What does NSXPrime.com membership mean to me?

Good point. I haven't uploaded pictures to prime for a long time.
Why? You have to resize pics. Even then my space is nearly used up.
I know that disc space is expensive. One cool feature I know from a local auction website is the automatic resizing of pics. You can load up in any size you have, it's accepted. No more manually (or with a picture size reducer software). Not sure but I guess eB and other plattforms has that feature too. Would be nice to have.

I don't need to change photo size...just upload from my PC ..pics come from my Samsung 10.

I upload all my pictures to Imgur, insert image from URL on Prime's "Go Advanced" window, paste link to pic, and uncheck the box. Never had issues with inserting images or people being able to see them.

The only rub being I'm not sure if Imgur will keep letting me upload 1000+ images to my personal account for basically free storage, I have made some public posts so maybe that makes up for it. If it goes Photobucket then I'd be in a bad way, lol. YMMV I guess.

I've used the direct upload feature (especially through Tapatalk) to attach images directly. For my FS posts I use Imgur (that way if it goes photobucket who cares), and for my Build Thread I use Google Photos/Drive which is changing in June from unlimited storage to 15GB.

The struggle with hosting the photos ourselves on Prime is the storage issue. I'm trying to set us up with a scalable hosting service so that if we start to see photos eating up space we can just add disk space but that will obviously come with a cost. The forum update should make the uploading of photos easier

Back when I was involved in flight simulator forums (college and law school- it's where "Honcho" comes from lol), our forum had the ability to auto-scale any uploaded image into a 800x600 resolution jpeg at like medium quality- ended up being about a 50 to 100kb size pic. It was great- all you needed to do was click the insert photo button like we have here and, as long as it was a jpeg, it would re-scale it and put in in your post at the cursor position. This was like 1999 and 2000, so we have to be able to do that here in 2020!
Back when I was involved in flight simulator forums (college and law school- it's where "Honcho" comes from lol), our forum had the ability to auto-scale any uploaded image into a 800x600 resolution jpeg at like medium quality- ended up being about a 50 to 100kb size pic. It was great- all you needed to do was click the insert photo button like we have here and, as long as it was a jpeg, it would re-scale it and put in in your post at the cursor position. This was like 1999 and 2000, so we have to be able to do that here in 2020!

I haven't gotten into the backend of our forum yet but my guess is two things are happening. Autoscaling is probably already in place but the issue is we are all uploading photos from our phones these days and these photos are MASSIVE so chances are things aren't uploading because the source image is outside the allowable maximum megapixel size that the forum configuration allows. Once I can get into the configuration I'll look to see if I can change that right away but then when we upgrade to a new forum software I will make sure that the maximum allowable megapixel size is set high enough that everything will come in and then the system will autoscale it down to kB from the 5-10MB that newer HDR photos usually are.
I guess going on 19 years here, I never thought there would ever come a time that Prime would not exist!
I’m certainly guilty of taking this amazing resource for granted and not staying online to participate here
as much as I should to support it. This is certainly an invaluable resource not only for us old timers but for
many generations to come that may need to repair, source parts, modify and purchase NSX’s / Gen1 or Gen2.

I will certainly do my part with the masses here to support in any way possible to keep this up and running.
I look forward to the solution and am here to support it!

Love this place!!!
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My NSX ownership and membership on NSX Prime's forums go hand in hand...not sure how I could have had one without the other over the past twenty years. And my slowdown on visiting Prime directly corresponds with the uptick in my Facebook usage.

Facebook has long since replaced online forums and e-mail as my primary method for communicating period, but I really don't think Facebook Groups will ever work as a resource. It works great for immediate communication and photo sharing, but is horrible for searching and categorizing content. And it doesn't help that there are probably a dozen NSX Groups on Facebook as any post that would remotely benefit the whole community gets divided or reposted. The frequency of redundant posts just adds to the noise (I've had to turn off notifications on nearly every Facebook group I have ever joined).

I remember when we used to complain here that people didn't use the search feature before posting. Well, that's NEVER going to happen on Facebook and our previously voiced problems here seem minor by comparison.

As for photo sharing here, I exhausted my allotment on Prime back in the early days, so I started to share links to my image hosting services...links that broke when I migrated to other services. I then started hand-editing URLs to embed specific size images from my domain (which got harder to do when I started attempting to protect my photos on my website), but those URLs easily break when I reorganize the photos on my site (which I have been known to do from time to time). And, after a time, the forum prevents me from editing a post, so the links remain broken. So I largely stopped sharing photos here...or, if I did, I would just post a link to a gallery (and sometimes those galleries wouldn't go up until many months after an event). With Facebook, I just upload photos I've processed directly on my phone without giving them much thought. Sure FB compresses them to crap, but there's no need to resize, nor do we ever worry about running out of space. I don't see how forums can compete with that...
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It’s unfortunate that the new NSX didn’t spawn much interest in NSX Prime. It is what I had pinned my hopes on. I’m sure others thought similarly.

Out of the box idea: Is it possible to migrate Prime into a subsection of a larger Acura/Honda forum?

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Out of the box idea: Is it possible to migrate Prime into a subsection of a larger Acura/Honda forum?

Acurazine is the largest Acura forum. It has had a NSX (separate gen 1 and gen 2) section for over 15 years, and it’s pretty dead. I’m often the only person posting there, and in fact I haven’t posted on that part of the forum in ages. Disclaimer: I’m a moderator over there, and I do participate in that way. That forum has always been completely free, has been corporate owned by Internet Brands for some years now.

Anyway, sure I’d love to have the NSX forum at Acurazine busier, but transferring NSX Prime over there is a massive task...one that will cost money. In that circumstance, IB would probably simply buy Prime and that would be that.
There's no reason Prime has to "fail".... The car is the reason for it to live. It (the car) is unique and so is Prime. As long as there are NSX's in garages across the globe there will be users here.
Look at The Gullwing Group... Fewer 300SL gullwings were built than NSXs and yet their forum rolls on... and on... and on.
I'm approaching my 79th birthday and I daily oogle my NSX and though it's not driven much these (COVID) days, it is an important part of my present as well as past. Cars have been a huge part of my life (see my profile)....
Will I still own my NSX in a couple of years? Who knows. .... But I will be here, on Prime, daily.
Juice is back.....break out the strontium 90.....
I refuse to join any social media platform so if this forum goes. Im on my own. Ill have no way to get help/ advice from fellow NC1 owners... all 7 of us...

1) Is there any official word of Prime shutting down or is this all speculation?
2) It doesn't cost that much to run/host a website, especially one with dwindling usage.
3) NSXCA should step up and acquire Prime, they don't have a forum and this makes the most sense. I'm sure something can be negotiated.
4) If this site is ever for sale, I'd be interested in buying.
It’s unfortunate that the new NSX didn’t spawn much interest in NSX Prime. It is what I had pinned my hopes on. I’m sure others thought similarly.

Out of the box idea: Is it possible to migrate Prime into a subsection of a larger Acura/Honda forum?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

All forums have seen the downward tick in users, so it might be pointless to do that.
Okay, how many of you were like me while reading this thread had to restrain the urge to click a LIKE button on some of these replies? Ha Ha.

I've been financially supporting this forum from the day I checked it out to learn what to look for when buying an NSX. I'm on my second NSX and both cars were found and purchased through this forum. Over the years, I have been able to put faces to screen names and some of you are among my close friends. When I started my build on the Orange Unicorn, I used the forum to see what pitfalls many have had in their builds so as to avoid having the same issues. But, the image posting problem has kept me from posting my build on NSX Prime. Facebook is great for keeping in touch with my NSX friends around the world and get quick answers to important situations, for example, finding a second gear that was on indefinite back order and synchro's 1 week before my cross country trip to NSXPO Wash. D.C. and the associated track days. The NSX family is amazing. But, most of those folks who offered to help I had met on this forum. NSX Prime is vital to getting new owner's into our wonderful cult as it did for me almost 10 years ago by giving me the information I needed to get the right car. Plus, It was so entertaining. I mean who could possibly forget the Tamoske thread among others. I miss those days. However, it's all of the detailed information about our cars that is irreplaceable. If that's lost I think we're lost.

BTW, another major problem with the site that needs to be fixed is that it seems to log you out every time you try to change pages.
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1) Is there any official word of Prime shutting down or is this all speculation?
2) It doesn't cost that much to run/host a website, especially one with dwindling usage.
3) NSXCA should step up and acquire Prime, they don't have a forum and this makes the most sense. I'm sure something can be negotiated.
4) If this site is ever for sale, I'd be interested in buying.

1) Prime is not shutting down it's just stagnant and needs to be refreshed which we are working with Lud to do
2) It actually costs "more" if you consider that with lower traffic rates and the lack of SSL is actually hurting the ad revenue stream
3) Prime has no intentions of being acquired by NSXCA
4) Prime will not be put up for sale
1) Is there any official word of Prime shutting down or is this all speculation?
2) It doesn't cost that much to run/host a website, especially one with dwindling usage.
3) NSXCA should step up and acquire Prime, they don't have a forum and this makes the most sense. I'm sure something can be negotiated.
4) If this site is ever for sale, I'd be interested in buying.

To echo Spencer, no, NSX Prime is not shutting down and is not for sale. One of the benefits of this site is that while we maintain good relationships with all of the NSX orgs around the world (and several have sub-forums here for this purpose), Prime is unaffiliated and independent. We intend to keep it that way.
I "owned" prime for a month one glorious April.....I could not handle the special requests....
Just a thought but another way to generate some prime bucks may be to have folks sitting on old or new parts swag ect. sell them, but the proceeds go to prime...kinda like our nsxpo silent auctions...
I'll chip in here. I have been a member of prime ever since before I even considered an NSX. It is a great resource with troves of information which is very helpful to users. From my supercharger rebuild to spare parts I never thought I'd need- it's a great distraction from life and a good place to learn about the NSX platform.

That being said, the demographic is certainly changing. As NSX's change hands from first/second owners to fourth/fifth owners, people are younger and come from a different "generation". I am referring to a certain M word here but I am sure you have all heard it. They desire instant gratification and can sometimes transition in and out of ownership just as quickly. On the forums, if you wanted to figure out how to figure out why your car wasn't starting or why the brake light won't go off, you could search and get 5 or 6 viable answers without making a single post. While this is great, it keeps the content pretty stagnant. On facebook, no one would ever both searching. It's easier to just take a picture of the problem and ask a generic question, no matter how silly it would be. Sure you may get a few people scolding you for not searching, but someone will eventually pitch in a loose factoid which will get you what you need. Buying/selling is also much quicker on facebook. A couple of years ago I was looking for a motor mount and had one within the day. You get a lot more foot traffic from all the people glued to their phones. I am sure we can all agree the media hosting is way better and easier on Facebook. It even comes with built in messenging and a payment system.

So is prime worth keeping around? I would say so, especially with the crowd we have here. I had suggested using another open source platform like discourse. I also like Lotustalk forums, even though they probably have a similar crowd I feel it's set up perfectly for what they have. It doesn't look dated at all. I digress- Maybe something like a big migration is not feasible, but there are a few things I think we can change to make the forums better. It just takes some volunteers to field the lowest hanging fruit and tackle them. Things like: getting rid of the superfluous subforums, getting an up to date spam blocker so moderators don't waste time trying to be gatekeepers, making paid membership more prominent so that we don't have a need for so many ads, and fixing the media/image uploading system. We can easily buy many more painless years just by maintaining the status quo.

Lastly I think I'd like to state the obvious that people make the forum here. While facebook is fun to browse, the 'crowd' is just not the same. You can see the animosity in the recent posts about NSXCA stuff. Yes, forums can have drama too. However, I know there are a lot of lurkers who come here just to kill time and check out the parts-for-sale ads. If we don't expand our userbase and motivate the lurkers to post something- anything, then prime will continue to age as it has been the last few years.
[MENTION=31854]furinax[/MENTION] , I agree that the FB NSXCA drama (all from 1-2 people) is getting old.

Speaking of FB again, I do have another small idea for this forum. Adding “likes” or “thanks” would be nice.

Before you roll your eyes up at me, hear me out. It’s a good option for interaction without a full post.

Sometimes I just want to acknowledge without posting. That’s it. All the other forums I’m on have done this for years, and in many cases, before Facebook came along. It’s not just a “M-word” (LOL) thing, I’m Gen X olderish.
I think the effort to maintain NSX Prime are worthy of support by the members. I rarely sold much in the Market Place section of the site, but always felt the need to kick in a little donation afterwards. If there is a report on what annual costs are incurred to keep this site going, I'd be glad to kick in an annual fee just to know the resource is still alive (and not freeze-dried).
haha NSX Prime=sanka

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