Value of a 1996 NSX-T

17 October 2003
What would you guys think is the price I should pay for a "B" rated 96 NSX-T, manual with 30k on it?" Just making sure I get a fair deal here.

Thankx for the replies, if any
I purchased a 1996 NSX-T red/tan with 24,000 miles in July. I used the FAQ info in NSX-Prime to get an idea of price for an A to B rated car. If you can give some info on the condition of the car you are looking at perhaps we can get an idea of what level from A to B the car would fall under to give you some better first hand info. on price :D
That section of the FAQ is quite accurate, in my experience.

However, the biggest problem I've seen is that people put a car into the wrong category. For example, a '96 with 24K miles should have had the timing belt changed, as well as the coolant changed twice, and the transmission fluid and brake fluid changed three times. If it hasn't had all those services performed on time - particularly all the fluid changes - then it's not a "B" car.
The criteria under the FAQ pricing for a "B" rated car states:
"Very good condition. Average to lower miles. Little or no deferred maintenance." Whereas the "C" criteria states:
"Average condition and higher than average miles. Shows wear. May have some deferred maintenance."

NSXTASY is partially right in saying the impact of extensive deferred maintenance (ie timing belt, etc and reg. sched. fluids) should impact on one's perception of a "B" rated car. Such analysis should, however, consider several other factors before considering a car to be out of the "B" range.

As an example, my '96, giving as neutral an assessment as I can give, I considered to be a solid B rated car under the FAQ criteria because the physical condition of the car, exterior and interior, were in the very good, if not better, category. In addition, the car had lower than average miles (@24,000). Maintenance records showed that all regularly required fluid changes were performed. The big "defect" was, however, the failure to change the timing belt. Given this deferred maintenance I still considered this car to be in the B category since all other criteria met or exceeded B criteria, yet the timing belt issue, IMO, was below B criteria. In this case, the average of all criteria seemed to render this car as a B level car. I then used the info from the FAQ on pricing and considered the acceptable purchasing point to be in the range of 37,500 to 42,500, with negotiating room based on the cost of the timing belt repair.
