Updated my rear end!


The ACURA emblem that you can purchase from the dealer will have a very strong 3M adhesive already applied to it. Just peel off the backing to expose the adhesive and place it on the rear of the tail light assembly.

I removed the center portion from the car and laid it flat to make it easier to work with. I also measured out everything to make sure I was "dead center" and evenly spaced from all four sides. ( I'm anal about stuff like that)

Once you stick it on it will never come off; unless you pry it off.

[This message has been edited by Chris W (edited 29 April 2002).]
What kind of silicone sealant do I use??

Could anyone tell me the name of the sealant?

Thank you.
if u dont mind me saying so, that's a sexy arsheheh...