What is/was your college major?

I had a lot of friends who attended that school, which resulted in them being dropped from their other school. It was a good thing that I sucked at that game.

Haha...I know of at least three guys on my wing that either never graduated or took the seven year plan because of Starcraft and Civilization.

Thank God, I never even had a PC in college.
Thank God, I never even had a PC in college.

Can I get a hell yeah for computer labs, and the Brother word processor? :biggrin:


After 2 years in school I got a PC and it made my life so easy it felt like I wasn't even going to college anymore.


Incidentally, that is also about the time i first logged on to Prime...
BS in Accounting.

When I got out of school, I was getting job offers as a staff accountant with different firms for less than I was making at the auto parts store I'd worked at in college.......so I decided to stay in the automotive sector.

Glad I did :) . This year December, I'll have been in the automotive business for 20 years.
Still studying at University of Tennessee, Knoxville

BS in Mechanical Engineering.

I'd say if you're doing well in Poli Sci and don't feel you're up to snuff on the math to do engineering, stick with Poli Sci.
If I had to do it all over again, I might have chosen a different major just from the nature of what I'm seeing thus far, but I'm already a senior so there's no real turning back now.

If you like differential equations, the Fourier Series, and classes with no curves, great. If not, then you will enjoy your life more by having not picked engineering as a major haha.

I'm going to graduate and probably never use my degree, so I am quite biased because there's a decent living to be had from engineering. Just don't let the dollar signs make you get into something you hate. It sounds like you enjoy automation though so, eh? Do what you want.
Haha...I know of at least three guys on my wing that either never graduated or took the seven year plan because of Starcraft and Civilization.

All of my game playing in high school and college could have been more beneficial for my career than my classes.

Okay, maybe not...but I am still able to use "research" as a valid excuse to play games today. ;)

Of course, movie-going worked (and still works) too. :D

Funny thing is that I never found time to play Starcraft or Civilization. I might get the PS3 Civ (the demo was fun)...and SC2 certainly sounds enticing.
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B.S. in Electrical & Electronics Engineering in pursuit.

Will be done either this October or early spring. :biggrin:
BS: Information System/Business
Minor: Music Performance/Trumpet
Master: MBA Business Marketing

Half way drop out PHD: Political Science.
My heart is telling me Mechanical Engineering. Reality is telling me to move forward because I'm too far behind to catch up in my math classes to stick to the goals I've set for myself.

Is there a path I can take from say being a junior in Poli Sci to Mech Eng without falling too far behind? I need to transfer next fall. 1 year isn't enough time for me to catch up on the 4+ calculus classes I need to take for mechanical engineering. Math isn't hard, they just won't allow me to take more than 1 at a time since each class builds on each other.

What if I were to say enter as a Poli Sci or Global Studies major at the university but take calculus classes at the same time at the local college?

And what's the deal with the nuts in Santa Cruz? What's with the fire bombing? Kinda deters me from wanting to go to UC Santa Cruz
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My heart is telling me Mechanical Engineering. Reality is telling me to move forward because I'm too far behind to catch up in my math classes to stick to the goals I've set for myself.

Is there a path I can take from say being a junior in Poli Sci to Mech Eng without falling too far behind? I need to transfer next fall. 1 year isn't enough time for me to catch up on the 4+ calculus classes I need to take for mechanical engineering. Math isn't hard, they just won't allow me to take more than 1 at a time since each class builds on each other.

What if I were to say enter as a Poli Sci or Global Studies major at the university but take calculus classes at the same time at the local college?

And what's the deal with the nuts in Santa Cruz? What's with the fire bombing? Kinda deters me from wanting to go to UC Santa Cruz

David, I think the idea of math classes at a JC is excellent. Could you take a math class on line? Finish your degree, get employment, take classes to obtain your second degree. I taught evening classes at a number of colleges. It was fun for me, and the students were great.

Santa Cruz? You know they are nuts. Just like us in San Francisco.:biggrin:
I majored in Business Administration (Finance) and had a minor in economics.


University of Southern California
Yale University


Taking online classes at UCLA Extension for fun.
So what can I do with a political science or global studies degree???


My nephew went to school at George Town as a political science major. After graduation, he attended Harvard to get his law degree and become a political consultant for a DC advisory group. He then became an aid for an extremely well known, Senator, after that, he worked on the Bush election committee. When Bush was re-elected, my nephew became part of the White House committee. He now works at an international political consultant company on international politics and lives in London. He is in his perhaps mid 40’s and makes hudreds of thousands of dollars a year.

He is also a butthead.

For that type of thing you have to think about the right schools, the right connections, and the right times.

Don’t worry about your BA. As you know, I’ve worked in the business community for a number of years. I’ve hired hundreds of people. I really don’t care what your BA or BS is in. You really don’t learn that much in undergraduate school. Don’t slam me, because I’ve taught undergraduate and graduate courses for years at California State University – Northridge, University of California – Santa Barbara and Academy of Arts, San Francisco. All you do as an undergraduate student is repeat what someone told you.

I remember my first day in graduate school, my professor said, “Welcome to graduate programs, now you have the ability to think for yourselves and argue with us. ”From an employer’s point of view you have demonstrated the ability to stick to something for four years. You have demonstrated tenacity, and that's a great point of view.

The company you go to work for will teach you what you need to know.

Flame me now…
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You're spot on no flaming,I think the only schooling that would be most used directly for a profession would be the trades.
So what can I do with a political science or global studies degree???

Similar to Dtrigg's nephew, my sister was a political science major and then went to law school. After graduation she was hired by this major firm in silicon valley that dealt primarily with tech companies, and was pulling in a good 6 figure income. Not bad for a 1st job out of college. Her year-end/x'mas bonus last year was way more than what an average person would make an entire year. She's 28 right now.
Computer Science - Software Engineering

Hoping to be an Actuary though.
Similar to Dtrigg's nephew, my sister was a political science major and then went to law school. After graduation she was hired by this major firm in silicon valley that dealt primarily with tech companies, and was pulling in a good 6 figure income. Not bad for a 1st job out of college. Her year-end/x'mas bonus last year was way more than what an average person would make an entire year. She's 28 right now.

Wow.......... all that and I bet she's not single :tongue:

I hate taking the easy way out of things but I believe I'm going to follow the political science route for now and take the math and chem courses at the nearest community college at the same time. Sounds like I'll be building politically correct warheads when I'm done lol.
Wow.......... all that and I bet she's not single :tongue:

I hate taking the easy way out of things but I believe I'm going to follow the political science route for now and take the math and chem courses at the nearest community college at the same time. Sounds like I'll be building politically correct warheads when I'm done lol.

Sounds like a plan.

The higher math courses are ridiculously difficult, but it'll give you a good indicator in whether you want to pursue that route or not. :biggrin:
BA - Architecture worked as an Architect for 4 years....then
saw the movie "Wall Street"

went to get MBA now a Investment Banker......hoping to retire soon to pursue my real passion.....Architecture.

Reason that I switched from Architecture to Business was economics...Architect = low wages but had a lot of fun. Banking high wages but work like a slave with long hours...

So when I retire in a few years, I'm getting another German Shepard Dog and work out of my house as a free lance Architect...in San Francisco