WET vs DRY Nitrous setup (whats safer/est or better)

16 May 2004
Currently in the Middle East
Ok, so I see all these threads and read magazines about dry and wet nitrous set ups. Maybe I should start with;

what's the difference in how they work:confused: ?

which is safer/safest:rolleyes: ?

which will save your engine life in the end:rolleyes: ?

which setup gives you the most bang for your buck:wink: ?

And overall, this question is for the experts or prior "juice" users, WHICH WOULD YOU CHOOSE AND WHY?

PLEASE DONT respond with, I wouldn't choose either or I wouldn't do it. I'm asking the guys who have used it in the past and would recommend it..."PRO NOS"....:biggrin: LOL

I know BAD CARMA, I believe is his name, specifically sets up Nitrous kits for the NSX and knows quite a bit. However it seems very hard to get ahold of him due to his health problems and being in the hospital frequently. Thoughts go out for him, but I just need some questions answered. And many prior users/addicts opinions, I would like to hear.

I want a smart setup IF I DO IT!

*cuts on an off by itself at an engagement point of safety
*easy to turn on from the cab
*semi hidden from others
*safe for my engine

Anything else I should be concerned with?
A wet kit means it injects fuel in addition to the nitrous, which prevents the mixture from becoming too lean. Dry means it is just nitrous that is injected. Im pretty sure wet is the way to go, but is usually more expensive.
That said I have never used nitrous and am not an expert.
I use a wet kit as I think it is safer to supply the added fuel necessary. If you are going with an AEM, you could use either because you could setup the aem to add the needed fuel. That being said, I would go with wet.
:biggrin: Thanks fellas keep it comin'....prior/present juice users, any set up you prefer?...for safetyness etc...

Bueler, Bueler, Bueler.....:biggrin:
btcog82 said:
I want a smart setup IF I DO IT!

*cuts on an off by itself at an engagement point of safety
*easy to turn on from the cab
*semi hidden from others
*safe for my engine

Anything else I should be concerned with?

Any suggestions? Also, should I use bigger injectors, engine management?
Both HANDS DOWN dependant on the application....yes I still live!
before you speak about dry setups remember like nsxlover said the fuel IS added via the stock injectors which bump up fuel delivery on activation, as for wet I agree it is correct for high level setups that deliver above a hundred. their are issues with both types of setups but the good news is that with a correct install and an end user that is savvy to the no no's of either type it all comes down to preference. it is akin to the turbo vs. SC mentality.both deliver the goods but its up to the end user to be familar with their chosen setup. both have thier place so spray safe and dont sweat the small stuff. if you chose either wet or dry and it works for you then you will swear by the injection method you choose.if you F-UP you will swear off all forms of n20 or 'other' forms of forced induction if you have a 'glitch'.anyone see my point? wet ,dry,turbo,sc which is better which will keep my motor safe...I am so tired of it all.it has been hashed and rehashed so many times in this forum.USE THE SEARCH FEATURE,YOU WILL BE amazed at the content available to you,enough to fill several volumes. lastly DONT go the easy path,put in your time and educate your self on the setup you are leaning towards and dig in deep.I am no longer going to spoon feed those that can feed themselves.I think everyone knows my point about spray I like it I think it is safe with a correct setup the only issue I really tire of is the hp wars.
you want to go really fast...how thick is your wallet. blow an engine build a new one,trash a tranny see blow an engine,you all want to go fast fast with ZERO RISK...zero risk does not apply to racing get it?
BTW I aware of you that understand the risk and this is not pointed at you,
you know who you are' its all the guys that want the speed rush with no risk to themselves or thier car.
WET VS. DRY WHICH IS SAFER...The install that is done correct and then dynoed right at completion,the setup that is UNDERSTOOD BY THE END USER!the wet or dry that is maintained by the end user.
YOU tell me which is better and why and what you plan to use it for hence your decision. which is better wet or dry?
Best Regards David
...blink:eek:, blink:eek:,

I feel like Ms. Poppins just got slapped by the children's father at the dinner table with a dozen children watching.:eek:


Are you still building set-ups or what? No offense, but everytime I speak with you (via; [email protected]), you tell me you'll get back with me with a kit and prices and I never hear from you again. I know everyone gets busy though and things come up. I would appreciate the help in an expert set up.

aka; "Sarge"
Sarge, first I know its you,second I was not directing that rant at you but all the folks. it did come across a tad harsh now that Ive reread it. I meant to cause people to think about this instead I sound like the angry school teacher, SORRY GUYS but I dont retract what I said..meant every word ,I am sorry for HOW I said it.
Sarge ive got just the kit for you I think we will make yours wet...I will tell you why soon
best regards david

:biggrin: NO THIN SKIN HERE:biggrin: :wink:

Let me know something as soon as you know something, so I can let my mech know something...that way I'll put you and him in direct "kahoots" and get this party started on my NSX...SOON?!

Thanks again for the wake up call David! But, I do like being spoon-fed by a professional:wink: