Two NOS bottles at the same time. Is it possible???

16 June 2000
30 miles from The Dragon. On the TN side of cours
I was wondering if you could tie two nitrous bottles together before running a single line into the solenoid? I would like to increase the time between bottle refills if possible. I'm just not sure if doubling the capacity will increase line pressure or simply increase my capacity. I have seen pictures of NSXs with two bottles in their trunks, but I think they were running multiple solenoids in stages. I don't want to add another fogger for more power, just simply increase the capacity of my system.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Yeah, its a piece of cake.we do it all the time. they make specific fittings for the job,just make sure the fittings are not the 90 angle ones as for that same goes at the solenoid. buy a purge while you are at it and remember you will need two bottle warmers and that is not a extra YOU must run dual warmers for a stable system.
another way to go is to use a distribution block to mount in the trunk near the bottles and use 6inch or 12 inch line from the bottles to the block and your single line to the solenoids. use a six foot line from the bottle connectors or distro block which ever way you do it. its the optimal length for the car.mount the n20 pressure gauge on the distro block if you go that way and use the electronic sending unit with the gauge that gos up front.

heres some pics of a system I built for mike a couple years ago that was dual bottle... looks tight, I think he wants to sell it if anyone is looking and I am not building anymore kits with the grim reaper chasing me.

oh yeah you need a razor sharp guy to do this work pic included... absinthe what??

best regards dave

ps questions pm no problem


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Thanks a lot for the speedy reply Dave. The one thing I did not consider was the bottle heater. I will need a second one for sure!

The picture you attached looks fantastic!! Those red bottles look top notch, as well as the aluminum brackets.

Thanks again!!
What the hell???!!!???


-- Joe