Re: Re: Car Cover
Sorry I haven't responded more quickly, but I don't come by here everyday, but I will say first off, you have a funny way of not wanting to start an argument.

Wow, I don't even know where to start, you've given me so much to work with . . .
1) Please explain to me the physics of how is it possible that car cover is a door ding magnet? The only thing I can think of is that the fabric mysteriously move the car closer to a swinging door, thus making it more susceptable to the flying metal. Whew, I'm sure glad I didn't buy that one! I will really have to be careful not to inadvertantly buy the wrong cover, imagine if I accidently drove the car with the cover on, it might cause entire vehicles to crash into me! Thank you for the warning.
With regard to the dinger (Are they ding-ers or ding-ors? Not sure.) walking away, I would agree with that statement . . . oh, BTW, they would walk away anyhow!!! If you hadn't noticed, those are the low lifes that don't take responsibility to begin with. I stand by my feeling that a small bit of material between my door and yours may help in a low speed, truly accidental ding, but I agree with you that it will do next to nothing against flagrant offenders.
2) I suspose dust and dirt will scratch the car under a cover over time, but they must have some SERIOUS dust in Cambridge; 'cause even if I had to IMAGINE that kind of damage, it MIGHT (note the emphasis on "might") scratch the wax, I doubt it would the paint. Sorry, I don't feel like I can give you a gold star for point #2.
3) In "fact" an easier target? Hmm, please refer to #1, I still haven't figured out how the cover changes the physical characteristics of the piece of aluminum. 0 for 3, unless of course you are willing to share the source of your "facts".
4) No, typically it wouldn't apply to parking in front of parking lots, because I also follow what many others do and park in the Egypt side of the parking lot. Not that it matters, but I normally wouldn't drive an NSX to the gorcery store, but if I did, you are right, I probably wouldn't cover it then. The yardstick I use depends on the weather conditions and the anticipated time that the car would be parked. Oh, also, I am not that concerned what strangers might think about me covering my car. I find plenty of other good ways of looking "dumb" to strangers, ask anyone who knows me.

How am I doing today?
5) The answer in a word to your final question is: history. Sorry, it does give me peace of mind, I don't know what else to say, I'm not trying to change your opinion. That's an interesting last point you make, but I must admit I am never scared to find out what is underneath my cover . . . I remember exactly what it looked like when I left it.
Now, I will have to admit I have had some fun poking fun of you, but my points here are only my experience and my opinion. If you have data that proves that covered cars are vandalized more often than uncovered cars, I would like to see it. I would suggest the opposite. So until you have the Surgeon General's official warning, I would only suggest that you learn how to write without such a chip on your shoulder to someone you don't even know. Thank you so much for your "contribution to Prime and its members", I know I have been entertained.