What makes Caymans easier to handle on track

Interesting topic. Yesterday I drove my NSX to work, and of course it was a great experience. When I returned home at noon - I took the wife's 718 Boxster S out to grab some take-out lunch. This P-Car has really changed my opinion of Porsche. The construction is just dead solid and in no way do I feel like I'm sitting in a suped-up VW like decades ago. I had to tell my wife that I still love the NSX and realize the suspension and build design is from 30 years ago when compared to her 718, but man that P-car is tight! Especially for a convertible. :)
The way the nsx feels to me mimics its shape, as a wedge the weight is so apparent right behind you. it initiates turn in so well, and the mass behind you seems to help the car rotate into corners. Up to 7/10ths this is a huge advantage and makes it feel like its on rails, and that you're in total control of the car. But when you exceed that limit, or get near it, it becomes an experts level driving car very quickly. I haven't driven the gt4, but I spent a few days with the cayman R. While they're both mid engine cars, I wouldn't say they felt similar at all. The cayman is just so easy to drive fast, its suspension feels like its filled with the most expensive rubber. That being said, ill take the NSX 10 times out of 10. The feedback is like a seeing a band in person at a small venue with great sound, vs hearing the cd from another room.

It appears to me from the 1st video, you are braking later than the cayman coming into corners. At around 1;40 you can see this as you begin to gain some ground in the turn but then have to lift to correct, meanwhile he's taken the "slow in fast out" approach, and begins to pull away. its possible working on your style to better match the cars strengths could gain you that pace you're after.

Please take my comment as it was intended, to help, not to criticize your driving. I admire anyone who takes their NSX to the racetrack.
I appreciate your comments.
It's a pity we can't get the Michelin Sport Cup 2's for our cars!
They are definitely worth 1 or 2 seconds faster per lap.
The Avon ZZR's are totally worthless in the wet...
I appreciate your comments.
It's a pity we can't get the Michelin Sport Cup 2's for our cars!
They are definitely worth 1 or 2 seconds faster per lap.
The Avon ZZR's are totally worthless in the wet...
I did :wink:
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