vandalism experiences/prevention

What I don't understand is why people will go out of their way to park next to you if you park at the far end of the lot to avoid being parked beside somebody. It defies logic.
Tony Montoya said:
What I don't understand is why people will go out of their way to park next to you if you park at the far end of the lot to avoid being parked beside somebody. It defies logic.
No it doesn't. Here's your logic... Park next to an NSX and you can be reasonably assured you're not gonna get dinged.
After a brief scan of this thread ,which is wandering, around the idea of; how can the nsx remain anonomous out in the real world.....and by its very nature,,it can't.It was'nt meant to go through life unnoticed!What the general populace does or how it reacts is a crap shoot.My only personal experience with the car cover deal in a public setting was back in my rx-7 tt days I put a cover on the car at Great adventure and I walked away but still in view of the car.After about 10 min 3 seperate males peeked under the cover and one actualy raised the cover from under the spoiler allowing the wind to blow it off,,,I learned that day!
I agree with the majority of posters on here-- save the car cover for secure areas only as it likely invites vandalism. I routinely use my OEM car cover, but only for protection from the sun, bird dung, tree pitch, etc while at work and at friend's homes and never to hide the car from the public.

Shorty after getting my car, I naively parked my new baby right in front of a busy bar (at night) and placed the car cover on it. When I returned I found the car cover torn off and beer poored all over the rear of the vehicle!

I really do believe many people view the way we treat our cars as almost an excessive compulsive form of behavior and as such take great joy in disrupting our "perfect" world. It's not unlike the kid in school who's a neat freak (exessive to the pont of really standing out amongst his peers) and the bullies decide to have some fun by messing up his hair, denting his lunchbox, etc. While that analogy may not be a perfect fit, the NSX does make you standout as "different" from everyone else and that alone invites these bullies-- i.e. "What's wrong with you anyway, why don't you just buy yourself a nice SUV like everyone else?"

If you're really worried about vandalism and want to avoid it, I would recommend keeping your car somewhat dirty and parking it amongst all the other vehicles in the parking lot. (Preferably choosing nice cars to park next to). That way you just look like "an ordinary guy" and not some "rich prick in a $90,000 vehicle".
BB said:
I agree with the majority of posters on here-- save the car cover for secure areas only as it likely invites vandalism. I routinely use my OEM car cover, but only for protection from the sun, bird dung, tree pitch, etc while at work and at friend's homes and never to hide the car from the public.

Shorty after getting my car, I naively parked my new baby right in front of a busy bar (at night) and placed the car cover on it. When I returned I found the car cover torn off and beer poored all over the rear of the vehicle!

I really do believe many people view the way we treat our cars as almost an excessive compulsive form of behavior and as such take great joy in disrupting our "perfect" world. It's not unlike the kid in school who's a neat freak (exessive to the pont of really standing out amongst his peers) and the bullies decide to have some fun by messing up his hair, denting his lunchbox, etc. While that analogy may not be a perfect fit, the NSX does make you standout as "different" from everyone else and that alone invites these bullies-- i.e. "What's wrong with you anyway, why don't you just buy yourself a nice SUV like everyone else?"

Someone who understands why a car cover in public can be a bad idea. It's the neat freak in high school that didn't understand why he was getting such a negative reaction, but regardless, it still exists.

BB said:
If you're really worried about vandalism and want to avoid it, I would recommend keeping your car somewhat dirty and parking it amongst all the other vehicles in the parking lot. (Preferably choosing nice cars to park next to). That way you just look like "an ordinary guy" and not some "rich prick in a $90,000 vehicle".

I think most people appreciate beauty, cleanliness, etc. without pegging yourself as obsessive compulsive. I have never heard of someone being jealous or disturbed because your car was too clean, not that it couldn't happen. It is when someone breaks out those damn car covers and detail towels when they go in to grab a whopper that really is asking for trouble.
Vandalism Prevention

Although I haven't looked at each and every comment, I too am nervous about leaving the car unattended (which is probably why I don't for very long).

I'm actually contemplating installing a tracking device (better than LoJack - made by the same company) with an upgraded alarm (integrated w/ factory alarm) that has many more features than L.J. - by Omega.

I'm worried about the potential installation problems. Anyone know of any? Are there any specifics to worry about? Does anyone else have this system on their NSX?

- Brian