Well for all you not happy with the NSX's styling

I just came back from the NYC show; my first time seeing the new NSX in person. Hearing the adjective 'elegant' when used to describe the styling objective caused me concern too. (props to turbo2go). Frankly, the car just doesn't have that...pop! It's nice and all that, and if you look at it as an attempt to be an elegant sports car, in term's of the gentlemen driver in a tux leaving the country club and in the mood to mix it up with the sports car crown then, I guess it's OKAY. But I saw the original NSX as a high performance vehicle with the design theme that declared that in elegant yet definitive terms. Elegance was secondary to the high performance theme. I think that most members of Prime would subscribe to the high performance styling statement, and JoseJA1979 i agree with you, the red version is more in line with that my idea. I am interested in purchasing the new NSX, For all of my adult life I have had the strong dislike of GM cars. But on this day I was actually wondering about trying a corvette....;0/