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Waiting for Prospeed turbo kit

1 April 2006
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
I am still waiting for my turbo kit. Any updates? When are you going to ship it to me?:frown:
Re: Prospeed NSX Turbo Kit!

I am still waiting for my turbo kit. Any updates? When are you going to ship it to me?:frown:

Sorry I wasn't able to get back to you yesterday. I was out with family on Labor Day. I will email you shortly. Thank you.
Re: Prospeed NSX Turbo Kit!

Update please.:rolleyes:
Re: Prospeed NSX Turbo Kit!

Update please.
Re: Prospeed NSX Turbo Kit!

Seeing that it has taken well over a year and the UK High Flow Cats GB haven't received their products yet, I would say you might be waiting quite a while. :frown:

Brian/ProSpeed, please redeem your reputation by shipping the complete kit and other items which i bought to me this friday 2 October 2009.:smile:
Re: Prospeed NSX Turbo Kit!

well Im not dealing with any more deadbeats on Prime... We have ENOUGH empty promisers already.. they KNOW who they are...im out
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Re: Prospeed NSX Turbo Kit!

Brian/ProSpeed, please redeem your reputation by shipping the complete kit and other items which i bought to me this friday 2 October 2009.:smile:

Everything is almost done! I'm doing my best to get it to you! PM you shortly. Thanks!
Re: Prospeed NSX Turbo Kit!

Everything is almost done! I'm doing my best to get it to you! PM you shortly. Thanks!

One month ago on 3 September you told me via email that:

"I plan to have all fab work completed by friday or this weekend. The only fab work left is the intercooler and endtank assembly by the weekend. All the little parts (oil lines, silicone hoses, clamps, etc.) are in and ready to be boxed up."

You posted above that everything is almost done but you just told me on the phone that it is a long way to go (the exhausts are not done, you dont have the intercooler in hand, parts are not anodized yet and the turbo that i paid for (GT35R) is not available!).

You promised me delivery in 2 to 3 weeks. It is now almost 2 months! It does not seem like you are able to honour your delayed and postponed deadline for delivery again (FYI you have promised to ship the kit out to me on 2 October 2009). Granted the delays are caused by your fabricators and suppliers but these same excuses have been used to justify your delay once too often.

You have been in constant communication with me and gave me assurances that you will do your best. What i want is your products and not your assurances (i bought a turbo kit not an insurance policy).

You have agreed to ship everything to me next friday (9 September 2009). If you don't have all the parts ready, you promised that you will remove parts from your car (a promise that was made previously but not fulfilled yet) to make the turbo kit complete.

I look forward to the new delivery deadline and hope that you will for once honour it and not disappoint me again.

After all said and done, I believe that you have a great product and to a certain extent good customer service. It is a shame that all these would mean nothing if you can't manage your fabricator and improve on your delivery time.
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Re: Prospeed NSX Turbo Kit!

Like I said in my previous post... they KNOW who they are... you should have contacted Wil in Vancouver.. or did you ? ...live and learn I guess..hopefully you get it by the summer
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Re: Prospeed NSX Turbo Kit!

Like I said in my previous post... they KNOW who they are... you should have contacted Wil in Vancouver.. or did you ? ...live and learn I guess..hopefully you get it by the summer

Have I offended you in some way? Do I know you? Why do you keep posting on this thread if you are not interested, have questions regarding the product, have a review about it or waiting for the product? Why do you keep saying "KNOW" who they are? :confused: Whats the reason for the attack? If you have a problem PM me or post it in the vendor experiences.

I have provided all parts to all of my customers on NSXPRIME. The uk guys order has been ship. I only have 1 customer waiting for a turbo kit. It's been 2 months and it's almost done.
Re: Prospeed NSX Turbo Kit!

As the fabricator is lagging behind on the fabrication of the parts and i need the turbo kit ASAP, Brian started removing parts from his car with a view to ship out a complete kit to me on 9 October 2009.

Whilst some may say that i ought to get a new kit, i really dont mind a kit comprising new parts and "used" parts from Brian's demo nsx. It takes extra effort on the part of Brian/Prospeed to remove parts of the demo car but they are willing to do it to accomodate me. I wish to express my gratitute to them for this goodwill gesture and i really appreciate the hassle that they have to go through.

Apparently, the turbo that i wanted is out of stock. In order not to delay shipping and at my request, the kit will be shipped out without the turbo. I will source for the Garrett GT35R on my own.

With this latest development, i hope Prospeed will ship out my order on or before the agreed date (9 October 2009).
Re: Prospeed NSX Turbo Kit!

Have I offended you in some way? Do I know you? Why do you keep posting on this thread if you are not interested, have questions regarding the product, have a review about it or waiting for the product? Why do you keep saying "KNOW" who they are? :confused: Whats the reason for the attack? If you have a problem PM me or post it in the vendor experiences.

I have provided all parts to all of my customers on NSXPRIME. The uk guys order has been ship. I only have 1 customer waiting for a turbo kit. It's been 2 months and it's almost done.

Hey Bro.. its just is old hat reading these posts of people either trying to find you or Erick or Dali...etc..etc... it FUKing annoying already why don't people return calls or PM's ... I not endorsing Wils turbo at all..nor would I.....or anyone else for that matter... He SEEMS to have his act together SO FAR.. with this so called kit... Everyone is watching and waiting ...

Every Tom Dick and Harry is making a NSX turbo and there are alot of smoke being blown on here with these promises of delivery dates and so on... why promise people all it does is piss everyone off
Re: Prospeed NSX Turbo Kit!

AAANNYY updates?:smile:

Brian, why don't you update this thread as requested? I am sure quite a few nsxprimers are following this thread and want to know the latest development.
Re: Prospeed NSX Turbo Kit!


I have shipped you my oil pan as requested. What is the status of things at your end? When can you ship everything to me?
Re: Prospeed NSX Turbo Kit!

Things are going well. I should have it sent out by the end of the week like we discussed in our emails. I will update you as soon as it is ready to leave. Thanks!


We are in the process of changing fabricators and this will delay us for the next month. My partner and I have had issues with our current(now previous) fabricator. Our new fabricator has worked with the late Shaun Carlson and is extremely gifted and works at a faster pace then our previous fabricator. This should resolve our delays with the fabricator. We are also planning to build a kit ready to go to expedite all future orders. Thank you everyone for your understanding!
Re: Prospeed NSX Turbo Kit!

You have promised me this for the last 6 weeks!

I have paid you and i have shipped parts to you immediately.

If you dont ship by Thursday 22 October 2009, I want a full refund!!
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Re: Prospeed NSX Turbo Kit!

You have promised me this for the last 6 weeks!

I have paid you and i have shipped parts to you immediately.

If you dont ship by Thursday 22 October 2009, I want a full refund!!

Again we have discussed this via email. You said OK till the end of the this week and thats my target date. I have the email of our discussion. You are also making calls at 9pm and midnight. Please call during business hours. I have picked up everyone of your calls during business hours and answered everyone of your emails in a timely manner. Thank you.
Re: Prospeed NSX Turbo Kit!

For the record, when you were trying to sell me the turbo kit and before you had delivery issues, you answer your calls and reply your emails and PMs.

Now that you are way behind, it is never a good time to call you. I tried calling you during biz hour too but you didnt answer my call. I saw you online, hence i called you.

You have repeatedly asked for extensions of time which i have given to you on nemerous ocassions. Yet your promises were not fulfilled. I too have all your emails where you promised delivery in 2 to 3 weeks and other targeted delivery dates.

This is the ultimatum. I want everything i bought shipped out by Thursday 22 October 2009. Otherwise, i want a full refund.

I will not be contacting you until then. I will not email or call you until then. Let's not hide behind emails and PM's. Let's have it out in the open.

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Re: Prospeed NSX Turbo Kit!

i've been helping Brian for the past few weeks with this turbo kit, so believe me were trying to move as fast as we can to meet your demands.

i gain nothing from helping him out, but Brian is a great guy and is always willing to help anyone when asked.
so just chill and relax and live a quality life
no reason to stress yourself out and lose your hair in the process.
Re: Prospeed NSX Turbo Kit!

It Is comforting to know that you have been helping brian. Hopefully my order will be shipped out this week. I have been more than patient and accommodating. Not only is delivery delayed, I am now getting partly used parts. Furthermore I am not getting the turbo that I bought.

So don't tell me to chill out when you don't know the full facts.
Granted brian is a nice guy but I am buying car parts and am not looking for a life partner.

My quality of life is good but would be better if vendors deliver parts on time instead of blaming everyone and everything but himself.
Re: Prospeed NSX Turbo Kit!

FYI another vendor of turbo kit on nsxprime, fabricated and shipped out 5 turbo kits during this period. I was promised 2 to 3 weeks. It is now almost 3 months!! I was told 2 months ago that the kit is almost ready. The delivery date has been postponed at least 4 times. While waiting for this turbo kit, i have bought KW V3 on ebay (shipped to me immediately and arrived within 6 days), billet oil pump gear from Dali (arrived within 4 days), RPS Dual Carbon billet clutch from dali (Shipped within 3 days).

This is not a build. I am buying a kit. I was promised early delivery time. I am buying a turbo kit without a turbo. I am getting used parts even though i paid for new kit. The turbo is supposedly out of stock but it is easily available from other supplier and on ebay. I dont think you are right in calling me a difficult customer!

Brian is bending over backwards? I have paid him promptly. Shipped him parts at his requests immediately. Granted him numerous extensions. Have i not bend over backwards?

My car is up in a jack at my mechanics for 2 months now waiting for his turbo kit.

I am stating facts not bitching.

It is easy for you to act magnanimous when you are not the affected party.
On 2009 Okt 15, at 11:04, [email protected] wrote:

I will get it out shipped out before the end of next week.
I still dont have my turbo kit yet.