UFC 68 Tim Sylvia vs Randy Couture Video

5 April 2006

What can you say about Randy Couture. The guy is my hero. Unbelievable. He showed that punk the exit door.

Thanks for the link as I missed this last night. Awesome...
Great fights all around last night. I was VERY dissappointed with Babalu, but the rest of the night was great...
I would not go so far as a true champion, he is a top notch athlete and is in freakishly excelent shape for 43, but the guy he was fighting is a complete bum and has never had a hard match. Crocop will put him back in retirement wheather he wants to go back or not.
while i think Tim is kinda like the nerd from high school, and i dont like him so much, you cant say he is a bum who has never had a hard match...

3 fights against Andrei winning 2 of the 3
Jeff Monson while really really short is a bad A$$, (tim did look like a fool in that fight)
Ricco Rodriguez...come on he was the champ for awhile too.

I agree that Mirko Filopovic will prolly hurt randy, but i said the same about last night.

Also how can you say a guy who has what, 5 ufc belts NOT be a champion? on top of that he is always polite and professional....what makes a "true champion" if these actions and characteristics dont....?
I am not even a Randy fan but come one....you cant say the guy isnt a true champ, and you cant say tim is a bum, both those comments are as silly all the booing @ a ufc match because the guys are grapling.
Come on seriously you are defending Tim Sylvia, Snowman a tough guy for sure Andre also tough, Rico no way. Tims last few fights have just been pathetic not even pushing the fight just waiting for it to be over not fighting like a heavyweight champion at all.

Randy is an excelent fighter do not get me wrong all heart but every time he has a real fight he loses ( please do not call Ortiz a real fight) Chuck was a good fight though I have to give him that one but I think Chuck took him to lightly and never made that mistake again.

Ufc has become way to comercial it is all about the TV fighters now 90 percent of the UFC fighters are way over rated. Pride FC guys are going to kick some but they just need to get used to these stupid UFC rules.
Randy has a chance against almost everyone but I'm a little scared of what will happen to him when he fights Mirko. The last thing I want to see is a LHK to finish Randy...

I agree with earz0, Sylvia really isn't a top competitor even though he beat some good names. He is much too slow and uncoordinated to face the likes of a Crocop or Fedor. This fight had me thinking about the Roy Jones Jr fight against John Ruiz. Randy is nowhere near as fast as Roy is so just imagine what Fedor or Mirko can do to Sylvia.

The last Pride event was a great one, too. Anyone see the Nick Diaz v. Gomi fight? Dan Henderson dominated Vandy. Rua landed a vicious punch while Overeem was on his back defending to end that fight.

UFC landing Mirko & Rampage is a huge win to gain respect in the world of MMA. They have a lot of money behind them and they could potentially buy a lot of great fighters away from Pride.
wow, i wasnt defending tim, i was defending randy....while he may not be the smoothest fighter, he is far from a bumb

it is funny how most people have to pick a side, (pride or ufc) its also funny how people go back and forth fighting in both...they never seem to do well in both...and not always are the pride guys better...
i agree , i acnt wait for rampage !!
yeah we watched the pride card... what a great card that was, glad to se ND was back looking like he should....

funny story, my wife ordered some ND sweatshirts, well like 2 months go by so she calls the number from paypal to ND fighting.... some chic answers, so susan (wife) asked or nick....the girl screams upstairs (nick, phones for you) and nick gets on the the phone, "ahh hello"....my smart a$$ wife says "what are you doing on the phone, shouldnt you be training"... he's like "what" and starts laughing, asking who is this... ans susan just says, "where are my sweatshirts" more laughing...now thier pals.....talk quite a bit.

Dan OWNED that night for sure

as far as "buying" fighters away from pride, they are leaving in droves...no money left. that circus cost too much for all the fireworks and crap :)

i also never understood why ufc needed to gain respect from the rest of mma.....
if it keeps going like it is the rest of mma is going to have to try and be gaining the respect or even intrest from the ufc....
Funny story about Nick!

i also never understood why ufc needed to gain respect from the rest of mma.....
if it keeps going like it is the rest of mma is going to have to try and be gaining the respect or even intrest from the ufc....

The reason why UFC gets little respect from the MMA world is because of matches like Hughes v Gracie and it was long ago that the best fighters moved on to fight in Pride. It's also where the Gracies got rocked by Sakuraba and where UFC fighters have traditionally struggled. But come on, they had Fedor, Mirko, Vandy, Rampage, Nogueira, Rua, Gomi, Henderson, just to name a few. Plus mix in Bob Sapp and have El Guapo for your announcer and how much better can it get? You can knee on the ground and soccer kick (best name for a strike ever). Finally, the fans really understand the sport and you rarely hear boos. 50,000 fans in a single arena, top that.

Speaking of boos, yeah it was kinda lame of Tim to bring up his injury but it sounds like it was true. But I was kind of put off by the fact that the fans booed his explanation when the guy tried his hardest out there and put himself at risk instead of pulling out of the fight like he planned to. I'm not a fan of Tim's but he showed courage and humility and the last thing the fans should be doing is booing the guy. UFC has the worst fans...
I used to take martial arts as a kid, but somehow from going to all the tournaments, demonstrations, etc. I just can't view pride and UFC as "martial arts." I have nothing but the greatest respect for those guys who train like crazy to get in shape and fight, but it doesn't remind me of martial arts the way Bruce Lee or Jet Li does. These guys are more like boxers who train for a single event rather than lifelong devotees to an 'art' that they practice for life.
That being said I had a great time watching the last event.:smile:
I used to take martial arts as a kid, but somehow from going to all the tournaments, demonstrations, etc. I just can't view pride and UFC as "martial arts." I have nothing but the greatest respect for those guys who train like crazy to get in shape and fight, but it doesn't remind me of martial arts the way Bruce Lee or Jet Li does. These guys are more like boxers who train for a single event rather than lifelong devotees to an 'art' that they practice for life.
That being said I had a great time watching the last event.:smile:

That's why it is called "Mixed Martial Arts". They don't just train in one area... They devote their lives to being a great Mixed Martial Artist.
just curious what would you call a person that mainly trained in Wushu, but also sub trained in BJJ and kagekempo. I think that that person is in the art of MMA. There is alot of people that mainly train and devote most of there life in a specific art, example BJJ but want to compete more in different competitions other then GQ, etc. So you cross train in other arts to bring your self up to a different level to compete in a mma event. Please dont get me wrong I have much respect to all the arts out there.
Didnt Fedor get signed to EliteXC? I was very impressed with Randy against Tim. Randy never stayed planted in one spot and always had his head moving, why couldnt he come out fighting like this against Chuck. Hughes fight was cra in my opinion, it looked like he was scared to do anything with Lytle. 3rd round Hughes just laid on him. Cant wait to see Sera fight in the nex UFC. Oh got to show some love to Kendall in his up coming fight. His stand up is coming along in training, hope he is in the right mind set when he gets there.
If anyone is in the Vegas area check out Randys new gym, its just awsome full cage, boxing ring, bags, fully mated floor.
Jade, the two martial artists you use for reference were actors (though Bruce Lee was an innovator). MMA is a sport, and those who train and compete are true athletes. MMA is an amalgamation of Muay Thai, Wrestling, BJJ, and boxing/striking...and sometimes other disciplines such as Judo, Karate, Sambo, etc.

earz0, you come off like a total MMA troll. Couture not a true champion? Multiple Lt Heavyweight and Heavyweight titles? One of the classiest guys in the sport, and a consummate professional? Also, while i'm not a Tim Sylvia fan whatsoever, he's far from a 'complete bum.' Step in the cage with him and see how you feel afterwards. Takes just a little bit of talent and hard work to become the Heavyweight champ and successfully defend your belt more than once. Never had a hard match? Umm...Cabbage, Ricco, Mir, Telligman, Monson, and Arlovski 3 times? Give credit where credit is due...Randy beating Tim was amazing, inspirational, and in true defiance of nature, as well as the odds makers :smile: . BTW Tim claiming the injury was absolutely lame, no doubt.

808_JDM, Fedor didn't sign w/ EliteXC, he's still w/ Pride, though he is fighting Matt Lindland on a Bodog card.

Pride Second Coming was probably the best event i've seen, even though I lost money on it :rolleyes: . Malibu, I can't believe what Diaz did to Gomi, BTW he just tested positive for herb. Shogun tooled Overeem again, KO from the guard is rare and was nice to see. I cannot believe the way lil' Nog got knocked out by that Judoka. I also had money on Misaki and Trigg threw him a beating. Come to think of it, I had money on Babalu last weekend also, and Lambert put it to him. February and March were chock full of upsets.

I had money on Babalu last weekend also, and Lambert put it to him.


This was such an upset. Babalu is a GREAT fighter and has beat some of the greatest fighters in MMA, and has one of the alltime greatest feats in MMA history with his IFC tournament win over Trevor Prangley, Mauricio Rua, and Jeremy Horn in a single night. He has been one of my alltime favorite fighters, and I really thought he would do better against chuck. This ws supposed to be his return path, but I guess there was a fork in the road...
Jade, the two martial artists you use for reference were actors (though Bruce Lee was an innovator). MMA is a sport, and those who train and compete are true athletes. MMA is an amalgamation of Muay Thai, Wrestling, BJJ, and boxing/striking...and sometimes other disciplines such as Judo, Karate, Sambo, etc.

Ah, thank you for clearing it up for me. I had no doubt that these guys live and breathe to train. I was wondering if any prime members actually train in this sport. There are some gyms where I live, but I wanted to know the nature of it before I got into it too much (I work in a corporate environment, and can't afford to look like ed norton in fight club).
Ah, thank you for clearing it up for me. I had no doubt that these guys live and breathe to train. I was wondering if any prime members actually train in this sport. There are some gyms where I live, but I wanted to know the nature of it before I got into it too much (I work in a corporate environment, and can't afford to look like ed norton in fight club).

I do MMA and a few others here do too. Most guys on this forum are really knowledgable on the subject anyway. If you just want to learn to fight I suggest to you some striking and some ground submission skills. The name doesn't matter so long as you learn striking range, what to do in a clinch, and what to do on the ground. Generally for striking boxing and muaythai are excellent, in a clinch muaythai (knees and elbows) and Judo (throwing) are excellent... on the ground Brazilian Jiujitsu is probably the best.

Most guys that compete don't do enough work with technique, most guys that want to have good street self defense rely entirely too much on learning technique and don't actually FIGHT enough. The X factor also always is conditioning because if you are out of gas my sister will probably beat your a$$. :biggrin:
Jon thanks for that clarification I guess I mixed it up. If anyone is in the Vegas area and want to start to learn some mma (leaning more to no-gi JJ) hit me up and you can always come over. My boy that kind of instructs us is friends with the guys at Factor X.
Muay Thai and BJJ here... Once I hone my skills in both I am going to start with Kempo. :wink:
I do give credit where credit is due, Randy is an excelent fighter evn though his whole career has been win then lose never a constant reign. I do not take anything away from his skills I just think that the UFC has trumped him up more than need be. As for Sylvia you are right he would beat the living snot out of me but that is like compairing apples to oranges put him against a real fighter (his own weight class) or any of the guys he has fought, against a real fighter and say good night. The UFC used to be awsome but all they seem to be concerned about latley is promoting their tv crap. I would say the top four heavy weights in pride would dominate any one of the UFC heavy weights. I am not saying pride is better but if you look at that division they have some tough guys there.:smile:
I do MMA and a few others here do too. Most guys on this forum are really knowledgable on the subject anyway. If you just want to learn to fight I suggest to you some striking and some ground submission skills. The name doesn't matter so long as you learn striking range, what to do in a clinch, and what to do on the ground. Generally for striking boxing and muaythai are excellent, in a clinch muaythai (knees and elbows) and Judo (throwing) are excellent... on the ground Brazilian Jiujitsu is probably the best.

Most guys that compete don't do enough work with technique, most guys that want to have good street self defense rely entirely too much on learning technique and don't actually FIGHT enough. The X factor also always is conditioning because if you are out of gas my sister will probably beat your a$$. :biggrin:

Sounds like good advice to me. BTW i've never gassed in a 'street fight' (never had one last that long)....the gym is a different story though, my tank runs dry much quicker these days.

Hey Bob...does anyone actually take Kempo anymore?
Holla at your boy Jeff Speakman for me :smile:
If it wasn't for Royce Gracie, we'd all be taking Kempo right now. :tongue:
Most guys that compete don't do enough work with technique, most guys that want to have good street self defense rely entirely too much on learning technique and don't actually FIGHT enough. The X factor also always is conditioning because if you are out of gas my sister will probably beat your a$$. :biggrin:

Haha thanks a lot for the advice. I'm learning it as a form of self-defense just so I would feel more confident should a situation arise. I'm really not confrontational by nature, and I'll always avoid violence unless it's absolutely necessary to defend myself or family/friends.