vandalism experiences/prevention

11 May 2003
I find myself being extremely paranoid when parking my NSX anywhere other than inside my garage. I'd like to hear of any preventative measures that other NSX owners have taken to avoid vandalism when leaving their car unattended in the open... especially from people who drive it daily or very often. Thanks!
I don't know if there is much you can do?... so far I''ve installed a aftermarket alarm with proximity sensors, I've tried pager alarms etc.

I've come to the conclusion people are just jelous or they see someone with something nice and have to ruin it...

I've had my car scratched, spit on, stuff thown at it, my valve stem caps and stems stolen, rear tires flattened etc...

What can you do? I wish I could afford to hire a full time security guard to watch it while I'm gone :-)

I dunno, anyone else have some thoughts on this?
1. Don't take up more than one parking space, particularly in a busy lot.
2. Don't be rude to curious strangers.
3. Don't park in a secluded area where haters can have unrestricted access to your car without being seen for a lengthy period of time.
4. Use a car cover if possible.
5. Trust your instincts. If you're not familiar with the area, or feel weird about leaving your car unattended in a particular neighborhood, don't park there.
6. Find girlfriends or friends who have enclosed garages. :D
PHOEN$X said:
1. Don't take up more than one parking space, particularly in a busy lot.
2. Don't be rude to curious strangers.
3. Don't park in a secluded area where haters can have unrestricted access to your car without being seen for a lengthy period of time.
4. Use a car cover if possible.
5. Trust your instincts. If you're not familiar with the area, or feel weird about leaving your car unattended in a particular neighborhood, don't park there.
6. Find girlfriends or friends who have enclosed garages. :D

I agree/identify with No. 3 most strongly. I once got a flat tire on one of my Porsches about 1/3 mile from my home at about 11:30 p.m.. At the time I happened to be near the off-ramp of an interstate hwy in suburban area (near Atlanta), so I pulled to the side of the road (not a major road) and parked and walked home. The area where I left the car was wooded for several blocks in that location. I decided to walk home and get up early the next morning to deal with the car. Overnight some (local teenagers, I can only presume?) decided it would be fun to smash evey window and lens and to hammer dents on every panel. The car was a total. The moral of the story.... never ever, ever leave a nice sports car in a secluded location where a vandal has time to work. Sports cars attract too much attention, and if the bad guy(s) can't steal it (they tried and couldnt because of the flat tire) they will destroy it instead.
Security System

I use my NSX as my daily driver so it gets parked everywhere from work to the supermarket. I find that people are very responsible around my car (being careful opening their doors and not getting to close to it) My previous car before my NSX was a 3000GT which was also a nice car and I would watch people fling their doors open and put craters in my door panels. I find that people respect the NSX and won't vandalize it. To be sure nothing like that ever happened though, I just purchased a security system with a FM pager. It has a range of up to 1 mile. If anybody were to do anything to it, the pager would alert me and I could deal with it as I pleased. It also makes me feel better leaving my car places.
If you are going to break up with somebody, be sure to do it on good terms. If you spent more time with your car than your girlfriend, a couple of cocktails can be enough for the right breed of psycho to seek revenge on your aluminum baby. :eek:

Really, I have noticed that the nicer the vehilce, the more cognizant people seem to be around it, barring the atypical jealously. If they notice your car when they park next to it, there are less likely to carelessly throw open the door and ding it. :rolleyes: Be cautious of where you park, but in moderation. There is nothing dorkier than a guy who has 50 empty spaces in front of him to keep people from dinging his car. It makes it more of a target.
good advice all, I would add that it's best to park in the last right
hand parking space in a row. Most cars have only one driver so there no one opening doors next to your car if you follow this rule.
Never take two spots, people will go out of your way to key you- even if you drive a POS. Park under lights at night. Avoid parking Japanese exotics next to pickups with confederate flags, Harleys,or anything with a "Buy American" bumper sticker.
When I do drive it to work I am lucky my employer has a multi-level parking garage, and I always park in an area where I can see it from my office window. Of course, I park it in my two car garage when I come home.

Never park your NSX or BMW in a handicapped spot and look out if I ever catch a handicapped person parking in a regular spot.
I agree with much of the above suggestions, however young people of today seem to think that a nice car deserves to be keyed. I've been told this by my high school students. It seems absurd, but that's what they think.

Also, as regards: "Never park your NSX or BMW in a handicapped spot... ", for awhile last year after my anyuerism, I needed a handicapped pass to get to the drug store and Safeway. I know it seemes odd, but sometimes the only ride available was my NSX. It gave me a new perspective on those blue parking spots.
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I too use my X as a daily driver (weather permitting) and drive it everywhere from the grocery store to Home Depot and have not had any problems with people damaging it. I always park 5-10 spaces away from the nearest car, in a well lit and highly visible area so if anyone were to attempt vandalism hopefully someone would be in the area to see it and I think that lessens the opportunity for a would be vandal. When I am in a restaurant I ask to be seated near the window to keep an eye on it... plus honestly I like to stare at it and enjoy the looks ;)
I think it all comes down to common sense, using careful judgment whenever you leave your car anywhere!:rolleyes:
Car Cover

This may sound silly, but I cover the car whenever I can. It takes 30 seconds and it gives me peace of mind. I figure it this way, kids are lazy. Why vandalize a car that is under a cover. To do so, you will have to take it off (without attracting attention) and then do the dastardly deed. Easier to move onto an easier target. Besides, if someone wants to vandalize my cover, that's easy to replace.

Anyway, I have generally felt it has been a suit of armor. Also for door dings, it adds a small about of protection there too. My $0.02 Kevin
Re: Car Cover

khiroshima said:
This may sound silly, but I cover the car whenever I can.

Anyway, I have generally felt it has been a suit of armor. Also for door dings, it adds a small about of protection there too. My $0.02 Kevin
Yes, but look what it did to your bumper! ;)
Re: Car Cover

khiroshima said:
This may sound silly, but I cover the car whenever I can. It takes 30 seconds and it gives me peace of mind. I figure it this way, kids are lazy. Why vandalize a car that is under a cover. To do so, you will have to take it off (without attracting attention) and then do the dastardly deed. Easier to move onto an easier target. Besides, if someone wants to vandalize my cover, that's easy to replace.

Anyway, I have generally felt it has been a suit of armor. Also for door dings, it adds a small about of protection there too. My $0.02 Kevin

I beg to differ and it does sound quite silly to me.

1) Car covers are vandalism and door ding magnets, especially in public areas. You might not get keyed as much, I give you that. However, people are more likely to hit/ding/vandalize your car because of the fact you can't see the damage and they can walk away clean look as though they haven't done anything.

2) Car covers are intended to be used only for long term hibernations (6 months+). Unless you wash your car every single time you put on your cover, dust and dirt on the car can scratch the paint while the car cover rubs against it when you put it on. It doesn't help when your car is black, either.

3) It is, in fact, an easier target.

4) I hope you don't mean when saying "whenever you can" applies to parking in front of supermarkets buying groceries, since it only takes you "30 seconds." Not only will you look dumb while putting the cover on, your actions attract more attention than Liz Hurley walking around with only a g-string.

5) "It gives you peace of mind." Now, please tell me what keeps you from thinking your car might get smashed up every time you lift off the cover? It scares me to have a cover on my car because I have no idea what it looks like underneath.

I don't mean to start an arguement but your suggestion this time isn't healthy to the community. If you're offended, I apologize. Think of it this way, now that you won't feel bad someone might follow your path and get his car potentially vandalized because of your good-hearted suggestion.

My 2 pennies.
Re: Re: Car Cover

NsxJoy said:
I beg to differ and it does sound quite silly to me...
I don't mean to start an arguement but your suggestion this time isn't healthy to the community. If you're offended, I apologize.

Ouch! That's a pretty harsh tone. Come on, give a guy a break.
I love my NSX just like everyone else does on Prime. It'd suck if I my car got vandalized and I'll do my best to prevent it for myself and others. I apologize again for my harsh tone but if that's what it takes to alert Prime members not to do something that's potentially harmful, I have no regrets. This is my contribution to Prime and its members.
Re: Re: Re: Car Cover

ChopsJazz said:
Ouch! That's a pretty harsh tone. Come on, give a guy a break.

I'd look at Hurley in a G string before a covered car!!! rofl
Re: Re: Car Cover


Sorry I haven't responded more quickly, but I don't come by here everyday, but I will say first off, you have a funny way of not wanting to start an argument. :) Wow, I don't even know where to start, you've given me so much to work with . . .

1) Please explain to me the physics of how is it possible that car cover is a door ding magnet? The only thing I can think of is that the fabric mysteriously move the car closer to a swinging door, thus making it more susceptable to the flying metal. Whew, I'm sure glad I didn't buy that one! I will really have to be careful not to inadvertantly buy the wrong cover, imagine if I accidently drove the car with the cover on, it might cause entire vehicles to crash into me! Thank you for the warning.

With regard to the dinger (Are they ding-ers or ding-ors? Not sure.) walking away, I would agree with that statement . . . oh, BTW, they would walk away anyhow!!! If you hadn't noticed, those are the low lifes that don't take responsibility to begin with. I stand by my feeling that a small bit of material between my door and yours may help in a low speed, truly accidental ding, but I agree with you that it will do next to nothing against flagrant offenders.

2) I suspose dust and dirt will scratch the car under a cover over time, but they must have some SERIOUS dust in Cambridge; 'cause even if I had to IMAGINE that kind of damage, it MIGHT (note the emphasis on "might") scratch the wax, I doubt it would the paint. Sorry, I don't feel like I can give you a gold star for point #2.

3) In "fact" an easier target? Hmm, please refer to #1, I still haven't figured out how the cover changes the physical characteristics of the piece of aluminum. 0 for 3, unless of course you are willing to share the source of your "facts".

4) No, typically it wouldn't apply to parking in front of parking lots, because I also follow what many others do and park in the Egypt side of the parking lot. Not that it matters, but I normally wouldn't drive an NSX to the gorcery store, but if I did, you are right, I probably wouldn't cover it then. The yardstick I use depends on the weather conditions and the anticipated time that the car would be parked. Oh, also, I am not that concerned what strangers might think about me covering my car. I find plenty of other good ways of looking "dumb" to strangers, ask anyone who knows me. :) How am I doing today?

5) The answer in a word to your final question is: history. Sorry, it does give me peace of mind, I don't know what else to say, I'm not trying to change your opinion. That's an interesting last point you make, but I must admit I am never scared to find out what is underneath my cover . . . I remember exactly what it looked like when I left it.

Now, I will have to admit I have had some fun poking fun of you, but my points here are only my experience and my opinion. If you have data that proves that covered cars are vandalized more often than uncovered cars, I would like to see it. I would suggest the opposite. So until you have the Surgeon General's official warning, I would only suggest that you learn how to write without such a chip on your shoulder to someone you don't even know. Thank you so much for your "contribution to Prime and its members", I know I have been entertained.

Different opinions, that's all.

I don't wanna argue and I ain't hoping for no "gold stars," either. There are just 2 sides to everything and we obviously went the opposite direction. I didn't mean to leave anything for you to "work with" but I tend to take things in a more optimistic way, that's to say, I'm honored you're taking your time to reply to my post. I've apologized in advance, if you're not satisfied, I can't do anything about it. I didn't take the whole thing personally, I just want everyone to have an idea of what can happen. At the very least, I've never criticized in where you live but you have. Magnet is just a simple metaphor, it's either you get it or you don't.
Re: Re: Car Cover

NsxJoy raises a few points about car covers. I don't know whether they attract vandals or not; I suppose you could make a guess either way. (And remember, you are comparing a covered car to an uncovered NSX, which might attract more attention than, say, an uncovered Accord.)

Regardless, car covers are NOT just for long-term storage. I've used them when my car is clean and sitting out in the sun for a single day or less, with no harmful effects on the finish.
NsxJoy said:
Magnet is just a simple metaphor, it's either you get it or you don't.

Metaphor for what? You were trying say that you're more likely to get door dings because of the cover. khiroshima was making fun of this point - the fact that having a cover would somehow cause MORE dings than you'd have otherwise.

Sorry, I understand khiroshima's posts; I'm not sure what the point of saying that he's giving bad advice when we was just saying what he chooses to do.
Hey man, you know you're a car nut when you get into debates about waxes, oils...and car covers! :D

IMHO a car cover is fine when used properly. But I agree that in some instances a car cover can be more conspicuous--if yours is the only covered car in an otherwise full parking lot, for example. Also, a covered car may draw more attention than an uncovered one from curious passersby (especially the nosy ones!). You just have to use your best judgement on what the best way to stay low key as possible in each case.

Also, as NsxJoy and the "REAL" nsxtasy noted, I wouldn't use a cover unless the car is clean.

It's all just common sense and personal preference, people. No need to get worked up about it. :)
Khiroshima should not take offense to what NSXJoy is saying because I agree with him 100%. It is not that difficult to understand. The car cover altering the physical characteristics of the aluminum is a funny statement, but you are missing NSXJoy's point. People who cover their car, excluding long term storage or at your home, garage, etc., increase the odds of vandalism for the following reasons. Now, I am talking about putting the car cover on if you are running in the grocery store or mall. I know we are all on this forum becasue we love our NSX, some more obsessive than others, but most people just don't get that obsession including my wife. Covering your car outside of a fast food parking lot or mall is considered egocentric and cheesy. It is the Herb Tarlek of parking. It's putting a picture of yourself on your jacket. It's flexing in front of the mirror at a crowded gym. People recognize that as an individual believing himeself, herself, or their car to be better than others. There is something about someone not wanting the sun to touch their vehicle when they are running in to get a prescription filled taking five minutes that gets under people's skin...I can't explain it. If you don't believe me, then ask those high school stundents you were referring to.

While I don't agree with this misconception, it is a reality that we must face. Not everybody feels this way or would act even if they did, but what we are really talking about is increasing the odds of vandalism happening. I would almost equate it with double parking. Either someone really is that bad of a driver or they feel their car is important enough to warrant two spaces so it could not be hit. That alone makes people want to tear it up because the owner has gone to great lengths to avoid it. The car cover is the same principle. Again, no offense to anyone who does this and continue to do so if it gives you piece of mind, but I just wanted you to be aware of what other opinions are out there especially from outside the standards of car enthuasists.
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If you're forced to park next to another vehicle, look for a mini-van with sliding doors on the side.