

Or is it the marketing and heritage behind the brand? Considering the tech in the nsx it might be the most expensive car, just for the parts alone. Nsx has more tech then Porsche, Audi, Mclaren etc. So how is it overpriced based on these facts? Corvette z06 and mclaren both use v8, one turbo , one supercharged.

Chevy has the racing heritage to charge more. It all comes down to the brand and marketing. Acura does not have the history or prestige behind the name.

Debadge all the cars and see what people think, of course people would still figure out the brand.

Acura needs to market the car better. Hard to change the public image. Cadillac is trying, but hard to do

Just my 2 cents. People want to feel special when u spend this type of cash

A car is worth whatever the market says it's worth. The market has spoken with the new NSX. It's a $125-140k car.

As far as Acura's marketing of the new NSX....dunno what to say. I know I have been heavily courted by my dealer. I met Ted Klaus and some of the marketing team at NSXPO this year, even got a ride with J. Robinson in the 904 Pike's Peak NSX, and they know personally I'm interested, they even offered me a test drive down in Columbus, OH (only two hours from me), but I couldn't make it. I say that to tell you that if you know or meet their marketing team, they seem keenly interested in making a connection. Were I not a 1G NSX owner/NSXCA member/NSXPO attendee, though, would I have the same opportunity? In any case, I think Acura is maybe thinking that getting butts in seats, and getting the cars out in public, in YouTube vlogs, in any public medium, is the best marketing. I haven't heard/read many 2G NSX owners complaining about the car, other than depreciation, so I'm sure that most reviews from owners would be positive.

You mention Cadillac, which is a different story. Caddy has kinda screwed up....they want to be an aspirational brand again....but they have hardly any product to support that outside of the V-series adn maybe the SRX. I'm a Honda guy to the core, but have owned two 2G V-series Cadillacs because they are maximum bang for buck in the luxury performance world. My Vs have been incredibly reliable. Does Cadillac crow about their improvement? No? They move their HQ to New York City, jack up prices, and try artsy-fartsy ads, which are completely lost on me. But that's another thread for probably the www.ctsvowners.com site.