Vick: "...he's a good human being. "

I don't think UFC fighters choose to be hung if they lose. Lets not turn this into a race issue because it's not about race, period.:confused:

Ufc fighters may be husbands or fathers. AGAIN IM NOT TURNING THIS INTO A RACE ISSUE. I think he will be stereotype in people minds. He is a black professional athlete, they get stereotypes like blond rich women. He is innocent until proven guilty like any other human standing trial.
I've been a dog owner for most of my life, and I think that dog fighting is pretty cruel. Especially the executions for not performing well.

However, once Vick pays for his debt to society through incarceration, fines, and a suspension from the NFL, I still believe he should have the right to continue on with his life.

Yes, that means I still think he should still be able to seek employment in the NFL if any team would even have him.

People make mistakes. Rich, poor, white, black, purple or green... I believe in giving people second chances.

That's just my humble opinion.

That is a respectable post. I agree with you and Marbury, thats 2. :biggrin:
After reading this thread I don’t know what I am more upset about. The idiot torturing dogs or the idiot trying to pull the “race card”. Vick didn’t say I’m guilty because I’m black. He said I’m guilty because I participated in something that was illegal. DAMN I HATE PEOPLE WHO PULL THE RACE CARD……WE ARE ALL EQUAL NO MATTER WHAT COLOR WE ARE!!!!!!!!!

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

I am not an idiot. AGAIN, i am not playing the race card. You're right we are all equal in creation, but i'm not so sure about the other stuff. Nobody is saying he is being prosectuted because he is black, but it don't exactly HELP him either.
Deltron, im not dumb. I put out an opinion, my .02 Why the personel attack?

You sure made a series of dumb statements. In fact, I didn't see one intelligent statment in your entire post. Okay, you might not be dumb, but that post sure didn't help your 'smart' case at all. It's a personal attack because you just brought our kind (human beings, not whites) a step backwards as a whole, and that affects all of us.

My type of reverse racism is digging my race deeper and deeper hole of what?

By pulling the race card unneccessarily you are actually segregating yourself and your race more and more. It's really time we all take some accountability for our actions instead of using a minority or some event in the past as a scapegoat.

Do you know why he plead guilty?

Because he is guilty, and if that could not be proven without a reasonable doubt, he would have plead not guilty.

I don't think fighting dogs should get you a one way pass to hell.

Then you think of your dog only as a pet with no soul at all.
Yeah, anyone who thinks this is about race... really needs to wake up. His BLACK friends rolled over on him. I can't see how race even is an issue.

Why is it when an African American commits a crime, his punishment is considered racism? Should we be giving him reparations in the form of letting the crime slide? Should we punish white folks more because of crap that happened 150 years ago? I don't know where this ends.

Honestly... since someone is pulling the race-card... Please. Tell Us. What would have been a non-racial way to pursue the violators of these crimes? I'm serious. Tell Us. I want to know what you expect to happen.

Do they really believe Tom Brady would have gotten away with this string of crimes? Not even the golden boy could have with his friends turning on him like doorknobs.

Whether you believe dog-fighting is a cruel inhumane crime, or simply a sport — It is illegal. Game Over. Noone cares what you think. There are laws I diagree with but if I break them, I still go to jail. And I'm white!

AGAIN, we don't know what he did. I'm not pulling the race card, but it will be looked at. When the feds are on you, you'll rat out your mother. My thoughts are just my thoughts. I see racism from time to time, i'm black with dreadlocks. I don't believe in reparations. I believe we are all created equal, but not judged the same or allowed the same things.
This same kind of issue has recently came up in my town over a black male bike rider (some 1000cc japanese sport bike), he ran from the cops, and hit a concrete wall doing 140+mph, everyone is saying that the cops were messing with him, and they all knew him and said he would never do anything like this. Yet he was caught ON camera at numerous intersections going over 100+ mph on city streets toying with cops for about 30 minutes straight before he missed his turn and hit the wall. It dosent matter WHAT RACE you are, all that matters is wether you break the law, or abide by it.

Dosent matter if its legal in every other country in the world, dosent matter if its a practice that has been done since the dawn of time, none of that matters if its against the law, pure and simple. I'm sure vick's a great guy, but he made a serious error and now he must pay the price.

I'm not saying he shouldn't pay a price, especially if he is proven guilty. What price do you think he should pay? The bike guy was clearly in the wrong videos and all, he could have killed somebody. Vick is not being accused of taking human lifes, but you would know that with all the negative press.
We as blacks believe he is innocent until proven guilty, whites believe he should burn in hell

Yes, there are people that are prejudiced against blacks, and will use Vick's actions against his entire race. This is unfortunate.

But by assuming how an entire race feels about this event based on these people makes you a racist.
You sure made a series of dumb statements. In fact, I didn't see one intelligent statment in your entire post. Okay, you might not be dumb, but that post sure didn't help your 'smart' case at all. It's a personal attack because you just brought our kind (human beings, not whites) a step backwards as a whole, and that affects all of us.

By pulling the race card unneccessarily you are actually segregating yourself and your race more and more. It's really time we all take some accountability for our actions instead of using a minority or some event in the past as a scapegoat.

Because he is guilty, and if that could not be proven without a reasonable doubt, he would have plead not guilty.

Then you think of your dog only as a pet with no soul at all.

doesn't help my smart case:biggrin: I speak from personal experiences. I don't personally attack people or pass judgement without some facts or proof. You are way more hostile than i am, this what not my intent. I really don't think that i'm holding anybody back, how does what i type on prime take anybody a step back? I expressed an opinion, that i believe has some truth. I like black top nsx's over colored ones. Am i the reason the nsx is longer being produced? I believe Martha Stewart wouldn't have went to jail if she had been male. so what does that say about me? It sure doesn't qualify you to call me names or assume you know ANYTHING about me.

All you really know about me or who i know for that matter is that i am a patron and proud member of the nsx community. Well, now you know i believe racism DOES exist, but it is certainly not a crutch for anyone that really wants and can succeed.
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Yes, there are people that are prejudiced against blacks, and will use Vick's actions against his entire race. This is unfortunate.

But by assuming how an entire race feels about this event based on these people makes you a racist.

Unfortunate but definetly the truth, thats all i'm stating. I don't know much about an entire race, but just a few of that race, will not wish him well. It is that unfortunate stuff that had brought the issue of one's color or background on the minds of most minorities. I am not a racist. I believe it does exist and put unfair judgement on people with knowing who or what kind of person or situation they may be in.
You just defined reverse racism.

This is for you to read since my comments bother you and you say that my reverse racism is holding my people back, not to start a fight.

I'm in denial that my car doesn't need forced induction, until i ride in somebodys car with forced induction. Most minorites that have dreams and goals will not let racism keep them form finishing the race, but man that race will lift you up and beat you down hard. Racism does and will always exist, but it's not olding anybody back, just making it harder for some.

My .02 reloaded

Mike Vick only owned the house that the activites took place. He hasn't stayed there in years.

He let some childhood buddies stay there while he was in atlanta, they did some bad stuff, or better yet some dumb shit. When the dog fighting allegedly took place, it was not a felony in virgina.

His buddy had a drug charge and the police went the house in question to investigate. They saw dogs on kennels and asked questions.

The state prosecutor was cool with everything and was just gonna stay with the drug charge until somebody mentioned the house belonged to michael vick and there was a lots of dogs on the premises.

The feds and the department of agriculture started the whole backhoe bull dozer thing and found dog remains. Now, screw the drug charges, this home belongs to michael vick. Word got out now he will be the example.

Peta just got a law passed a little over a year ago, that dogfighting is a felony. The feds(them cats have a 98% conviction rate, the only person that got away from them without no jail time was Don King.) asked the friends, hey, do you want 600 months or 24 months? Vicks buddies ratted him out. Vick was helping his friends out with housing and money, and somebody got mad or something and hey you fill in the blanks, since i'm not smart.

Now vick can either,
plead guilty, do 18 to 24 months and resume his football career(like jamal lewis did)

or he can fight and lose based upon statements 3 people SAID you were there, not much proof. If he loses he gets the max penalty.

Street sense says,"hey man, just plead guilty and get all this expensive court and fiasco over with. Do your time, throw some touchdowns and folks will forget. Let them friends of your go, they burned you bad."

Jail is full of innocent men that took a plea just get it over with and move on. The new DNA stuff had freed a sickening number of black men that have lost years of life in jail, how unfortunate, but hey they keep on pushin, what else you gonna do. I know lots of people of different situations and playing the race card thing didn't help anybody anyway.

Delton here is my racism at work.
This is for you to read since my comments bother you and you say that my reverse racism is holding my people back, not to start a fight.

I'm in denial that my car doesn't need forced induction, until i ride in somebodys car with forced induction. Most minorites that have dreams and goals will not let racism keep them form finishing the race, but man that race will lift you up and beat you down hard. Racism does and will always exist, but it's not olding anybody back, just making it harder for some.

My .02 reloaded

Mike Vick only owned the house that the activites took place. He hasn't stayed there in years.

He let some childhood buddies stay there while he was in atlanta, they did some bad stuff, or better yet some dumb shit. When the dog fighting allegedly took place, it was not a felony in virgina.

His buddy had a drug charge and the police went the house in question to investigate. They saw dogs on kennels and asked questions.

The state prosecutor was cool with everything and was just gonna stay with the drug charge until somebody mentioned the house belonged to michael vick and there was a lots of dogs on the premises.

The feds and the department of agriculture started the whole backhoe bull dozer thing and found dog remains. Now, screw the drug charges, this home belongs to michael vick. Word got out now he will be the example.

Peta just got a law passed a little over a year ago, that dogfighting is a felony. The feds(them cats have a 98% conviction rate, the only person that got away from them without no jail time was Don King.) asked the friends, hey, do you want 600 months or 24 months? Vicks buddies ratted him out. Vick was helping his friends out with housing and money, and somebody got mad or something and hey you fill in the blanks, since i'm not smart.

Now vick can either,
plead guilty, do 18 to 24 months and resume his football career(like jamal lewis did)

or he can fight and lose based upon statements 3 people SAID you were there, not much proof. If he loses he gets the max penalty.

Street sense says,"hey man, just plead guilty and get all this expensive court and fiasco over with. Do your time, throw some touchdowns and folks will forget. Let them friends of your go, they burned you bad."

Jail is full of innocent men that took a plea just get it over with and move on. The new DNA stuff had freed a sickening number of black men that have lost years of life in jail, how unfortunate, but hey they keep on pushin, what else you gonna do. I know lots of people of different situations and playing the race card thing didn't help anybody anyway.

Delton here is my racism at work.

This should have been your first post - chock-full of facts backing your opinion, instead of a generalization made on an entire race. Thank you!
This should have been your first post - chock-full of facts backing your opinion, instead of a generalization made on an entire race. Thank you!

BS! Thats chock full of rationalizations for Vick being a total scumbag. His friends have said that he was present when dogs were executed and that he financed the whole gambling operation. If you really believe he had nothing to do with it and just plead guilty because he was scared, I'm sure theres nothing to convince you otherwise. I would think that a guy with 100s of millions could finance a pretty good legal defense if the evidence wasn't overwhelming.
BTW there have been major law enforcement task forces established in other states to combat dog fighting. They're spending lots of money to try and convict people that have none of the name recognition of Vick. I doubt very seriously that they only pursued this case because of who he was.
BS! Thats chock full of rationalizations for Vick being a total scumbag. His friends have said that he was present when dogs were executed and that he financed the whole gambling operation. If you really believe he had nothing to do with it and just plead guilty because he was scared, I'm sure theres nothing to convince you otherwise. I would think that a guy with 100s of millions could finance a pretty good legal defense if the evidence wasn't overwhelming.
BTW there have been major law enforcement task forces established in other states to combat dog fighting. They're spending lots of money to try and convict people that have none of the name recognition of Vick. I doubt very seriously that they only pursued this case because of who he was.

I don't know any of the facts. I was just happy that race wasn't brought up in his reasoning.
This is for you to read since my comments bother you and you say that my reverse racism is holding my people back, not to start a fight.

I'm in denial that my car doesn't need forced induction, until i ride in somebodys car with forced induction. Most minorites that have dreams and goals will not let racism keep them form finishing the race, but man that race will lift you up and beat you down hard. Racism does and will always exist, but it's not olding anybody back, just making it harder for some.

My .02 reloaded

Mike Vick only owned the house that the activites took place. He hasn't stayed there in years.

He let some childhood buddies stay there while he was in atlanta, they did some bad stuff, or better yet some dumb shit. When the dog fighting allegedly took place, it was not a felony in virgina.

His buddy had a drug charge and the police went the house in question to investigate. They saw dogs on kennels and asked questions.

The state prosecutor was cool with everything and was just gonna stay with the drug charge until somebody mentioned the house belonged to michael vick and there was a lots of dogs on the premises.

The feds and the department of agriculture started the whole backhoe bull dozer thing and found dog remains. Now, screw the drug charges, this home belongs to michael vick. Word got out now he will be the example.

Peta just got a law passed a little over a year ago, that dogfighting is a felony. The feds(them cats have a 98% conviction rate, the only person that got away from them without no jail time was Don King.) asked the friends, hey, do you want 600 months or 24 months? Vicks buddies ratted him out. Vick was helping his friends out with housing and money, and somebody got mad or something and hey you fill in the blanks, since i'm not smart.

Now vick can either,
plead guilty, do 18 to 24 months and resume his football career(like jamal lewis did)

or he can fight and lose based upon statements 3 people SAID you were there, not much proof. If he loses he gets the max penalty.

Street sense says,"hey man, just plead guilty and get all this expensive court and fiasco over with. Do your time, throw some touchdowns and folks will forget. Let them friends of your go, they burned you bad."

Jail is full of innocent men that took a plea just get it over with and move on. The new DNA stuff had freed a sickening number of black men that have lost years of life in jail, how unfortunate, but hey they keep on pushin, what else you gonna do. I know lots of people of different situations and playing the race card thing didn't help anybody anyway.

Delton here is my racism at work.

You're in denial about this loser. I suppose the real truth will come out when he writes his version of the sequel "If I did it"....
I agree with marbury. UFC and Pride fighting are no different than dog fighting. We are to quick to judge other's situations based on the BS we get from the media. Most of the allegations took plae before he was even in the NFL. He will be the example. Unfortunately this will have race issue overtones, or shall i say the young black athlete overtones. We as blacks believe he is innocent until proven guilty, whites believe he should burn in hell (look at the rally's outside the courthouse, on his court date). Even with all the priest and the little boys who lives they ruined, this Vick thing is making him look like a heartless, killer. That is very untrue. They are way worse people in the country that deserve a true blasting on the front pages of ALL the publications known to man, but they go untouched or protected.

People have be fighting dogs since the beginning of the time. He should get a fair trial and given a pass and some severe penalties(fines). I am an animal lover and have owned a very loving and caring AMSTAF. I don't support dog fighting and won't fight any dog. What Vick is accused of is bad but not as bad as some other stuff going on in the country. I think human lives are more important than dogs lives. Well some human lives:smile:

Hey Man

Saying "we as blacks believe he is innocent" is not true! I'm black and don't know much about the case other than his co defendants had plead guilty and then he plead guilty. Just about every black person I know and talked to about this didn't once bring up his race as issue of guilt. His skin color has about as much to do with him being guilty as Paris Hiltons had with hers.

What I understand is this as a dog/animal lover living in a country where dogs other animals are loved and highly regarded is that he will pretty much always be considered a piece of sh*t by people for the rest of his life. It won't be "he's a black piece of sh*t" it will be " he's the lowest kinda of person. His color means nothing!

What amazes me is that people still look up to athelets as heros and give them such high regard only to be let down time and time again because these athletes are human.
You're in denial about this loser. I suppose the real truth will come out when he writes his version of the sequel "If I did it"....

OJ didn't do it;-) On this subject racism really is being applied:wink:
This should have been your first post - chock-full of facts backing your opinion, instead of a generalization made on an entire race. Thank you!

your welcome. Its hard to relay stuff typing on a keyboard. But look how much i had to post for you to get here. It's really cool none the less:cool:
You're in denial about this loser. I suppose the real truth will come out when he writes his version of the sequel "If I did it"....

Well, someone has real proof, photos, bank statements rearding his kennel, dog fighting was not a felony up until about a year or 2 ago. Vick hasn't lived on the premises in years. Why does he have to go through this and lose everything he has, based upon some friends that got punked into a confession? If 4 people say you were fighting dogs in your background and call the proper authorities, people will investigate. I'm willing to bet this wouldn't even be issue his f if hisriends hadn't been dirty on the drug charges.

you could have been in timbuktu, but your going to trial over what those 4 people said. Especially if the feds are involved.
Hey Man

Saying "we as blacks believe he is innocent" is not true! I'm black and don't know much about the case other than his co defendants had plead guilty and then he plead guilty. Just about every black person I know and talked to about this didn't once bring up his race as issue of guilt. His skin color has about as much to do with him being guilty as Paris Hiltons had with hers.

What I understand is this as a dog/animal lover living in a country where dogs other animals are loved and highly regarded is that he will pretty much always be considered a piece of sh*t by people for the rest of his life. It won't be "he's a black piece of sh*t" it will be " he's the lowest kinda of person. His color means nothing!

What amazes me is that people still look up to athelets as heros and give them such high regard only to be let down time and time again because these athletes are human.

Maybe i should have the said the majority black people i know think this case against him and the way he is being portrayed is way overblown. He is being labelled as guilty without all the fact. He has not been given the benefit of doubt by lots of people. Lots of black men have been under the same circumstances.

I agree with the athletes as hero's statement.
You can take the homeboy out of the ghetto, but you can't take the ghetto out of the homeboy!

Go Chargers!
OJ didn't do it;-) On this subject racism really is being applied:wink:

Not i'm gonna really get blasted and say, had those victims been black, it wouldn't have been a spectacle.:wink: I will never forget when that verdict was read, how divided my work environment became. It was almost explosive.
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just read the pdf of "united states vs michael vick" ( has it on the home page) and given the twists / turns of this thread, find it interesting - maybe others will as well.

according to the doc, vick didn't actually do the killing of the animals, but he was an approver of their being put to death by hanging or drowning.

Why does he have to go through this and lose everything he has, based upon some friends that got punked into a confession? I'm willing to bet this wouldn't even be issue his f if hisriends hadn't been dirty on the drug charges.

you could have been in timbuktu, but your going to trial over what those 4 people said. Especially if the feds are involved.

You do realize that he was being charged before his friend/co-defendants confessed right? There were other witnesses who testified that he was DIRECTLY involved in operating a dog fighting ring. The guy is a POS, get over it!