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Group Buy Variable Manual Rack - Feel a little F1 tech in your hands

So for $25 you are swearing my car will steer like a 718. I'm in baby...
No I am not Dave. We think its gonna be BETTER than 718 cuz its a flat 4 banger and porky.....& you have magical SC power but you are spoiled by the EPS so its time to go to the gym and start working out so you'll look cool when doing the shuffle steer at park. we are going from oem manual 20.8 to 18.6 to something in the high 15 to low 16 range(our wag), that should make a difference. The oem ratio is fine for cruising but a bit lazy for canyons since our car is stiff & light @around mid-2500lbs and on diet still.
So, No more dozing off at the wheel, pay attention, 2 hands on 10-2/9-3 are required after this upgrade. No more driving like a muscle car guy either with left elbow out the window. As you can tell, its not for everybody and nothing to show off at C&C.

It will really help if you have Ti-Dave's front clamps, rear beam bushings etc.(maybe you do) all the goodies to make the car righty tighty to take advantage of this upgrade. If you can bond the targa to the A/B pillars to make into a coupe, that would make a huge difference in terms of chassis torsional stiffness but thats another topic. If I were you, have a reputable race shop to dyno/dial in your JRZ and set the damping curves properly. We were at EMI racing the other day, there sat a new Viper ACR doped with all the trimmings and full of testosterone @750+hp(not 645? stock) but the car won't hook up. the front curves were "ok" but the rears are totally out of whack thus changing springs never helped. You would think Bilstein set it up properly but....WDWK:rolleyes:

Dude, my apologies. I completely failed to follow your instructions.

I'm hoping you realized who sent you that random $25 by looking at the email addy. ;)

We know who you are:biggrin:. its the newbies that don't follow simple rules that create rooms for error. Schools is out so its difficult for Millennials to match names with no avatars for some unknown reasons. It took 5 interviews to find someone who can do 9 - 3 / by 1/3 + 1 = ? .....Believe it or not.
We still don't know who Arve J. is except he is from Europe. Now we have to pay the millennial x-tra time to find out who it is to keep the record straight. We are praying and hoping he is the 1st case and the last case so we don't chase our tails.

Terribly sorry to all, as I've just come across this thread today. Though I'd still like to chip in on this endeavor. Am I simply to late to the "party" ?

As mentioned by others previously, be sure to let us know if we're still too far short of the goal.
That is very thoughtful of you Pain. We shall see where we are at after 7/10. We like not pony up too much to make tthis happen as we have other 'neat' projects wip. Thx 4 trusting in us. We are anxious to see & learn whats like working with a F1 vendor:rolleyes: with a unique technology.
Money sent.
The VR steering rack project is officially underway. A big THX to those who contributed to this project and especially :wink: those who gave above and beyond the required amount to help us out....We know who U R.
BTW, Its not too late to join the bus if you haven't done so, the fare is very low. Now we can spend some time on the next project.:biggrin:

Below is a direct quote from MVO:

"The steering gear arrived safely today via UPS. Everything we need looks to be there and intact.

We're excited to get started on this project. I'll take pictures throughout the assessment process to keep you posted on what we're doing.

Congratulations to Billy on his fourth place finish in an unforgettable Le Mans race."
How come they mentioned Billy but not me? I took 3rd place in my local time trial competition.

Might have been 4th but super close.
They did mention you. They saw you @ your local TA event, cuz you were so fast, Billy IS now your nickname since you place 4th just like the other Billy.

OK good. LOL. Any news? I need me a lighter superior rack
Cant wait to hear about the results. Saving for the rack now. I just did the temporary brass knock bushing fix on my original rack in my 92. Im going to need one soon.
OK good. LOL. Any news? I need me a lighter superior rack
Ok, take it easy. They just got the rack last week. They knew we were coming but they certainly NOT going to put us on their schedule UNTIL they receive the rack considering most people flake when its time to pull the trigger or shown the cost but not us Prime:wink: We don't know whats on their existing schedule but this work will commence soon. We are also patiently anxious to hear from them as well. FYI, They are not "waiting" for our business of a 30-yr old car in limited qty. so consider we are "lucky" they recognize what NSX is about and willing to help to make a few racks. we collected almost $1300 for the 1st stage and P2F will pony up the balance when we receive an invoice from MVO. Thank you all.

Held a EPS the other day, its got some serious downforce compare to the manual:frown:. It will be good for doing bicep in preparation for the new manual rack:biggrin:. Drove a EPS too, and we prefer the manual way better for more feedback.

Cant wait to hear about the results. Saving for the rack now. I just did the temporary brass knock bushing fix on my original rack in my 92. Im going to need one soon.
We are doing the same. We feel crack is cheaper:redface: Finally, legit rack company is willing to help us making this discontinued part better, lighter, & stronger....a superior rack! thats what we believe will happen.
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