What a Day!

26 August 2008
New Jersey
who else took their nsx out after a couple months of hibernation? i didnt even have to wear a jacket!

i finally got to change my oil also. today reminded me the feeling of getting stared at which my tl-s doesnt get :biggrin:
With potholes so big you can get lost in them if you take a wrong turn.....................not me.
And today........snow flurries.
Had mine out both days. Earlier in the week found the local roads with no potholes. Best thing about NSX, you can spot most potholes easier than with any other vehicle.

Washed the underside yesterday and put it away again. It was worth the effort. :biggrin:
Too early yet, way too many pot holes. There is also a ton of melting snow near me so there is a lot of water run off. Soon enough though! :cool:
I'm finaly getting my car back from El presidente tomorow weather permitting.
I took her out yesterday for a nice 20 mile run. It felt great to be behind the wheel again! I can't wait to be able to take the top off!