What is APPLE planning?

Coolest thing about that entire keynote was the connectivity to the car. Tell me how Apple has negotiated with the largest car manufacturing companies, GM, Toyota, Honda etc. to have a button placed in the car that will fully integrate with the iphone voice command, phone book, siri and music!!

Imagine the next step which I am sure they already have in development, bluetooth transmission of your screen to the cars display ... map directions, internet, text, movies ... everything. They effectively just killed the Nav companies. You have turn by turn in the car which you can then take out with you when you park (NY, SF etc.) seamless. You have self-updating maps, no need to buy new DVD's etc. and what every nav is missing COMPLETE business listings etc.


I don't think there will be a Siri button. I think they will just allow you to map the call button in all cars with bt to access Siri when connected to an iPhone. It makes no sense to have a button for Siri when not everyone has an iPhone. Plus most of those companies use qnx.

Android included nav and didn't kill the nav market. Neither will this.

Many of the new car nav have access to all listings, but the monthly fees are crazy. I think it was like $20 a month on the new GS350.
Re: New MacBooks?

What's people's guesses on the new MacBooks -- supposedly will be announced June 11.

The Pro is supposed to be thinner (but not Air-thin) with a "retina" level display. That'd be cool, but I'll miss the ethernet port. Wireless is cool, but nothing beats the speed and reliability of plugging in.

When Apple deleted the floppy drive, people complain, when Apple came out with the first Ti Power Book, people said it was too hot to put on their lapps, when Apple came out with the iPhone, people said the screen is too small and is not worth the price....

Today, Apple is bigger than MS... Even without Jobs.

We know companies like that will force the consumer to accept certain features, or lack of it, because of their vision, or lack of. It may be a big deal three years ago without RJ45, today it is really not a big deal, unless you run a server and some kinda Internet biz out of home, than again, if that's what you have, what are you doing with a Macbook?
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The laptop is nice but you better have good eyes to see those tiny pixels. I have a 30" monitor with near that res and the text is tiny.

The OS is designed to scale to fit, so text should appear ultra sharp like it does on an iPhone 4/4S. All computers and devices will follow the high resolution trend going forward and IMO it'll have a fairly significant positive effect on screen usability.

Win8 has the same resolution independence built in: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/b8/archive/2012/03/21/scaling-to-different-screens.aspx
Re: New MacBooks?



I don't think there will be a Siri button. I think they will just allow you to map the call button in all cars with bt to access Siri when connected to an iPhone. It makes no sense to have a button for Siri when not everyone has an iPhone. Plus most of those companies use qnx.

Android included nav and didn't kill the nav market. Neither will this.

Many of the new car nav have access to all listings, but the monthly fees are crazy. I think it was like $20 a month on the new GS350.

I'm not talking about nav as turn by turn like on the Android platform. I am talking about Apple inking a deal with nearly every major auto manufacturer to integrate their device into the car. It specifically said "Siri" not "A button that would work with many devices including Siri". Why would Apple pen that deal?
Why wouldnt it eventually kill nav? Nav is DVD based and difficult to update. There was thoughts of putting a CDMA/GSM radio in cars but that would require a monthly subscription. Why not just mirror the iPhone to the screen? It gets rid of 99.9% of the limitations of DVD based Navigation. If the technology is implemented in all those manufacturers and it is touted as "Anything Siri can do" then its not just phone and nav ... its sending text and so on. The only next step would be a mirror to the screen.

Where was Ford? Absent because they have Sync with MS.
I'm not talking about nav as turn by turn like on the Android platform. I am talking about Apple inking a deal with nearly every major auto manufacturer to integrate their device into the car. It specifically said "Siri" not "A button that would work with many devices including Siri". Why would Apple pen that deal?
Why wouldnt it eventually kill nav? Nav is DVD based and difficult to update. There was thoughts of putting a CDMA/GSM radio in cars but that would require a monthly subscription. Why not just mirror the iPhone to the screen? It gets rid of 99.9% of the limitations of DVD based Navigation. If the technology is implemented in all those manufacturers and it is touted as "Anything Siri can do" then its not just phone and nav ... its sending text and so on. The only next step would be a mirror to the screen.

Where was Ford? Absent because they have Sync with MS.

Why won't it kill nav? Last time I checked Not everyone owns an iPhone, so I guess I don't get nav in my car unless I own an iPhone?:rolleyes:
Why won't it kill nav? Last time I checked Not everyone owns an iPhone, so I guess I don't get nav in my car unless I own an iPhone?:rolleyes:

Well, unless Apple introduces a Siri client for Android and Windows Phone. :tongue:
Good point. Maybe over time it will migrate to a method that can be utilized by many mobile platforms. Then again, if the major auto manufacturers are offering that kind of connectivity it will push many towards the Apple platform. Either way I still think that was the best announcement. Being able to view maps in the Hybrid system sat/road method will be bad ass on vehicle nav and there is no way that can be done without a cdma/gsm radio ... well ... unless a multiple bluray nav system is released which would be out of date in a day anyway due to the businesses alone nevermind the roads ... imagine updating that system :biggrin:

Why won't it kill nav? Last time I checked Not everyone owns an iPhone, so I guess I don't get nav in my car unless I own an iPhone?:rolleyes:
Good point. Maybe over time it will migrate to a method that can be utilized by many mobile platforms. Then again, if the major auto manufacturers are offering that kind of connectivity it will push many towards the Apple platform. Either way I still think that was the best announcement. Being able to view maps in the Hybrid system sat/road method will be bad ass on vehicle nav and there is no way that can be done without a cdma/gsm radio ... well ... unless a multiple bluray nav system is released which would be out of date in a day anyway due to the businesses alone nevermind the roads ... imagine updating that system :biggrin:

It is cool for sure. But there will be competition. Blackberry owns QNX. QNX is in 95% of cars. You can bet bb10 integration will be top notch. BB is also using tom tom for maps.

It is going to be interesting for sure.
It is cool for sure. But there will be competition. Blackberry owns QNX. QNX is in 95% of cars. You can bet bb10 integration will be top notch. BB is also using tom tom for maps.

It is going to be interesting for sure.

Blackberry? They will be lucky just to keep the doors open. RIM cannot be considered a serious smartphone player any longer.
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Jimbo a diehard Apple fanboi, but it is the height of naïveté to think that RIM/Blackberry has any future in this market.

85 million subscribers don't go away over night and windows phones haven't done well....EVER. Hell my ms friends use iPhones.

The war is far from over. But you are certainly entitled to your opinion.
85 million subscribers don't go away over night and windows phones haven't done well....EVER. Hell my ms friends use iPhones.

But your "ms friends" don't use Blackberrys.

I really can't imagine seeing somebody walk into a Verizon store, or an AT&T store, and look at all the shiny Android phones and iPhones, and then pick a Blackberry. The only ones using Blackberrys are people who are forced to by their IT departments (nothing else really approaches BES, still), or people who are too resistant to change -- they'll use Blackberrys until either it, or they, die.
I am very aware of your bias opinion jimbo.

It's not just my "biased" opinion. Just read any business magazine, newspaper or website - I doubt you'll find anyone who paints an upbeat, rosy future for RIM.

You chastised me long ago for saying RIM was in deep trouble and pooh-poohed every point I made about RIM. I am sorry for your relative that works there but the writing is on the wall. Perhaps, some company will acquire the company and some of the technology can live on. But, in all honesty, that's the best case scenario that I can see.

It's now between Apple iOS, Google Android and Windows Mobile.

PS: I did read that there is some sliver of short term hope for RIM/BB in third-world countries.
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Interesting point about the Retina Macs -- on first blush, I thought they were too expensive, and then I configured a regular 15", upgraded the memory to 8 GB, upgraded the screen to a high def one, and upgraded the spindle drive to an SSD -- and the price matched the $2199 of the Retina. Apple pricing is weird, but I'll probably be a buyer of the Retinas for my crew.
It depends which platform you are speaking of in terms of marketshare.
Computers, mobile devices, browsers etc.


Just a note about the market share numbers in that link. It groups ipad, iphone and ipod as one group. If you look at the market share numbers for smartphones specifically, it is very different landscape.
Just a note about the market share numbers in that link. It groups ipad, iphone and ipod as one group. If you look at the market share numbers for smartphones specifically, it is very different landscape.

I would assume that those numbers also group all Android devices as one group as well.

It also appears that Google's mobile search numbers are so good primarily because of their original deal with Apple. If Apple should completely cut the iOS ties to Google - like they just did with Maps - then that 91.7% number will plummet.

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Twitter and Facebook being built in, to me, is like saying 'we're now including spyware as a feature'. Idiotic.
I would rather my PC not spy on my work thank you.
I would assume that those numbers also group all Android devices as one group as well.

It also appears that Google's mobile search numbers are so good primarily because of their original deal with Apple. If Apple should completely cut the iOS ties to Google - like they just did with Maps - then that 91.7% number will plummet.


Why would you not group all android devices together? They all run android. If apple just makes on phone then that is up to them, meanwhile android will keep eating away at their market share. Kind of like windows did.
I can't stand Jimbo's fanboi Apple attitude, but I hate to say it, I agree with him on Blackberry relevance. They are still HUGE in Europe, but in the US they are dying. The only people I see with them are corporate IT customers of mine and many of those have moved away from BB. The ones that seem to be keeping it thus far are the people who travel globally.

But I think RIMM is so far behind in this game that they will never catch up. They have a niche market rather than mass appeal and it's slowly being nibbled away. I haven't used the new Windows OS but they don't appear to be doing well (nor have I met anybody with a new Windows phone) and I really have to question Nokia's decisions in going down the Windows path (sure to solicit anti-MSFT Elop comments)