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Type R gauge set replica

Vancehu said:
Apparently, you didn't get the clue. I didn’t go to your thread "try" to help you; therefore, you should do the same!!! Like I said, not ever one is fan of SOS, there is a large group of us here in S Cal hate you guys. I guess you do that so much that you don’t even remember out conversation and e-mails!!!

Wow, why the animosity? I was actually interested in this product, but with the way that you're conducting yourself towards someone that by his post appears to be legitimately trying to offer a suggestion for your benefit, I think I'll pass now. It's also kind of hard to understand some of what you're saying in many of your posts anyway, perhaps your communication skills are an issue with you and Chris, who knows? Perhaps you didn't see in his post Chris saying "hope this helps"?

Anyway, if you relax a little bit then perhaps we'll be interested in the gauges, but I actually do like SOS as does the VAST majority of people because they do deliver quality products, unlike some other vendors out there that you have chosen to support. In regards to SOS, I've yet to hear of a "large group of us in S Cal hate you guys."

Let me know if you chill out at all and then I'd be very interested in the gauges. :smile:
Vancehu said:
Like I said, not ever one is fan of SOS, there is a large group of us here in S Cal hate you guys.
You're certainly beginning to endear yourself to the world outside your little cocoon. Never seen a guy get so worked-up for a "not a profit project."

I have informed him yesterday, no result yet.
Sitting on pins and needles...
Vanchu, I have to say I agree that you should apologize. Maybe you were having a bad day, but I think Chris' post was sincere and your responses were way off base. Maybe go drink a beer, come back and read the thread through again. I know I get that way sometimes too.:wink:
Vancehu said:
Apparently, you didn't get the clue. I didn’t go to your thread "try" to help you; therefore, you should do the same!!! Like I said, not ever one is fan of SOS, there is a large group of us here in S Cal hate you guys. I guess you do that so much that you don’t even remember out conversation and e-mails!!!

Grow up! You will be a crappy salesperson with an attitude like that!
I was also planning on getting a set but the way you conduct your business I would rather not get one. Chris was just being helpful.

Vancehu said:
Like I said, not ever one is fan of SOS, there is a large group of us here in S Cal hate you guys.(http://www.714motoring.org/)
Btw not everyone agrees with you here in Socal. Chris has been very helpful to everyone. He even gave away a few shirts during his visit here.
Vancehu said:
Apparently, you didn't get the clue. I didn’t go to your thread "try" to help you; therefore, you should do the same!!! Like I said, not ever one is fan of SOS, there is a large group of us here in S Cal hate you guys. I guess you do that so much that you don’t even remember out conversation and e-mails!!!

man, "hate" seems like a really strong word to use towards someone that genuinely seemed to be doing nothing more than giving somewhat useful advice. I dont know, there must be more to it than just the "header incident"?:confused:
In case you guys didn't realized, this is a for "sale/vender" thread, not the "owner's discussion" thread. If I listed this under the "owner's discussion" every one is welcome to participate.
91turboMR2 said:
I was also planning on getting a set but the way you conduct your business I would rather not get one. Chris was just being helpful.
Btw not everyone agrees with you here in Socal. Chris has been very helpful to everyone. He even gave away a few shirts during his visit here.
Wow, if I give you some shirts with my business name printed on it, would you love me as much as you love Chris. It is call, "free walking advertisement for SOS." Send me your address, I'll send you some shirts too!!!

Absolutely no apology here; like I mentioned before, I don't go to SOS thread try to "help," I don't need him or any venders here on my thread. It is call respect. Like I mentioned before, this is not a profit project, but rather sharing a chance for those who are doing the Type R project a chance to get something that is very much impossible to get. If all of you so called “I was going to get a set, until…” . Obviously you guys don’t know the whole story.

YES, there is a large group of people out here in S Cal who literally hate SOS. Business practice is everything. I'm sorry if you guys don't see my point, but I will never, NEVER go to any one else's thread try to offer any of my opinion/concern - Because it is none of my business. I hope you guys understand my point, if you don't... well, sorry.
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Vancehu said:
Absolutely no apology here; like I mentioned before, I don't go to SOS thread try to "help," I don't need him or any venders here on my thread. It is call respect.
You wouldn't know respect if it was starring you in the face, and you're well on your way to seeing that you get little from here out.

YES, there is a large group of people out here in S Cal who literally hate SOS.
You're such a great individual for speaking on the behalf of others. I'm sure they are all eager to chime in here and thank you.

I'm sorry if you guys don't see my point, but I will never, NEVER go to any one else's thread try to offer any of my opinion/concern - Because it is none of my business.
Hmmm, you have posted opinions in 46 threads within the vendor forum, most of which were not initiated by you. I'm sure that many of the opinions are factual or helpful to others - just like the post by Chris in this thread. Maybe you just have a problem in thinking you are the living NSX bible, in that everything that comes from your keyboard is the end-all.

In case you guys didn't realized, this is a for "sale/vender" thread, not the "owner's discussion" thread. If I listed this under the "owner's discussion" every one is welcome to participate.
No, it's a "Vendors / Product Info, Questions & Reviews / Group Buys" forum that your thread is in. The reason it is a forum is so that others can exchange thoughts and opinions, as well as ask questions about said topics. You may not think you need Chris' opinon, but there are others who just might value it. If you don't realize that, then go start your own advertising website for type-R NSX gauges.

Next posting will be after my set is installed into my car.
You lied.

[Edit]: Vancehu decided to initiate some PM's to me, and I now know why he replied like he did in this thread. Instead of trying to explain his position, he showed the maturity of a three year-old. Suffice it to say that if I would have been the Prime admin receiving the PM's, he would no longer be on this forum.
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I think you've freaking issues buddy,Chris at SOS was just trying to help. I've bought products from SOS and everytime they've done a great job. They answer all my questions and concerns that I have when ordering from them. Dissing on them isnt cool. I had alot of respect for you, since you were doing a type r project that I can only dream of. Now that I see how you really act, it makes me think what kind of a person you truly are. A brainless person who thinks he knows it all. You dont have respect at all buddy, get over your ego!!! I was interested in the gauge but not anymore.
I have been a member here for a long time and fortunate to have met and known many people from here. I am NOT going to take side between SOS and Vance. However, I am not going to address what had happen between SOS and Vance that I am sure went beyond above posts made. For all of us that don't really know the story behind this post, lets just keep out. I am sure we're all grown enough and adult enough to solve our problems. This is a "group buy" thread, and NOT a "beating each other" thread.
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As Poohbear stated, I couldn't agree more.
So lets focus on the GB and see what Vance can deliver. IMHO if you are interested in the product make your decision based on the product itself, NOT irrelevant facts. I didn't stop buying the NSX because I hated the salesman!!!
Vancehu said:
After consulting with my Japanese counterpart, he decided this following route will be easier for every one. For that, there is a new optional parts to make your needle yellow. We can vote for it, but this way is also good... I think. For those who is worry about break the gauge needles assembly. If we agree on this one, it will be 100 bucks cheaper. He just mailed my parts out today, so hopefully I'll have them by mid next week. I will post photo with them in my car.

I'm still confused. Are these faces intended to go over the existing faces?
The holes around the needles are large enough to go on with the needles intact and in place?
pbassjo said:
I'm still confused. Are these faces intended to go over the existing faces?
The holes around the needles are large enough to go on with the needles intact and in place?

On the earlier prototype set, we replaced all the face plates, but this new scenario, I believe only the speedo and Tech gauge is replaced, and the four side gauges are overlay. I'm not sure because I had some problem understand the e-mail, so I have to wait for them to arrive next week to be able to tell you guys. So hang in there.
All parts just arrived today. Will install them on to my car soon, hopefully tonight. The "final" prototype is completely different than the previous versions. Instead of replacing the gauge face plate, the gauge is printed on very thin film like plastic, and larger holes were cut for easy install - all of us technically challenged people. There is no need to remove the needle if this version works.

This may be a good news; if this is the style/type we choose, it will brings the price down by about $200 bucks from first post. I have to re-calculate the exchange rate before the deal finaized.

Once I have it installed into the car, I will take some picture and let you guys see it. If there is a problem, I have to contact Popdesign to start the process again... I hope not, too much time and money spend...
The gauge set is made by POPDESING, we spend lots of time to get it done in MPH. And... it is now a finish product. After installing the set, I realized this is truly a major accomplishment. I'm not bragging, but it is a proud moment, to have this done.... I couldn’t stop looking at it… it is an absolute beauty, and truly stunning! It brought tears to my eyes....

With this design, I have concluded our R & D process. No sense of change any thing after this final prototype set is made. It works. OEM fitment, easy to install, and most importantly, it is USDM standard. No modifications of electronics, just simply slide the face over the existing gauge, and put the yellow stickers over the red needle - Much easier than our previous prototypes.

I have two, possibly three commitments so far. Since I’m only making approximately $50 bucks on each set; therefore, I may close the GB after six orders. It is really not worth the waiting beyond August 31st. I want to close this ASAP so I can move on and finish my Type R conversion.

POPDESIGN is doing this as a favor for me, since I have been a long-term customer, and a friend. We had many business dealings in the past. He is willing to accept the deal since it is a GB, because there is only one money wiring is involved, which will make his life much easier.

Also the price is brought down significantly from the original estimation because we no longer replace the needles. Even at a lowered price, it is still high for what it is, but don’t forget, I split the R & D cost with POPDESING, he is willing to do the GB so he can recover some of his own cost. This was more of a fun project for both of us, not a moneymaker. I like to keep the priority to those who are doing the NA2 Type R conversion, but if orders are not filled, any one is welcome to jump in and fill the spot.

Here is the break down.
Less than six sets:
Six sets or more, but less than Ten
Ten sets

Following payments methods are accepted:
Money order, Personal Checks. Paypal (Add 3% fees), or Credit Card (Add 2% service charge).

All order includes international money wiring by my business; all finish products will be ship to me at one time to my shop, and Priority shipping to you. You can have my guy to install it for you locally, but he demands $200 bucks. That’s including painting your rings, and install the gauge set; about a four hours job. All jobs are guarantee.

PM me if you have any questions, let’s not let the future threads turn into another fiasco. My apology to the guys if I have offended you, as for SOS, let’s leave that subject out, it’s personal.

Raw view

Far away view

Entire gauge view

Speedo/Tech view

Night view. This is not a good shot because I have a cheap camera... my phone!!!

If I can’t reach at least six, it is not a big deal, the committed parties are aware of the extra cost, and they are willing to pay for the extra.
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I think this is a great alternative product than the entire Type R speedo for the Type R enthusiast.

Remember Vance is simply purchasing this part for himself and making it available for other Prime members to purchase without making any profit.

So the part might be for you or not, but at least we should thank Vance for making it available for those who wanted it, which were a lucky 5 people here on Prime.

Came out stunning by the way. Nice job once again Erick.
Just to confirm, this is specifically for NA2 clusters since the TCS light is deleted from the Tach face. I have not confirmed if the 95 & 96 NA1 also has the TCS deleted from the tach...
Stick-e-rice said:
I think this is a great alternative product than the entire Type R speedo for the Type R enthusiast.

Remember Vance is simply purchasing this part for himself and making it available for other Prime members to purchase without making any profit.

So the part might be for you or not, but at least we should thank Vance for making it available for those who wanted it, which were a lucky 5 people here on Prime.

Came out stunning by the way. Nice job once again Erick.
Thank you, about time some one read my previous posts, word by word.

lithiumus said:
Just to confirm, this is specifically for NA2 clusters since the TCS light is deleted from the Tach face. I have not confirmed if the 95 & 96 NA1 also has the TCS deleted from the tach...

During the R & D process, we have discovered the location of the warning lights were different between USDM NA1, NA2, and NA2 LEV, and well as JDM models. For example: the location of the USDM cruise control light is where the JDM TCS light is.

After attempted many different face gauges, we realized the answer was right on front of our face!!! A direct transfer from USDM speedo would have been sufficient. Forget the creativity, altering the speedso, etc, because I realized everything should be USDM standard, and we don’t want to mess with the electronics behind the gauge face. What POPESIGN did that was brilliant was… sticker over the needles, instead of replacing them. He understands the potential complication of removal of the needles, because not everyone is handy with work like that.

The only thing we were considering was the deletion of the Cruise Control light, but we decided it should be there. This is a Type R “look-alike” gauge, not actual Type R. Therefore, nothing is removed/blocked out; you will not loose any gauge functionality.

It is truly unique… It would have been cool if I kept it to may self, and have the only one in the US with this face, but RyanITV and SerialNSXers helped me greatly with my Type R conversion, this was one way to give other Type R conversion guys to have some thing that is very much impossible to get.

Next week, I'll be making a one-week road trip LA to Seattle, when I return, hopefully I get five or six to sign up. I got two commitments right now. POPDESIGN indicated the manufacturing time is about 3 days per set; therefore, for those who ordered set should have them before end of September.
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I had the pleasure of checking out the gauges today in person,... and I must say they look superb, good quality, and OEM fit and finish. topnotch product. put me down for a kit also. can't wait:biggrin:

Im surprised some people are going to sleep on this because of a few differences. its all good though, more exclusive :cool:
Vancehu said:
Apparently, you didn't get the clue. I didn’t go to your thread "try" to help you; therefore, you should do the same!!! Like I said, not every one is fan of SOS, there is a large group of us here in S Cal hate you guys. I guess you do that so much that you don’t even remember out conversation and e-mails!!!

By the way, do you know why People hate you around here in S. Cal? Let’s keep it a secret!!! You steal ideas and products from others – By slap your own label on them. You have products on your website you can not get!!! DC Sports Header = SOS header, VIS Hood = SOS TYPE R hood. You created illusion by making people believe you have spend ten and thousands of dollars on R & D on “over the shelf” products by other manufactures, stuff you bought from other venders, and charge more money by covering up the original labels. You don't even have the correct information on your website on many of the products you carry… I’ll give you an example: Regarding the installation of the NSX R front chassis bar. "Bumper removal is not required" is just flat out an wrong statement.

For all I know, you will try to steal this product and sell it as SOS brand!!!

I'm at a loss as to where your fanatical hate stems from and what we have done to trigger this in your mind. You're frenetic slander isn't helping anyone including yourself. Give me a call or shoot me an e-mail if you'd like to discuss.

-- Chris
vancehu said:
This is NOTa profit project

vancehu said:
not a moneymaker
stick-e-rice said:
Remember Vance is simply purchasing this part for himself and making it available for other Prime members to purchase without making any profit
vancehu said:
Thank you, about time some one read my previous posts, word by word.

Then we hear......

Vancehu said:
Since I’m only making approximately $50 bucks on each set;

:confused: :confused: