WARNING .. Comptech Exhaust on EBAY

23 October 2000
Saint Augustine, FL
I have been looking at this comptech exhuast on ebay that was pointed out in another thread. There was no picture when I looked at it, but now there is. Lud has pointed out the exhaust in the picture in not the NSX exhaust.

I called comptech and they pulled up the site and they said that was not their current exhaust.

I emailed the seller twice, but with no repsonse.

Just a heads up.

I don't know if they are legit or not, but so far, seems not.

Ebay Exhaust below:

From comptechs site:

Last edited:

I asked comptech if it was an earlier version or if it was a newer version since they dropped the price by like 300 bucks. He said the picture on the website is the newest exhaust.

They do look close, but the muffler is much smaller in the EBAY picture.
92NSX said:
Wonder why seller won't respond though. :confused:

Well, he replied.. and told me he didnt know what item i was talking about... the item number is in the email subject line :mad:

Anyway.. i told him, and he has not wrote back in 2 days. So I am avoiding this guy -- i suggest anyone else do the same.
Humm... looks like its upside down on Ebay pic... :rolleyes:

or could be an older version of that exhaust.:confused: