Valentine Horor Story - Ver. 2k6

3 April 2004
East Bay
the plan was NOT try to do anything crazy but be a gentleman, take things slow. so yellow roses and a simple card, nothing fancy, can't go wrong right!

let's see what can go wrong even if you had a plan. not blaming others for it, there's simply no excuse, but that's what make this such a horor story:

1. florist wouldn't deliver even if you requested ahead of time. they are completely swamped!!
2. florist late despite being told it'll be ready between 2:30 to 3! had to wait for an extra hour on an empty stomach. finally ready at 3:30!
3. to make up for the lateness, florist gave a "i love you" balloon instead of "happy valentine" or something light hearted 'cuz they ran out of those. well that's really nice of her but it kind of defeats the whole purpose. but what da heck, it's free right.
4. finally, on the way there, and TRAFFIC!! XO@#$&* not even 4pm and there's traffic already?!
5. fine, took the local route, but still, in town traffic! hungry and tired. almost there!!
6. finally got there, mm....easy job, just drop it off @ front desk and done. mission accomplished! Wrong!!! apparently there's no receptionist! mm...that's funny, so called "0" as instructed. "delivery for xxxx." "be right out." little do i know, she buzzed the recipient out and get it! OMG, this is not supposed to happen! I made a complete fool out of myself by wearing the stupid giant afro so the “receptionist” couldn’t tell who I was and have a crack at it.
7. by now, i was totally stunted! and speechless! everything has backfired, the silly balloon, the stupid afro, the roses.....

THis just great! I have just managed to scare her away even more, on top of being "sticky", now i'm a "stalker" too!! ....

i am officially toasted! i'm hopeless! i give up.
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thx doc, as far as entertainment value goes, this is right up there with Seinfield or the Simpsons. I think i just outdid both Geroge Costanza or Homer Simpon as King of Idiots.

it's easy to screw things up, but the rate of how a good thing turned bad to worse, can't find a bigger idiot than that.
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Don't be so hard on yourself, that's her job. Any response from the other half yet? At least you got her something that said you thought about her on V-day.
Although a horror show for you, I though the entire episode was hilarious. I think it's even better that you were in disguise with the afro wig. This is probably the best way to make a woman try to figure who you are by surprising her with flowers while dressed like a moron.

Kudos to you brother. Let's she how she will handle this situation. You may come out smelling like a rose!! :biggrin:
i looked like an ass out of this. it wouldn't be call a horor story if there was a happy ending.

Juice is right, trying too hard, not gonna happen.:mad: :frown:
thx kev. murphy's law: whatever can go wrong, will go wrong. you would think that a company of size 150 people would have a front desk or receptionist. .... what can i say.
Hey S,
Sorry this happened.
I guess you didn't listen to my advice about taking a step back and just keeping it cool when we spoke the other night.
At least you have an interesting Valentine's story now to tell your grandkids.

i did i did!!!!!! did not call or anything, had to bite my finges REALLY hard over the weekend. the way i see it on "valentine," u be dam if u do, and u be dam if don't. i took the chance, but it didn't turn out as planned.
randomharmony said:

<snip> i took the chance, but it didn't turn out as planned.

great that you took the chance & lived to tell the story... life is best lived when not entirely in a box, i think. as for having everything turn out as planned... my experience is life has a way of doing stuff like this whenever it chooses... enjoy the ride.

good story, thx for sharing the experience.
Sounds like you were trying to impress her. Yeah, things went wrong but the good ones know that it is the thought that counts.

There are some women who would have embraced the comedy of your effort- find one of them. It is way better to date women with a sense of humor.

Don't get down on yourself about these minor set backs. Sometimes the way you react to the situation makes the difference. From the read it looks like you took this pretty hard- maybe too hard.

There seem to be people on here that have more background on what was going on that lead up to this, but just some notes even though hindsight is 20/20...

If you are sending flowers to her at work- have them delivered- if no delivery is available- pick them up and deliver them to her after work.
This way no awkward explanation is required if you catch her at a bad time in the office- especially if you are wearing an Afro wig... (this was sheer comic genius BTW :biggrin: )
A delivery guy doesn't have to be explained to coworkers- the guy in the afro wig in the lobby does.

Remember you don't have to be James Bond to attract women- none of us are that swass- that is why Bond is fictional. The key is confidence, and from the sound of it, your confidence took a major shot this Valentines. Brush it off, and try again.

Like Hal Said- keep putting yourself out there, it will keep your life interesting at the very least!

Good luck,

thx hal & phillip,

it was more like jack in the box, but what da heck.:redface: i make sure to take 10 steps back if there is ever a next time.
Step 1: Become a volunteer firefighter.
Step 2: Go to a bar.
Step 3: Strike up a conversation with the first hot women you see.
Step 4: When asked about your work, reply "It's hard work, but it's so rewarding to know you're really helping someone."
Step 5: Note she's had too much to drink, and offer to drive her home. NSX for the win.

No, but seriously, just be yourself man. If this chick didn't laugh her ASS off at what happened, she's definitely not the right one. There's one out there for ya'. At least, that's what I keep telling myself. :)
she was actually embrassed, and i don't blame her. but she was not supposed to come out in person, it would be very awkward. and how would i know that a company with a size of 150 ppl don't have a front desk that handles all the delivery?! .... that has to be THE worst valentine.