Twisties in Berkeley Hills 9/25

That same route we had last time Steve?

I don't know - my car had a hard time keeping up with the rest of you guys ... <!--StartFragment -->

That is a fun route - I'd have loved to but don't really have much time today, just got back from a trip.
If it's not too much trouble, could one of you guys tell me what this route is? I don't have an NSX so I wouldn't be joining you, but I'd just like to know if there are any good roads around here that I don't know about. I'm in the Bay Area, by the way. Thanks! :)
Don't know how many of you made it out to the Marin meet a few week ago, but there was a rather agitated cyclist on the drive afterwards...not sure what happened nor am I excusing his inappropriate behavior.

With that in mind, if you guys do go for a spirited drive in that area, granted I think most organized drives are very courteous, just please be wary of cyclists on that route. It is a popular route--I ride on those roads all the time and would still like to experience them on/in all my vehicles, be it gasoline or human powered.


geometro said:
Don't know how many of you made it out to the Marin meet a few week ago, but there was a rather agitated cyclist on the drive afterwards...not sure what happened nor am I excusing his inappropriate behavior.
Was this on the Berkely drive or the Hwy 1N drive?
I had a near miss with two of those riders over in Marin. I ride bikes myself both road and MTB and I never have thought that any particular road is for cyclists only unless it has signs posted stating just that. Any way those two riders had come around a blind corner in my lane, I was going about 20 mph because I knew there were cyclists on the roads. I stopped and they went around me and were yelling some obscenities. I guess they don't want us moving in on their territory.
D'Ecosse I was refering to the post meet drive over at Marin Acura a few weeks ago...

NorCalWhite, ah, now it makes sense... By the time I got there one of those guys was really agitated, over on the side of the road yelling "F*ck you all!!!" while exposing himself.

I was going to pull over with my passenger, stop, hold up our index finger and thumbs about 5mm apart, point at his wang and laugh, then drive off.

Wankers like that give cyclists a bad name... Crossing teh double yellow (well, if there was one) and then being pissed off about it... SHeesh. Morons.

geometro said:
D'Ecosse I was refering to the post meet drive over at Marin Acura a few weeks ago...
There were two post-meet drives, one of which was over the thread subject, Berkeley Hills - just wanted to be sure that was not where any incident occurred; I did not recall any bicyclists on our drive.