Track Packet

27 July 2009
East Greenwich, RI, USA
Well, I got my track packet today, and guess what... There are additional items I should bring, like...

Plastic tarp or plastic garbage bags to cover the items that you removed from your car, cooler with
non-caffeinated drinks, snacks, your track registration packet, Duct / Electrical tape, Extra engine oil, Extra car keys, fuses
and fan belt, car shop manual, list of possible error codes, paper towels and window cleaning fluid, a chair (your legs

get sore from standing all day on the asphalt), torque wrench, digital tire gauge, brake fluid, pads and rotors, hat,​
sunscreen/umbrella/rain jacket with hood, tool box, pop-up canopy.

:eek:A pop up canopy? A chair? A cooler? :eek: Do they think I'm tracking a station wagon? I'm bring my wife for crying out loud! I'm going to have to strap her to the roof! Now where did I put that darn trailer hitch? See you all tomorrow. I wish you all a safe trip!!! I am looking forward to putting faces with all the avitars (I think).:biggrin:

This is just a compilation of various things we have seen (and used) over the years. We do have some hardened track rats among us and we have used all of those things over the years. However, we are also a very sharing group so there is always the ability to borrow and share.

Just be aware that if you borrow a torque wrench make sure you have an approriate adapter to fit your lugs. For example, I have pro-drives and my lugs need a special adapter. OEM lugs are more prevalent.

We have adapted the track packet from other HPDE schools and try to be "over inclusive" just to get people thinking about possible needs. None of us bring every item but an extra quart of oil, a tarp for inclement weather, paper towels (and RainX) for windows with glass cleaner, a torque wrench and tire gauge are the most used. And a track chair - although the newbies will be spending more time in class than hanging around but chairs are great for being comfortable while exaggerating how well you did.....

If your car passed the tech inspection then it is highly unlikely you would need pads/rotors unless you are a very seasoned tracker and then we have seen the need only when the pads/rotors were well worn before the event started.
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I hope you understand that the post was tongue-in-cheek and was in no way complaining about the work done by you and your team. You've done an awsome job so far. On the other hand getting all our stuff for a whole week in an NSX is certainly a challenge.

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I knew you were tongue in cheek but I also know that every year a post like this causes "panic" among the newbies and since we have 18 novice students I just wanted to avoid potential meltdowns on the eve of the event.

This is my 11th NSXPO that I am packing for and I completely understand the "angst" over trying to make it fit. My problem is I need to pack a lot of camera gear since I am the event photographer and since it looks like rain I need extra supplies.
I knew you were tongue in cheek but I also know that every year a post like this causes "panic" among the newbies and since we have 18 novice students I just wanted to avoid potential meltdowns on the eve of the event.

This is my 11th NSXPO that I am packing for and I completely understand the "angst" over trying to make it fit. My problem is I need to pack a lot of camera gear since I am the event photographer and since it looks like rain I need extra supplies.

Yeah, Who's on the weather committee, anyway? :eek:
The omni impotent LarryB is in charge of weather. It figures. He's so damn short he doesn't care about rain since he figures the rest of us will soak it all up before it reaches down to him.

Ouch! We should make sure he really gets wet! Perhaps, the rain will be short, too! :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: Nexie doesn't like rain!

This is my 11th NSXPO that I am packing for and I completely understand the "angst" over trying to make it fit. My problem is I need to pack a lot of camera gear since I am the event photographer and since it looks like rain I need extra supplies.

Yeah, I'm sure that you need to pack lots of extra film, and that takes up a lot of space!!!!:eek:
Learned my lesson. I now pack one spare brake rotor for the front and the rear.
