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Group Buy Variable Manual Rack - Feel a little F1 tech in your hands

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We had PM'ed the 20 folks left who signed up but yet Paypal. White98sh, 02#154, your PM is full. If we don't hear from you(or others on the list) by July 10th, we will remove your name assuming you have changed your mind and is no longer interested.

Please put your Prime name and your real name on Paypal so we can keep the record straight. Arve J., we don't know who you are and what your Prime name is so please clarify.

If you like C&D, FWIW, the July 2016 has a small, tiny, side article on page 86 about the steering rack on the latest Porsche 718. Who knew the steering rack gets this much attention! To save you a trip, here is a short summary quote.

"WAHT A RACK! Improve agility, Porsche latest Boxster 718 is shared with the larger, heavier 911 Turbo. Even the Cayman GT4, the performance pinnacle did not get this rack.(..What?...)
15.0:1 ratio is substantially quicker than the 16.6:1 used previously. Both use a VR that decrease numerically as its turned farther from center. => the more the wheel is turned, the more steering lock it yields.
Result, less response in the straight position & more response when cornering, quick ratio is noticeable even w/o back to back drives in Boxsters w/ different racks. Balancing the more direct steering are wider rear wheels which yield a wider track & to some extent, counteract the more rapid steering. These are the nuances of chassis tuning. The new Boxster gained 0.5" in rear wheel width from 9.5" to 10.0. The Spyder's rear is 10.5"."
We had PM'ed the 20 folks left who signed up but yet Paypal. White98sh, 02#154, your PM is full. If we don't hear from you(or others on the list) by July 10th, we will remove your name assuming you have changed your mind and is no longer interested.

Please put your Prime name and your real name on Paypal so we can keep the record straight. Arve J., we don't know who you are and what your Prime name is so please clarify.

If you like C&D, FWIW, the July 2016 has a small, tiny, side article on page 86 about the steering rack on the latest Porsche 718. Who knew the steering rack gets this much attention! To save you a trip, here is a short summary quote.

"WAHT A RACK! Improve agility, Porsche latest Boxster 718 is shared with the larger, heavier 911 Turbo. Even the Cayman GT4, the performance pinnacle did not get this rack.(..What?...)
15.0:1 ratio is substantially quicker than the 16.6:1 used previously. Both use a VR that decrease numerically as its turned farther from center. => the more the wheel is turned, the more steering lock it yields.
Result, less response in the straight position & more response when cornering, quick ratio is noticeable even w/o back to back drives in Boxsters w/ different racks. Balancing the more direct steering are wider rear wheels which yield a wider track & to some extent, counteract the more rapid steering. These are the nuances of chassis tuning. The new Boxster gained 0.5" in rear wheel width from 9.5" to 10.0. The Spyder's rear is 10.5"."

So for $25 you are swearing my car will steer like a 718. I'm in baby...
Please put your Prime name and your real name on Paypal so we can keep the record straight.

Dude, my apologies. I completely failed to follow your instructions.

I'm hoping you realized who sent you that random $25 by looking at the email addy. ;)