Was there an NSX get-together at lunch in Houston on 10-30?

23 March 2005
St. Louis, MO
Just wondering if some of you guys got together for lunch in Houston today. A friend of mine is down there working (at least I think he's in Houston) and said he saw about 20 NSX's at lunch today. Obviously a rare site no matter where you're at. If you guys did get together, any pics? I thought it'd be funny if I could send him some pics, I'm sure he'd be shocked if I was actually able to track them down.:biggrin:
No way he saw 20 in H-town on 10-30! Sorry. Hell, We had an organized event in Austin with quite a few Houston NSX's and only had maybe 20.
Three of us got together yesterday evening. And four of us got together Friday afternoon to make the drive from Houston to Austin. But 20 NSX'es, on a Tuesday, at lunch time(while many of us are at work?) doesn't make a whole lotta sense.

I don't think there are many other NSX's around that meet that I don't know about.

Wait, are you guys having meets behind my back??? It's all starting to make sense now! :eek: :tongue:
Nick and Jeff came over yesterday to swap out exhausts. Jeff ended up buying the BEAST that was on Nicks car and Nick put the Comptech back onto his car.

While we were there, I tried swapping my OEM Honda engine manifold cover for Nick's ugly plain black box looking one, but that's was a no go. :biggrin:
Oh, and on a side note (sorry, off topic), when I was under Nick's car, I noticed there was a serious exhaust leak. The shop that installed the test pipes and the GT One exhaust completely forgot to connect the test pipes to the connecting pipe from the headers. I mean, completely forgot, there was only one bolt barely hanging on and one was missing completely. May have fallen out already or the shop just forgot to put it back in.

This lead us to better understand the sound that Nick's car was making during the Austin trip. Once we mounted the GT One to Jeff's car, the exhaust sounded 100x's better. Much cleaner pitch.

It's unfortunate that GT One paid this shop to install this exhaust so Nick could demo the exhaust at NSteXpo for numerous NSXer's, and they failed to install it properly, and in turn misrepresented the exhaust sound for the demo.

Although it does not help much, when installed properly, the GT One exhaust sounds amazing! When Jeff took it down the street, Nick, Henry, and I stood there with our jaws dropped as we could hear the exhaust really sing while hitting vtec. Amazing what one bolt can do!
So why did Nick take it off? Are ya'll letting everyone try it. Whens my turn.:wink: Seriously, why it come off?:smile:
Nick didn't like the sound the exhaust was making. It was clearly making an unusual sound. Nick and GT One took a look underneath the car, but everything was in order. Once I lifted the car, and looked further past the exhaust flanges, past the test pipes, we could see what was missing.

After the exhaust was sold and mounted to Jeff's car, Nick was kicking himself. But, we live and we learn. GT One will be getting more in, in a few weeks from what I understand.

When properly mounted, the exhaust is still loud. But not obnoxious. In the higher RPM's, the exhaust made a very clean pitch that is reminiscence of F1!

As for the version, I think it was 2 or 3. I forget, but the other version is almost the same, but slightly louder, so I was told.
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I just installed Taitec's GTLW and it is "OK" i guess. Not quite what I was shooting for but still a bargain at a grand shipped plus it weighs nothing. Henry has one like Matt's but stainless for around $700 picked up. I'd like to hear one then decide.
I just installed Taitec's GTLW and it is "OK" i guess. Not quite what I was shooting for but still a bargain at a grand shipped plus it weighs nothing. Henry has one like Matt's but stainless for around $700 picked up. I'd like to hear one then decide.

Henry Matt what?!!? Who what where.....I called dibs! I'm craving a new exhaust after hearing all these different ones at TeXpo! :biggrin:

It was Version 5.1

Version 2, 3, ........ 5.1, same thing. :)
PM Henry, he had one in his garage when I picked up the wheels. he said it was like Matt's less the all the titanium. Sweet deal. I want to say V-2. I had a serious hard on going with all the neat stuff he has for sale.:redface:
Ok guys, I got my facts completely screwed up.

It was Austin, TX, not Houston, TX.
It was Sunday, not Tuesday.

He said he saw the cars at Oasis Restaurant at lunchtime.

Apparently it was the group in question. Sounded like a great time. Wish we could do something similar more often in St. Louis, but there doesn't appear to be much of a ringleader in the group.
Drive down for the spring version of NSX Craze!!! :wink:

With Luis behind the helm it will be a blast....trust me!:biggrin: :biggrin:

Ok guys, I got my facts completely screwed up.

It was Austin, TX, not Houston, TX.
It was Sunday, not Tuesday.

He said he saw the cars at Oasis Restaurant at lunchtime.

Apparently it was the group in question. Sounded like a great time. Wish we could do something similar more often in St. Louis, but there doesn't appear to be much of a ringleader in the group.
Ok guys, I got my facts completely screwed up.

It was Austin, TX, not Houston, TX.
It was Sunday, not Tuesday.

He said he saw the cars at Oasis Restaurant at lunchtime.

Apparently it was the group in question. Sounded like a great time. Wish we could do something similar more often in St. Louis, but there doesn't appear to be much of a ringleader in the group.

Heres a shot at the Oasis
Nick didn't like the sound the exhaust was making. It was clearly making an unusual sound. Nick and GT One took a look underneath the car, but everything was in order. Once I lifted the car, and looked further past the exhaust flanges, past the test pipes, we could see what was missing.

After the exhaust was sold and mounted to Jeff's car, Nick was kicking himself. But, we live and we learn. GT One will be getting more in, in a few weeks from what I understand.

When properly mounted, the exhaust is still loud. But not obnoxious. In the higher RPM's, the exhaust made a very clean pitch that is reminiscence of F1!

As for the version, I think it was 2 or 3. I forget, but the other version is almost the same, but slightly louder, so I was told.
Z, Thanks for the post . I felt really sick when I saw the pipe was missing one bolt, also more than 17 NSX owners heard that messed up exhaust note.