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Type R gauge set replica

Vancehu said:
… I’ll give you an example: Regarding the installation of the NSX R front chassis bar. "Bumper removal is not required" is just flat out an wrong statement.

WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT:confused: :confused: :confused:
I didn't have to take mine off. It took about an hour to put BOTH bars on. Just me with hand tools no lift.
heretic said:
WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT:confused: :confused: :confused:
I didn't have to take mine off. It took about an hour to put BOTH bars on. Just me with hand tools no lift.

I'm not going to argue with you. When installing the front chssis bar, you will have to remove the front toll hooks, and cut the plastic cover so the bar will fit through it. Also, unless your are a super tiny person, it is not possible to fit your self under the car to install the under bar. Simply put, just ask Prime members Autowave, or MrTed. They are certified Honda techs, and both of them will tell you it is physically impossible to install the Front Chassis bar correctly without having to remove the front bumper.

Personal experience. When I had my chassis bars intalled, I was fiddling with it for hours with couple of local NSXers who already had their's installed. I was warned by them it is impossible to do it wihout having to remove the front bumper. If you have a way, love to have you post instructions, and post some pictures. I will make a public apology to SOS if that is the case.
Vancehu said:
I'm not going to argue with you. When installing the front chssis bar, you will have to remove the front toll hooks, and cut the plastic cover so the bar will fit through it. Also, unless your are a super tiny person, it is not possible to fit your self under the car to install the under bar. Simply put, just ask Prime members Autowave, or MrTed. They are certified Honda techs, and both of them will tell you it is physically impossible to install the Front Chassis bar correctly without having to remove the front bumper.

Personal experience. When I had my chassis bars intalled, I was fiddling with it for hours with couple of local NSXers who already had their's installed. I was warned by them it is impossible to do it wihout having to remove the front bumper. If you have a way, love to have you post instructions, and post some pictures. I will make a public apology to SOS if that is the case.

No need, I already posted it here.
MJK said:
heritic said:
Just me with hand tools no lift.

Thank you. My apology to SOS. I retract my early statement regarding the chassis bar.

Two more things. Please prove me wrong, so I can issue a complete apology to SOSChris.

VIS Hood = SOS NA1 Type R style Hood.
SOS Headr = DC Sports header/DC Sports header knock off.

Thank you.
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Not to interceed into the purity of the sacred NSXPrime vendor forum.. but I have to say that it was awesome meeting up and seeing / taking a spin in your ride. Everything about your setup was inspiring and awesome. Your taste is unquestionable, in cars anyway as I still am not sure what animal parts everyone had me eat tonight... :wink:

The cluster work is the best I've seen to date, for those whom are seeking the subtle Type R interior styling, I'll throw in my own thumbs up here because that work is clean, I had to do a double take myself it looked very authentic mated to the wheels, hub, seats, carpet, and newer 03 trimmings at first I was like 'wait a minute...'.

Further thanks for speaking your mind and saying things like it is on here, never mind the usual suspects... most here know how to read between the lines and 3rd party plugs and frankly I wouldn't trust most of them to install spark plugs in my lawn mower without 25 phone calls 15 e-mails and a pay-pal dispite...and I think you'll find for the most part that the PNW chapter shares your enthusiasm for vendors, and most would rather see things return to the community model for which car clubs were designed- owners helping owners at no further premium charge.

Thanks again!