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Waiting for Prospeed turbo kit

It is 30 October 2009 now and i still have a tracking number! Vendor still cant confirm when the rest of the turbo kit will be shipped despite extending shipping for 6 times!
I have received the first shipment for some parts of this turbo kit. I am still waiting for the rest of the parts to arrive to begin installation.
I am still waiting for my kit!! Seller told me it was shipped on 3 but it is still not here yet. IT has been 3 months even though he promised me delivery in 2 to 3 weeks.
Re: Prospeed NSX Turbo Kit

I have just received second shipment of this kit but some parts are missing (oil breather kit/ oil catchment tank and aem methanol injection kit)! I have yet to verify if there is any other missing parts.

I didnt get all the parts that i paid for. E.g. paid for aem boost solenoid but got other brand instead. paid for 3 bar map sensor but got a 4 bar instead. Paid for new gt35r turbo but got a used gt whatever turbo instead (albeit with discount - but that is not what i wanted).

I was promised delivery in 2 to 3 weeks. But after 3 months i still havent got all the parts yet!:mad::frown:
Re: Prospeed NSX Turbo Kit

I have just received second shipment of this kit but some parts are missing (oil breather kit/ oil catchment tank and aem methanol injection kit)! I have yet to verify if there is any other missing parts.

I didnt get all the parts that i paid for. E.g. paid for aem boost solenoid but got other brand instead. paid for 3 bar map sensor but got a 4 bar instead. Paid for new gt35r turbo but got a used gt whatever turbo instead (albeit with discount - but that is not what i wanted).

I was promised delivery in 2 to 3 weeks. But after 3 months i still havent got all the parts yet!:mad::frown:

I'm pretty sure I included the oil breather kit. I will double check to make sure for you. As far as the turbo and the AEM meth kit it was given to you for FREE just to be clear. Both valued at a little over $1200.I felt bad for the lost time so I gave it for free. The boost solenoid is exactly the same as the AEM solenoid. AEM just puts their sticker on it. It is identical in every way. The 3 bar and 4 bar map sensor will work just the same with the 4 bar allowing you to boost more. Thats it. You received a credit for the gt35r because I couldn't get the turbo to you in time for shipment. The "whatever" turbo was free and is a Garrett T40S turbo. I had to order a larger nozzle for your AEM meth kit to support the power you plan on making. It will be sent out to you for free of course as soon as it arrives.
Re: Prospeed NSX Turbo Kit

The problem with you is there is always a problem (but it is never your fault). You told me that the AEM methanol injection kit is ready to be shipped. You told me that you will ship it together with the oil catch tank in the second shipment but both are not shipped! And you did not even bother to inform me that it was not shipped!

When are you going to ship it to me? Is it going to take another 3 months? I dont need a bigger nozzle. Just ship it out to me and stop giving excuses.

BTW when is the flange for gt35R ready? :mad:
I dealt with Brian on a set of OEM wheels where told me there shipped and could never provide a tracking number and always had an excuse why he never had it .... when I finally received one they were shipped that day.. why lie?

It too bad you sent him that kind of money... Too many so called venders on Prime promise the world and look like fools when people like you show the world your experience ....
The seller did not seller did not ship me the NGK colder spark plugs which are supposed to come as standard for the turbo kit which i bought. :mad:

Furthermore the installation manual which is supposed to be part of the kit is missing too. According to the seller the installation manual does not exist at the moment despite his representation to the world that it is part of the turbo kit in his marketing material posted on his Prospeed Turbo Kit Thread. The seller claims that he is still in the process of "finalising" and finishing the installation kit. FYI the seller has repeatedly promised me that i will get the manual before i get my kit. It has been a few months since he first promised me the installation and he is still finalising and finishing his manual - whatever that means:mad:
I have to say that firstly, I was considering the high flow cats, but seeing the way the UK group buy went (16 months wait) I had hold back on that. Secondly, the kit "looks" good and I'd like to consider one but going by this thread again I think it's safer not to.....

I really think the empty promises are doing the vendor no good in the long run. I know there are two sides to every story but I am in the UK and know what went on with the Cats....

It doesn't matter about blaming fabricators etc etc, you've got to have a contingency in place to deal with these situations.....It should not be a case of paying everything up front then having to resort to begging for what is rightly yours.....
The seller did not seller did not ship me the NGK colder spark plugs which are supposed to come as standard for the turbo kit which i bought. :mad:

Furthermore the installation manual which is supposed to be part of the kit is missing too. According to the seller the installation manual does not exist at the moment despite his representation to the world that it is part of the turbo kit in his marketing material posted on his Prospeed Turbo Kit Thread. The seller claims that he is still in the process of "finalising" and finishing the installation kit. FYI the seller has repeatedly promised me that i will get the manual before i get my kit. It has been a few months since he first promised me the installation and he is still finalising and finishing his manual - whatever that means:mad:

I forgot to ship you 6 ngk plugs. I'm sorry for that but that doesn't give you the right to insult, curse, call me names on the phone or through emails. Throughout the process i've tried to get the manual completed (finishing the text) before you received the turbo kit but I had a family member in the hospital that I am tending to. Also putting in a claim on paypal to get your money back when you have received the parts is not cool. I already informed you that I can have the aem kit and breather tank to you next week when I get back into town. I will not put up with the cursing and insults period.


You never told me you felt that way. You should have told me directly about it. Sorry you feel that way. Why wait over a year and half to say something?
I forgot to ship you 6 ngk plugs. I'm sorry for that but that doesn't give you the right to insult, curse, call me names on the phone or through emails. Throughout the process i've tried to get the manual completed (finishing the text) before you received the turbo kit but I had a family member in the hospital that I am tending to. Also putting in a claim on paypal to get your money back when you have received the parts is not cool. I already informed you that I can have the aem kit and breather tank to you next week when I get back into town. I will not put up with the cursing and insults period.


You never told me you felt that way. You should have told me directly about it. Sorry you feel that way. Why wait over a year and half to say something?

Quite, why should the UKGB wait almost a year and a half for you to do something??? It works both ways....you had all the money upfront for over a year with no product. Can you see what I'm saying??? That's the end of my chiming in...
As a vendor you should know what to expect from angry primers that have sent money on a product, that has been advertised, to end up with excuses for not keeping their end of the deal.

There have been TOOO many vendors that have had empty promises, then only to complain that they have been cursed out and threatened:confused:. I don't believe in keyboard threats, but i would be pissed if i spent hours drooling over the pics of a KIT that was supposed to be ready, only to find i had to wait for parts:confused:, after i sent the payment requested. Would you be pissed if i asked for a kit and said, "hey i'll send payment after i put it on and everything is cool.":biggrin:

I'm not trying to bash here, but after the dyno videos and pics, the kit stellar pictures, and the other testimonials, to find out that you are giving him the parts from your own car is a dissapointment. Honorable that you are giving him the kit from your car, but it raises some doubt about spending money with you.

I sincerely hope you get everything going in your favor for the kit very soon.:smile: With the affordable prices of turbo kits and tuning
becoming easier, lots of nsx owners don't have to window shop anymore.:smile: Please don't take my post as offensive, but a little reality for those of us who are watching behind the fence.
Wow, what a mess. Let me qualify myself by saying I don't know either party and have not had any dealings with either party.

Prospeed, are you really playing the role of victim here due to being insulted and cussed at after taking a person's money and not providing the product for months on end? It is one thing to make promises and not keep them, after all things do happen. However, after making the mistake of making a promise of delivery times, you did it again and again. You may make a great kit, but that speaks of incompetence as a business person. You are promising something you have no control over, and do it repeatedly. Is it any wonder your customer is at wit's end? "I'm pretty sure I included the oil breather kit", "I forgot to send you the 6 NGK plugs" both show a lack of organization. A simple checklist could have prevented both of these problems.

Worse, from my viewpoint is that you have been dishonest. Are you really promoting a instruction manual that isn't even finished? How can you not expect to have complaints? People are sending you thousands of dollars for a product you promote, but don't have in hand to sell. Do you tell them that when they order, or do you make promises? You tell NSXINKL you have "everything almost done" when you appear to actually be a long ways from having everything done.

NSXINKL, why not make note of the attempts of ProSpeed to make matters right? I don't blame you for being pissed off, but not mentioning he provided a free methanol kit and turbo shows there is always two sides to the story. I would rather have had the kit as promised, but why not at least admit his attempts to make matters right as it will give your complaints a better light. Otherwise it looks like you are not being upfront.

This whole situation shows what can happen when someone tries to sell a product on the fly. This may be a great kit, and both parties here may be great people most of the time. But when a product is not ready to be sold from either an engineering or a organization standpoint people are going to end up angry. It is much easier to keep a customer happy than to make matters right after they have gone wrong. When things go wrong both parties are going to end up saying and doing things that they may not have done if they hadn't been angry.
In addition to the list above, I have just discovered that you didn’t give me a gasket for the turbo!

I forgot to ship you 6 ngk plugs. I'm sorry for that but that doesn't give you the right to insult, curse, call me names on the phone or through emails.
I am only stating the facts.

Throughout the process i've tried to get the manual completed (finishing the text) before you received the turbo kit but I had a family member in the hospital that I am tending to.
Another excuse of yours. I am sorry about your "hospitalised family member". If I remember correctly, this family member of yours was not hospitalised a few months ago but only these few days. You made the claim that the installation manual exist 5 months ago. You repeatedly promised me that it will be completed before I get my kit since 3 months ago. All this while there was no mention that your family member is unwell. So don’t blame it on your poor hospitalised family member when it is clear that the delay was caused by your own laziness.

Also putting in a claim on paypal to get your money back when you have received the parts is not cool.
You have admitted here and in your emails to me that you didn’t ship to me the oil catch tank, the 6 NGK Colder Spark Plugs, AEM methanol injection kit and GT35r flange. Furthermore, you didn’t ship me the turbo gasket. Yes I received parts but not all the parts!!! I am not going to be like the UK guys, I won’t sit there waiting and hoping that you will send me parts which I have paid for at your own sweet time! Why do I have to resort to begging you to send me what is rightfully mine?

I already informed you that I can have the aem kit and breather tank to you next week when I get back into town.
Don't forget the 6 NGK Colder Spark Plugs, the turbo gasket and gt35R flange. My nsx has been sitting in my mechanic's workshop for 2 months now waiting for parts from you. It is costing me additional money for each of your delay. I had to reschedule my appointment with my tuner from Japan 3 times because of your delay. This is not acceptable. I want my parts shipped to me ASAP!!! Not at your own leisurely time!!!!!

I will not put up with the cursing and insults period.
I am only stating the facts. Even if it is swearing and insults you deserve it. If you continue doing business in such unscrupulous and unethical manner, you will get more than cursing and insults in the future.

I will not put up with your BS and nonsense!

Let me list out what you have done wrong so far:

- You have repeatedly lied to me about the shipping dates and the delay and the missing parts. You claim that you can't get hold of a GT35R turbo for 3 months while during this period I have checked with other vendors on nsxprime and on ebay, I was told by all of them that they have stock and it is easily available. You seem to be the only person on earth who can’t get hold of a gt35r!

- You substitute counterfeit parts for genuine parts and don’t see anything wrong with it. I ordered and paid for AEM boost solenoid but without my consent you gave me a counterfeit AEM boost solenoid and try to pass it as the original and claims that it is the same in everyway!

- You ship me parts with different specification (4 bar map sensor instead of 3 bar map sensor) and repeatedly delay shipment unnecessarily and miss out parts in your shipment. You could have avoided all these if you were more diligent and honest in your dealings with your customers. You have a million and one excuse to delay shipment. All your own matters (attend class, basketball games, family outings, weekend chilling time etc) come first while the needs and demands of your customers are ignored.

Just in case you try to sound magnanimous to everyone here, you gave me the turbo and methanol injection kit as a compensation for me settling for used parts when I paid for a new turbo kit. I agreed to that 2 months ago because I was hoping that it will expedite shipping to me. However, shipping is still delayed because of your don’t give a damn attitude!

Now, don’t try to gain sympathy by hiding behind your sick family member. Have some respect for the sick person. All this is caused by your FOS attitude.

Expect more response from me if you don’t ship my parts out to me ASAP!!
Brian, are you kidding me? Are u serious on just leaving prime members hanging???? MAN up to your product and customer service. This really is embarrassing to know you are doing this to guys who are paying up front for your product. If you can't produce a kit and sent it off to your customer, just tell him you can't do it. If you used up his money on other things, just let him know. Money is one thing but dragging things on and on and changing parts out and not giving him the original product he bought is wack.
Have some integrity and pride in your name and your company.
I know you as a friend and never dealt with you in any business. I hope you resolve your issues with this.

Good luck and do let me know if you need some help on things. I am there for you. Sorry bout this email Brian, but is not ment to discredit you but I been following this thread and it really bothers me to see this.

I know you have good intentions and i do see the good in the things u create and put out for the after-market community.
From: Brian D [mailto:p[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, 18 November, 2009 4:30 AM
To: Shaw
Subject: Re: oil catch tank, aem methanol injection and gt35r flange

I will box it up and send it out to you asap. I am currently out of town for family matters and will be returning back by friday or sat. You do not need the meth kit or breather tank to install the turbo kit. It will not slow you down. I will send you a tracking # when I get back and have it shipped out. I will also have the manual completed and sent to you by then as well.


No news from the Vendor since 18 November 2009. He is supposed to ship me the missing parts on 23 November 2009.

Still no installation manual too.

Anyone of you know Brian Dinh of ProSpeed? I have been looking for him for more than 7 days. He has not replied my email nor answered any of my calls.

If you see him please let him know that i am looking for him. He can run but he can't hide.:mad:
Still no news from the vendor. :mad: He is not answering my calls and not replying my emails.

My turbo is still not installed yet. :frown:

I cant believe that i paid upfront, the vendor made to wait for months and when i finally got most of the parts, i have to wait again because the vendor didnt provide me with the installation manual!

All his promises are empty promises and he has NEVER kept his promise on delivery dates.

It is absurd that i have to beg to get what is rightfully mine! I am totally at his mercy. The worst thing is nsxprime keep deleting my post and the vendor wronged me with impunity!

Is there any governmental agency in USA that i can resort to to lodge a complaint against the vendor?

Is there any lawyers in Socal on nsxprime? Please PM me. I would like to discuss this matter with you.

I understand that the vendor is a medical student, can i lodge a complaint with the medical council to ensure that someone like him is not registered to practice medicine in USA? If he can't be trusted to ship car parts he definitely cant be trusted to save life.
Seller just sent me an email and promised to send me the installation manual by wednesday.

NO mention of the missing parts though.

I heard from a reliable source that his brother is hospitalised and he is taking care of his brohter. Hope his brother gets well soon.
I have just received the installation manual from the Vendor but he did not mention when he is going to ship me the missing parts.

I am having lots of difficulties with the setting for AEM EMS but he is not answering any of my calls!

To entice me to buy the turbo kit, he promised that he will provide remote support for installation and tuning but i am not getting any support. He does not even want to answer phone calls and hardly reply emails (even if he does he is hostile).

Can any of his friends advise him to do the right thing? I paid lots of money and wait months for his turbo kits and now it is not up and running yet because he does not stand by his product and offer after sales service.
Another week has passed and still no news from the vendor on when or whether he will send me the missing parts!!

Is there any lawyer in Socal among nsxprimer members? Please contact me. I want to commence legal action against this vendor.

I dont understand why the moderator is reluctant to approve my posts. The other nsxprimers needs to notified and constantly reminded of unscrupulous and unethical vendors on this website.
Vendor finally replied to my email. He says that he will try and ship the parts out this week. We shall see if he honours his shipping commitment this time.
Another week has passed. Another disappointment. So what else is new? Makes me wonder if we should propose to LUd to ban such vendors on nsxprime.
Hey Brian,

Christmas is almost upon us. Please get into the spirit of Christmas and ship my parts out to me!!! Be a human being and stop torturing your one and only customer for your turbo kit! Other turbo vendors are doing well and you only sold one kit. What a shame, you could have sold at least a dozen kit if your service is better. Right now, no one in their right mind will buy from you!:mad:

On a side note, I have just been approached by an attorney from SoCal. I am weighing my options and will definitely commence legal action against Brian of ProSpeed if he does not ship the parts to me soon.:biggrin:
Re: Prospeed NSX Turbo Kit

The few parts are on its way. I see you have been telling one side of everything and have not review the kit even though you told me you dynoed the car already making 490 hp to the wheels without the methanol kit. I choose not to give you support due to you comments and the way you have acted and treated me. For it taking a long time I did give you the methanol kit and Garrett turbo for free. The GT35R my vendor didn't have I made sure you were credited $1,100 which you could buy from someone else.

Yes, it did take a few more months longer to get the kit to you but it arrived and you installed it on the car and it made the power that was advertised. The only parts left to send you is the methanol kit plus install kit I gave to you for free and $40 worth of spark plugs and the air breather kit. The adapter pipe for the gt35r will have to wait because of my fabricator. There is still a balance on the kit for approximately $250.