what does your nick stand for?

Beautiful Light Unique Elegant

KOOSOKU Nimble Intelligent Gorgeous Honda Titanium

the qualities that define the NSX
japnese for 'high speed' maybe? its handy having ni-ju nihonjin sensei's around :P although they werent to sure of the word either!
yokatta desu ne....nihongo ga joozu desu yo...

bingo...u got it.

i assume you're in japan now?
Journeying Positronic Sabotage and Exploration Unit/Robotic Organism Programmed for Assassination

OK...that's Scary:eek:
Had to break down my Litesokneecough name into two, so:

Litesoknee = Lifeform Intended for Troubleshooting and Efficient Sabotage/Obedient Killing and Nocturnal Exploration Entity

Cough = Cybernetic Obedient Unit Generated for Harm

Litesokneecough = Lifeform Intended for Troubleshooting and Efficient Sabotage/Obedient Killing and Nocturnal Exploration Entity Cybernetic Obedient Unit Generated for Harm :eek:
D.R.L.A.N.E.: Digital Robotic Lifeform Assembled for Nocturnal Exploration
blue knight wrote;

"yokatta desu ne....nihongo ga joozu desu yo...

bingo...u got it.

i assume you're in japan now?"

iie, watashi no nihongo bocce bocce desu!

Yes, im in japan now ;)