What is an impact of a parking ticket


Legendary Member
17 April 2000
Northern VA
This makes me mad. The village where I live at requires a sticker shown in order to park. Strange because I pay to live where I stay and I pay tax, but anyway that's that. Anyway, I got a parking ticket two days in a row while I was away for failing to display village sticker, which makes me mad even more.

My question is this:
What is an effect of having multiple parking ticket in your record? At this moment I have 3 of them(too lazy to get the village sticker). It says that if I don't pay within the posted date, I'll get a complaint filed against me in the circuit court of the county I live in. The first ticket I got is way past the due date for paying.(I was way too busy with work) so what does this all mean? It really makes me mad and I don't feel like paying for them if there isn't big enough consequence...I guess it can be a lost cause.
I know of someone who was jailed for non payment of parking fines. Also a school or college will withhold your degree if you don't pay up.