
16 January 2001
Miami, FL. US
Does anyone believe the move Hamilton put on Alonso on the Straight was 'blocking'?? One of the commentators said he believed it was blocking and 'hated' that in Formula One; while the other commentators felt it was NOT blocking. Still, a good race, and thankfully no major crashes.

I hope it was an enjoyable race for those that were able to make it. Please post some pics if you can:smile:
I thought they were referring to Alonso moving wide right which he did two laps in a row, apparently to get into some clean air to cool the brakes.
I believe it was Lap 38 or 48? Where Alonso was in Hamitlon's slipstream and then Alonso moved to the right, presumabley to attempt a passing move, then Hamilton moved over as well. They announcers were going back and forth regarding it as blocking in good or poor form.
Re: Blocking redefined

I think some series have redefined blocking lately and that is probably what Derek mistakenly was referring to. What Hamo did was make a defensive move and traditionally, the lead driver is allowed to pick his line one time, whether that is onto a defensive line or anywhere else he chooses to drive. If, after that lead driver "decision", the following driver moves onto another line, the lead driver is not allowed to move over (off his originally selected line) to block the following car. That is called blocking and, at the very least, is not very sportsmanlike even if it is allowed by a particular series. I believe F1 allows it (probably until it's dangerous).

The obvious example that Derek was probably thinking of (and obviously agrees with), is the rule that Champ Car made this year. I think they have said that a defensive line is not allowed now and the driver's intention in this regard is then judged by race officials. If he's off the racing line, did he move there to impede a following driver or did he inadvertently get there by making a mistake? If his intention was to impede, and is a obvious attempt to dodge the intent of the rule, they will give him a penalty, a drive thru or, it that's not possible, a loss of position.

I think the Champ Car rule is a little extreme. Good fun racing has a place for sportsmanlike defensive driving (but not blocking) and is part of a good dice.
I've always hated Daley as an F1 commentator. He should stick to Champ Car. In F1 you are allowed to make one move in defense of your position. Meaning if the following car makes a move to the inside you can change your line to block once. If the car attempting to pass then moves back outside, you are NOT allowed to move to block again. It has been that way for some time in Formula 1.

Notice how Bob and Steve basically said they didn't know what he was talking about.
My two buddies and I were in turn 7. I've got some good pics of the day, and of the car corral. What a beautiful day it was. A little hot, but the breeze kept it from getting bad. Not to mention Giant Fosters beers, 3 dollar nachos and the bathrooms were right behind us. :biggrin:
Someone asked but I didn't see an answer as to what Massa's little pouch is for.
Re: Blocking redefined

I think some series have redefined blocking lately and that is probably what Derek mistakenly was referring to. What Hamo did was make a defensive move and traditionally, the lead driver is allowed to pick his line one time, whether that is onto a defensive line or anywhere else he chooses to drive. If, after that lead driver "decision", the following driver moves onto another line, the lead driver is not allowed to move over (off his originally selected line) to block the following car. That is called blocking and, at the very least, is not very sportsmanlike even if it is allowed by a particular series. I believe F1 allows it (probably until it's dangerous).

The obvious example that Derek was probably thinking of (and obviously agrees with), is the rule that Champ Car made this year. I think they have said that a defensive line is not allowed now and the driver's intention in this regard is then judged by race officials. If he's off the racing line, did he move there to impede a following driver or did he inadvertently get there by making a mistake? If his intention was to impede, and is a obvious attempt to dodge the intent of the rule, they will give him a penalty, a drive thru or, it that's not possible, a loss of position.

I think the Champ Car rule is a little extreme. Good fun racing has a place for sportsmanlike defensive driving (but not blocking) and is part of a good dice.

Thanks, I understand now. I always saw blocking like that, but didn't know why it peeved Derek Daley so much:confused:

You are definitely a whirlpool of racing knowledge:cool:

My two buddies and I were in turn 7. I've got some good pics of the day, and of the car corral. What a beautiful day it was. A little hot, but the breeze kept it from getting bad. Not to mention Giant Fosters beers, 3 dollar nachos and the bathrooms were right behind us. :biggrin:

:frown: Oh.......I don't know if I'm more jealous or sad:frown: :biggrin:
Massa probably has a picture of himself in that little pouch. He's so vain, it makes me want to retch. I don't know who could be fans of the Ferrari driver lineup. Mr. Personality and Mr. Napolean.
Re: Mr Napoleon

He's so vain
Aren't they all? (And don't they have to be to be any good?) Just curious as to why you think he's worse. You may well be right and paying much more attention than I do, but I haven't seen that much evidence to go on yet.

Do you have a better source of inside information you could share with us? For instance, I just came a "press conferences" page in this FIA site which provides much more driver perspective than I've ever gleaned from the TV interviews.

Not challenging, just asking you to elaborate.
Re: Derek makes a joke

I've always hated Daley as an F1 commentator

Well, he got in a good one liner at last Wednesday's news conference:

Q: (Derek Daly – Speed TV) Takuma, you mentioned how quickly the team was set up last year and I presume the factory Honda team gave you a lot of help. Have they asked for help back yet? (Laughter)
Isn't Alex Wurz a pretty humble driver? I think Hamilton is quite humble himself all things considered, though he hates to be bothered just before the race, maybe it's just a mental preperation thing for him. I'm not a fan of Massa myself as he seems a bit cocky for someone so diminutive. A couple of the rookies, like Kubica seem a bit humble to me as well.
Guys got anymore pics to post?
Isn't Alex Wurz a pretty humble driver? I think Hamilton is quite humble himself all things considered, though he hates to be bothered just before the race, maybe it's just a mental preperation thing for him. I'm not a fan of Massa myself as he seems a bit cocky for someone so diminutive. A couple of the rookies, like Kubica seem a bit humble to me as well.
Guys got anymore pics to post?

Alex is a great driver. ... but humble ??? don't think so... I somewhat believe the reason is due to him being the oldest of the group.... he's 33 whereas most the other drivers are at the median of about 23...... However, must say I was impressed of how he spoke of his family, for sure... he loves his wife an his lil' one ;) He's got a little man in his nest and seems to really enjoy it. I have a pic with us at the din.. will post as soon as I upload!
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My girlfriend, brother, father, and I all were sitting at turn one... I was absolutely furious when Rubens was knocked out in turn one. :( Overall it was a pretty good race though. I hear Honda's F1 team has some "major changes" to make for next race. Hopefully all goes well and Honda can actually score a damn point this year.

Amen! Right beside ya!!!! ;)
It's just the general feeling I get from watching Masa. Maybe I'm being judgemental, or I'm just pissed he always beats us. It seems like after he wins a races he has more of a sense of entitlement as opposed to joy and elation. I used to root for him earlier last year when he was really coming into his own, but to me he now seems like an arrogant prick. If he won some races for Honda I'd probably like him.:biggrin:
It's just the general feeling I get from watching Masa. Maybe I'm being judgemental, or I'm just pissed he always beats us. It seems like after he wins a races he has more of a sense of entitlement as opposed to joy and elation. I used to root for him earlier last year when he was really coming into his own, but to me he now seems like an arrogant prick. If he won some races for Honda I'd probably like him.:biggrin:

Massa does seem to be getting a little bit of an ego but you would too if you're consistently faster than the guy they paid $40 million a year to replace Michael. The fact is Massa is outdriving Kimi every time out and I like that he obviously loves to win and is passionate about it.

He's certainly not as modest as Hamilton. There's the epitome of a nice guy who knows his place and is grateful and respectful.
He's certainly not as modest as Hamilton. There's the epitome of a nice guy who knows his place and is grateful and respectful.

+1 Everytime Hamilton comes out on top (or right next to 1st place), in the interview after the race, he just smiles, looks down and shakes his head in what appears to be disbelief. Same goes for his father whenever the camera pans to him as he stands there looking up at his son standing on the podium. Hami's father just smiles and shakes his head in disbelief. It's very interesting, because on the track, Hami's is just..........brilliant. I don't know what else to say. He even looks slick when he makes a mistake, like sliding into the wall a couple times in Monaco:biggrin:

As for Kimi, I don't know, I really thougth he was gonna shine when he went to Ferrari. I always felt bad for him in the past when he would always have a run of bad luck with McLaren, just as he was pushing for a win. Now it seems he has a bullet proof car, he's just not shining like he did before.

Maybe I haven't been paying attention, but it seems that the Honda Engines have been lasting fairly well the past few races??? I know Button didn't even get off the line in Canada due to a gearbox problem or something; however, I don't see Honda Engine's blowing up like a did in the past couple seasons. Or is my memory just being overly optimistic:biggrin:
+1 Everytime Hamilton comes out on top (or right next to 1st place), in the interview after the race, he just smiles, looks down and shakes his head in what appears to be disbelief. Same goes for his father whenever the camera pans to him as he stands there looking up at his son standing on the podium. Hami's father just smiles and shakes his head in disbelief. It's very interesting, because on the track, Hami's is just..........brilliant. I don't know what else to say. He even looks slick when he makes a mistake, like sliding into the wall a couple times in Monaco:biggrin:

As for Kimi, I don't know, I really thougth he was gonna shine when he went to Ferrari. I always felt bad for him in the past when he would always have a run of bad luck with McLaren, just as he was pushing for a win. Now it seems he has a bullet proof car, he's just not shining like he did before.

Maybe I haven't been paying attention, but it seems that the Honda Engines have been lasting fairly well the past few races??? I know Button didn't even get off the line in Canada due to a gearbox problem or something; however, I don't see Honda Engine's blowing up like a did in the past couple seasons. Or is my memory just being overly optimistic:biggrin:

Yes, I too am surprised Kimi is struggling for podiums but many experts predicted that Kimi's inability, unwillingness or whatever reason it is to provide good feedback and work with the team would be his downfall. I find it very difficult to believe that Michael would not have won a race or at least achieved pole in 2007 if he were still driving. Kimi is a championship caliber driver, no doubt, but Ferrari might not have been the team for him.

As far as Honda they do seem to be having less failures this year but the cars are obviously slow for whatever reason. Could be one of many reasons--balance, power, aero. Certainly it looks like the Super Aguri is just the all-around faster car, however I think the only reason Davidson was able to pass Button was because he was very heavy on fuel. Button and Barrichello are very solid drivers--both as good or better than Webber and his Red Bull is consistently outqualifying them both. I hear some major changes to the car are taking place these next few weeks and maybe they'll figure it out.

As far as Hamilton what can anyone say. It is really not possible to do better in your first 6 or 7 races. He seems as cool as a cucumber and makes few mistakes while driving almost every lap as quick or quicker than Alonso. If he is really this good and has a long career he will be considered the greatest driver of all time.

As long as the McLaren stays reliable and Alonso and Hamilton stay healthy they will run away with the Constructor's. That team is just too good right now--everything is clicking. I think Alonso can definitely challenge Hamilton for the Driver's. If he can beat Michael Schumacher one-on-one he can beat anyone. It's shaping up to be an epic battle between teammates not seen since Senna-Prost.
Yes, I too am surprised Kimi is struggling for podiums but many experts predicted that Kimi's inability, unwillingness or whatever reason it is to provide good feedback and work with the team would be his downfall. I find it very difficult to believe that Michael would not have won a race or at least achieved pole in 2007 if he were still driving. Kimi is a championship caliber driver, no doubt, but Ferrari might not have been the team for him.

As far as Honda they do seem to be having less failures this year but the cars are obviously slow for whatever reason. Could be one of many reasons--balance, power, aero. Certainly it looks like the Super Aguri is just the all-around faster car, however I think the only reason Davidson was able to pass Button was because he was very heavy on fuel. Button and Barrichello are very solid drivers--both as good or better than Webber and his Red Bull is consistently outqualifying them both. I hear some major changes to the car are taking place these next few weeks and maybe they'll figure it out.

As far as Hamilton what can anyone say. It is really not possible to do better in your first 6 or 7 races. He seems as cool as a cucumber and makes few mistakes while driving almost every lap as quick or quicker than Alonso. If he is really this good and has a long career he will be considered the greatest driver of all time.

As long as the McLaren stays reliable and Alonso and Hamilton stay healthy they will run away with the Constructor's. That team is just too good right now--everything is clicking. I think Alonso can definitely challenge Hamilton for the Driver's. If he can beat Michael Schumacher one-on-one he can beat anyone. It's shaping up to be an epic battle between teammates not seen since Senna-Prost.

I have to admit, this is perhaps one of the most exciting seasons I've ever seen. I have to admit I only finally got into Formula One in '01 when I got Cable:wink:

I recall an interview with Alonso when he described the McLaren as a bullet proof car. He said that with other F1 machines, as the race progresses, the car's performance begins to taper off; but with the McLaren, the performance seems to be consistent throughout the race all the way to the end. I must say, McLaren has come a LONG way from bit of the car flying off or blowing up a couple seasons ago.

I have positive hopes for Honda. I think one of the things that gives Honda strength is it's racing diversity. I really hope the revamped machines will give us something to look forward to.
I hope it was an enjoyable race for those that were able to make it. Please post some pics if you can:smile:

Here are a few... :)

The F1 Parade: (racers in absolutely amazing old school classics)






BMW Series:


The LineUp:



Vrooooooom........ ;)

The Music from these cars is indescribable!!!!!!


Scott Speed with Bob Varsha....


Our US Flag with our Racing Flag! Sweeeeeet!!!


Myself being... well, my nerdy self.. Going to the Races!!!!!


Cutoff shot with Alex Wurz...and with Sutil...



Have a few more but not uploaded as of yet. It was an amazing race. Hamilton is adorable!!
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+1 Everytime Hamilton comes out on top (or right next to 1st place), in the interview after the race, he just smiles, looks down and shakes his head in what appears to be disbelief. Same goes for his father whenever the camera pans to him as he stands there looking up at his son standing on the podium. Hami's father just smiles and shakes his head in disbelief. It's very interesting, because on the track, Hami's is just..........brilliant. I don't know what else to say. He even looks slick when he makes a mistake

Maybe I haven't been paying attention, but it seems that the Honda Engines have been lasting fairly well the past few races??? I know Button didn't even get off the line in Canada due to a gearbox problem or something; however, I don't see Honda Engine's blowing up like a did in the past couple seasons. Or is my memory just being overly optimistic:biggrin:

:biggrin: :biggrin: I'm diggin' the optimism ! ;)