After 8 months of waiting, I finally took delivery of my NSX on Thursday! Love the car, it’s definitely a head turner. Below is my journey for those who who are interested. I imagine my journey took longer due to chip shortages and MY change over.
Labor Day Weekend 2020 - contacted a few dealer with initial interest; 2 blew me off and said I needed to put a $10k deposit to even schedule a test drive. 1 dealer reached back out and set up the test drive.
October 2020 - test drove a regional model from 2017 for an hour in a city setting. Lots of head turns.
November 6th 2020 - placed my order by building the car on Acura’s website and sending the spec to the dealer. Negotiated a $2500 deposit with contingency on $20k incentive and full refund until order confirm.
Late Nov. - 2nd test drive for multiple hours in NH. Loads of highway driving and speeds
January 21st 2021 - order confirmed with build spec.
March 6th 2021 - Build sheet confirmed and delivered to me.
March 23rd 2021 - model built and dyno’ed
April 3rd 2021 - Car arrived in MA via closed transport
April 5th -7th - navigated the finance process as I didn’t fit the “typical profile” of an NSX owner (whatever that means). It wasn’t a cash, credit or liquidity thing. Basically the hold up was I don’t own my place but instead rent as my Fiancé owns and we split the mortgage.
April 8th - picked up the car and brought it home for 2 months of storage till the paint cures

A few things to note:
1) Comms was infrequent during process. No one know what timelines looked like.
2 I was annoyed by the “profile” comment but got approved for 3.79%. I negotiated no mark up in my contract so got full pass through (however Acura may allow a 1.25% max mark up).