Trueblood Season 2

First half of the show was interesting second half very slow. I thought the funniest part of the show was Jason giving his sage advice to Andy. When the dumbest guy in town is giving you his wisdom and you are listening - look out!

I think Bill's abduction is by the church and not Eric, but that is just a guess.
It certailny a lot more interesting a show then the usual offerings on TV.
I really cant tell if your joking or not but for me that sucked blood :mad:

I agree....the build up of the Mary Anne plot was not concluded very well.

Supernatural's writing is much better. In season 3 I was wondering what they were going to do about Sam's power (I thought it was going to be a dropped plot line) but they picked it back up in season 4 and it made sense. I was always like , Ok what is the purpose --- feeding blood to a child.

Very very good series.
I agree....the build up of the Mary Anne plot was not concluded very well.

Supernatural's writing is much better. In season 3 I was wondering what they were going to do about Sam's power (I thought it was going to be a dropped plot line) but they picked it back up in season 4 and it made sense. I was always like , Ok what is the purpose --- feeding blood to a child.

Very very good series.

Did you intend to reference plot content from "Season 3 and Season 4"? I'm a little confused.