Vibram Five Finger shoes

Vega$ NSX said:
Hehe "dick-head hat". I know some people I work with I'd have to give one to.

Good counter-point. Allow me to counter your counter.

The main difference I can think of is that the other objects you mention are already the accepted norm. Meaning, you have to wear a helmet and you need to wear cycling cleats. Just like we have to wear seat belts. However, you have alternatives to funky shoes. There are lots of other shoes out there that I would consider equal to or even superior to usability or comfort and are more aesthetically pleasing or more accepted.

I liken them to something like a fanny pack. Is it functional? Absolutely. So why not wear a fanny pack or a man purse if form follows function? It's because you have an alternative to having to wear a fanny pack. It may not be as functional but I'd rather put up with the hassle than wear one. I'm sure the same arguments can be made about the comfort and function of a fanny pack as these Vibram shoes, but like I said above, somewhere you need to draw the line on aesthetics and dignity over function and comfort.

And for the record, I still make fun of and mock people who wear Tevas and fanny packs.

I see that our threshold for function over form is different. I can't say I fault you. And while not intending to offend I also can't say that it matters that much to me.

I am not yet speaking from experience. I might get these things tomorrow, try them on and decide they are total shit. We will see. In the mean time I have enjoyed the hunt. Researching these things has been half the fun. Other than the fact that they are aesthetically challenged I have heard a lot of positives from people who have actually worn them, and the only real negative review came from this thread where the gentleman's son had split the toe on his.
I don't call the objections on this thread negative, just opinion pieces from all you would be fashionistas :)

My next post will come after I have worn them, until then I have to get the phone- apparently someone named "Gaye" has been calling and I need to return the messages...

I see that our threshold for function over form is different. I can't say I fault you. And while not intending to offend I also can't say that it matters that much to me.

I am not yet speaking from experience. I might get these things tomorrow, try them on and decide they are total shit. We will see. In the mean time I have enjoyed the hunt. Researching these things has been half the fun. Other than the fact that they are aesthetically challenged I have heard a lot of positives from people who have actually worn them, and the only real negative review came from this thread where the gentleman's son had split the toe on his.
I don't call the objections on this thread negative, just opinion pieces from all you would be fashionistas :)

My next post will come after I have worn them, until then I have to get the phone- apparently someone named "Gaye" has been calling and I need to return the messages...


No, no offense taken. :smile: And of course, no offense intended. Honestly, I really don't care what other people wear, nor what they find cool or not.

I'm pretty sure that you'll find them comfortable and I'm pretty sure you'll find them very functional. I don't really doubt the appeal of them for some, much like fanny packs, Crocs, toe socks, flip up sunglass clips for prescription glasses, cell phone waistband clips, bluetooth ear pieces, popped collars, etc. etc. etc.

So if you feel comfortable enough in your manhood to "answer the call" then go ahead. :tongue::biggrin::tongue::biggrin: I'm sure there's even a bigger fashionista mocking me for what I'm wearing. :biggrin::biggrin:








Well... They are here. Mine look exactly like the ones pictured above.

First impression is that the toes are a little tight- perhaps that will ease up as they break in. It is pretty weird to wiggle your toes , but really these are just gloves for my feet.

Hopefully our trip down Royal Gorge doesn't get canceled the weekend. The river is currently shut due to nearby fires. We are scheduled to go first thing on Sunday so there is time to get it under control I hope.

I'll post how they do on the river after I try them.

Thanks I really needed to see that.....*shudders* :eek:
I am not yet speaking from experience. I might get these things tomorrow, try them on and decide they are total shit. We will see.

My next post will come after I have worn them.

These things are perfect for the river

Wore them on the rafting trip- they were awesome. We got broadside to a rock and flipped the boat (uncommon) during a swimmer rescue at the top of a Class IV (Hammerhead on the Arkansas river in Royal Gorge). We all went into the water and descended the rapid as swimmers- Two people from the boat lost at least one of their river shoes, but the Vibrams were secure, and swimming with them on was as natural as with my own 2 feet.

I will say that I didn't enjoy wearing them off the river very much. A rather inauspicious beginning to the day occured when an overweight truck driver looking guy at breakfast asked very loudly "what the fuck do you have on your feet?" as I was returning from the buffet, but mostly it was just "look at those weird shoes" or similar.

Conclusion- Vibrams are great for the river, but not really something to wear in "normal" settings.

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I just did a Class 4 near tahoe over the weekend.

First time and fun as hell.

There were a few IVs on our route, mostly IIIs. It was a wild ride, and now I have an interest in moving to a single boat- looking at Daggers, and Pyranha all around boats on Craigslist.

I did class IV's in Belize. Is it just me, or were you somewhat underwhelmed by the size and raucous nature of the class IV? I guess I've been watching too many action movies and expected to be hurled off a waterfall or something. :biggrin:
Try a IV from outside the boat! Maybe a bit too exciting...

I was pretty pleased with the trip overall, most of the action hit right at the beginning but we had a competent group in the raft. There were some good deep holes on our route, and from my position at the front I got a wild ride. I was surprised when our guide called for a swimmer rescue right at the head end of Hammerhead, but we were the last boat in group so i guess there wasn't a choice. I snagged her as fast as I could but by the time I got back to seat with paddle ready we were already highsided on the rock. I dove for the top side to save it, bit the current spilled over the low side and next thing I knew I was in the drink! I've never been dumped from a boat before, but i have seen enough people get tossed to know what to do. No one was hurt so spilling just seemed like the completion of the experience. My buddy lost my black on black Oakley GasCans, so I was a bit bummed, but I had those since 05 so I got my use out of them. I still have my Global GasCans so no biggie.

I will say I am definitely hooked again! I had a run in college where we went down New River and Ohio Pyleu about a half dozen times thanks to discounts through the school outdoor club, but the east coast has nothing on Colorado!

I'm still smiling from the trip.

FWIW, I just picked up a set of these, they're fantastic for working out (cardio boxing, etc.), very grippy, very comfortable, and you can still feel the ground while wearing them. I am going hiking with them this weekend, and I have been wearing them for workouts and to do chores around the house for the last week - it's a great shoe. Previously I would use yoga socks for cardio, but they fall apart after a few weeks; these seem very rugged, and should be able to take some abuse, you also have access to your toes for various stretches, etc.

I picked mine up from, about $67 shipped. They're sized differently than normal shoes (much smaller), my size ended up as a 45 euro. If you size these incorrectly they would be pretty much useless.
They're sized differently than normal shoes (much smaller), my size ended up as a 45 euro. If you size these incorrectly they would be pretty much useless.

I am now on my second pair. I went up a size and it is all the difference. I will also say I am wearing them a lot more than I thought I would.



There aren't a lot of pics of my feet out there, and as far as I know, no pics of my feet in my gray/black camo KSOs so, nothing to post there.
I've worn them playing softball, and while running errands. They are really comfortable so they have been my go-to shoes rather than my old flip flops. I'm thinking about running Warrior Dash in them next year- so I guess I am sold. Love em.

I look at these shoes through the same eyes- Will I wear them to run? Yes. Will I wear them on the river? Yes. Will I wear them to work? No. To the club? No. They benefit me on the run, and on the river, but at work or the club they just aren't appropriate.

I don't wear my driving shoes to the club either- those are for driving, same for my cycling shoes- those are for cycling, and as bad a dancer as I already am, the SPD cleats would definitly not improve my situation...

So it is with the Vibrams- these are for running, the river, and MAYBE for boating if I ever get back out on the water- they arent a fashion statement IMO- just functional.

HOWEVER: There was a time when I'd have told you I would NEVER wear flip flops as I aquainted them as female footware- but now I wear them on a regular basis. I also remember when I was 17, and I came home from a sailing trip with my first pair of Teva sandles- They were widely mocked, but now people wear them all the time.

Form adopted from function I suppose...


LoL- what a difference a year makes. I wear them to work just about every Friday now that the weather is improving. In fact, I wear them all over the place, and rarely get anything but positive comments or questions. People are curious, and I have gotten used to strangers stopping me to ask questions about them.

with my daughter at the beach last week
saw some of this footage on tv early this morning, the piece was on mil k9's and how good they were to work with in certain situations. i wasn't a handler but worked closely with them when i was in SEA ... the dogs were very cool to have on hand.

back to thread: our granddaughter visited us last week and wore these shoes @ the beach / water ... seemed to like them.