Tubi exhaust

Sorry I did not respond earlier; I do not get to read this forum often.
NSXY, the website you attribute to Franc Yarde is not his. It apparently belongs to a Tubi/NSX user who posted pictures and benevolently mentioned the name and address of the importer. Moreover, the other websites mentioned in the last 2-3 posts of this thread do not belong to Tubi or TSI but to auto(some Ferrari) dealers who make their claims based on their own experience (on Ferrari cars). My earlier statement claiming a modest HP increase is based on my own discussions with exhaust manufacturers here and overseas who insist that an exhaust muffler alone (without intake/headers, thank you Ilya), when installed behind catalytic converters, rarely produces more than 2% RWHP increase.
Tino S.
Yo Tino,

You'll see from my postings above that I understood all these websites to be independent from Tubi, except of course the the website that looks like a Tubi website with representations by Francesco Yarde: http://www.mindspring.com/~lotek/tubi.htm There's absolutely nothing in the webpage to indicate it's someone else's work product, except the webspage address itself.

I just called Yarde, who claimed no knowledge of the webpage, but said he encouraged dealers to do such advertsing. When I explained that the 15-20 hp claim attributed to him was a gross over-estimate, he promised to follow up and look at website. (He's never heard of NSX Prime either, so I referred him to here also).

Again, it would be interesting to get before/after dyno info on a stock NSX, so we all know the truth on this. I will definitely weigh both the OEM and Tubi exhausts, so we have that info for sure.

95 NSX-T, 5 sp, Red/Tan, Stock, except Dunlaptya SP9000s
Originally posted by NSXY:
Here's another website claiming Tubi's ~7% increase to hp and ~50% weight savings over OEM.
A lot of these quotes, whilst mostly tongue-in-cheek, combine the two factors.

IIRC, a weight savings of 10-15 lbs is equivalent to a power boost of 1-2 horsepower. Add to that a 5 hp gain at high RPM, fudge the math and you're close to 8-10 "bolt-on" hp.

Then there's the placebo effect -- it sounds faster, so it must be faster.
Yo cojones:

Interesting/funny idea about increased hp from reduced weight, but I'm sure you know it doesn't compute so linearly. Only proper direct testing will show the results.

BTW, regarding my recent Tubi order from Tino, my wife asked why it costs so much (~$1,700) "...to make the car sound loader?" I explained that our NSX is a world-class, exotic sports car with an OEM exhaust that doesn't do justice to the superior engine performance or to our experience driving it, and that it now sounds like a cross between a sewing machine and an electric lawn mower! She seemed to get it.

I really don't mean to be sexist here, but I guess this mod stuff is mostly a guy thing...., although yesterday I did see a young woman on SpeedVision's car mod show, who was bragging about smoking guys in her incredibly modded car. My 18 year old son understood my purchase without an explanation. Maybe I'll report back later on my wife's impression of our noisier NSX...

95 NSX-T, 5 sp, Red/Tan, Stock, except Dunlaptya SP9000s
NSXY, I think you are misreading the web page.
The text is written by someone who happened to stumble upon this exhaust and purchased one. He admits that his 15-20HP estimate is 'seat of the pants' and on par with other NSX exhausts.

At the bottom of the page, he points to all inquiries being directed toward TSI and the President Yarde.
The person who wrote this has no relation to TSI, any of the dealers or distributors. His HP figures where a guess. I would venture to say an incorrect guess.

The Yarde name at the bottom is not the person who wrote or created the page. The author was just pointing to that name and company as a reference for the exhaust.

[This message has been edited by ilya (edited 12 December 2001).]
Thank you again Ilya for your clear explanation; it addresses this point very well.
NSXY, your order for an NSX Tubi and/or your deposit never reached me. Of the ten people on the list with deposits made, there is none with your email address or a physical address in Del Mar, CA.
What gives ?
Tino S.
Customer Jedi Mind Trick ;-)

-- Chris

Dear ilya,

I don't want to turn this into WW III, but I respectfully disagree with you that I'm reading the webpage incorrectly. Now that I know that F. Yardi had no knowledge of the webpage http://www.mindspring.com/~lotek/tubi.htm , and that it was constructed by an anonymous third party, I know exactly how to interpret it. I am a practicing professional in the field of intellectual property, and after talking to Yarde today, it is obvious that the webpage was constructed by someone expecting to benefit from an implied association of his own personnal impressions and the name of a recognized representative (F. Yarde) of the company (Tubi). If that were not the case, the author would have not have remained anonymous. Note that no representations are credited by or assumed by a named third party.

The are several laws governing the purposeful public association of private individuals with unrelated events or statements that, if demonstrated to cause harm to those named, are actionable in court. What is going on here is at the least unprofessional and at the most a violation of Yardi's rights not to be slandered, which he could pursue, if he wished, but he probably won't, because it's probably one of his dealers.

Let's talk common sense: whoever this anonymous person is, the proper thing would have been to take credit for his own words by providing either his name, his initials, or by signing off as "Anonymous", and before referring the reader to Yardi at Tubi. Proper representation is just the right thing to do. This might be the freewheeling Internet, but one still has to be careful about unapproved representations made in behalf of others.

BTW, you seemed pretty excited about the Tubi exhaust in your various postings on this site. Did you order one from Tino also?

95 NSX-T, 5 sp, Red/Tan, Stock, except Dunlaptya SP9000s
Dear Tino,

My check to MENSI has my Del Mar home address, but I also live in Santa Barbara, so my cover letter was from there. Have a look at your checks now, and let me know if you've not gotten it. I have also sent you an email with an attachment showing copies of my cover letter and check. Please have a look. Thanks much.

95 NSX-T, 5 sp, Red/Tan, Stock, except Dunlaptya SP9000s

[This message has been edited by NSXY (edited 12 December 2001).]

[This message has been edited by NSXY (edited 12 December 2001).]
Ok... now I think you misunderstood me.

I stated the same thing you just did, that this page was not written by Yarde, but by a third party. My post was in response to what you wrote:

You'll see from my postings above that I understood all these websites to be independent from Tubi, except of course the the website that looks like a Tubi website with representations by Francesco Yarde: http://www.mindspring.com/~lotek/tubi.htm There's absolutely nothing in the webpage to indicate it's someone else's work product, except the webspage address itself.

You wrote "... with representations by Francesco Yarde.." which implies that the text on the page was written by him.
I took this as you referring to this site as produced by Yarde or his company.
So I went to read it. I read it over and over... and every time it seemed to me like an average third party, not any company, making personal claims about a new exhaust they had bought. Perfectly standard fair. He then points to TSI and Yarde at the bottom of the page to contact for information, since they are the company that can answer them.

Since it seemed like you were under the impression that it was a Tubi site, all I did was try and point out that it was not. It seemed like just a third party site with personal opinions including a reference to TSI at the bottom for more info.

By your last post, it seems the complete opposite, in that you also see that site as written by some third party unaffiliated with TSI. I don't think there is any disagreement here... just confusion. I stated from the beginning that this was a third party site which agrees with your last post. The only reason I even posted was just to clarify your original statement, where you implied that this site looked like it was written by Francesco Yarde, when in fact it was not.
No need to get upset at anyone.

As for me...
I am not buying a Tubi now because I spent the money elsewhere. A great deal came up on the 4.55R&P for only 1K and I jumped on it. I need the rest for xmas presents.

At a later date when I am ready, I'll be hitting Tino up for a Tubi if it is still available.
I want to acknowledge Tino's great efforts to get this group Tubi purchase together. The $1695+S&H is quite good, as is evidenced by the following website price list for Ferraris, Lambos, etc. from Ohio http://www.evansauto.com/tubipage.htm

95 NSX-T, 5 sp, Red/Tan, Stock, except Dunlaptya SP9000s
Yo Cojones (Muy Grande?) et al:

This week Tino Stramotas confirmed by email which 10 people got their Tubi exhaust orders in before his deadline. Tino also told me that it was not easy to convince Tubi to agree to such a large group-buy deal (10 units), but he got it done. The estimated delivery is sometime in January, so keep an eye on this Discussion Board for upcoming reviews, maybe in January.

95 NSX-T, 5 sp, Red/Tan, Stock, except Dunlaptya SP9000s