Torn between GTR and NSX

Not many ever regret buying an NSX; however, several have regretted selling theirs.

I saw a GTR in the flesh not long ago and it is huge and ugly IMO and I am generally a fan of Nissan cars.
I instantly fell out of love with it.I know the performance is fabulous but there is a lot more to a car than pure performance figures.
It is a car for the Playstation generation.
Hello all, I am truly thinking about trading in my 02 NSX towards a GTR. It is a really tough decision though. They are both cars I dreamt of owning since high school. I love my NSX, but the GTR seems to outperform it on many levels. It is also more practical for me currently. One thing I am concerned about is the collectibility of the GTR. We already know there will be no more NSX's. I haven't seen any solid production numbers on GTR's, but I'm sure they're not cranking out too many. It is a really hard decision.

Okay Darth, you got 50+ responses from folks and zilch comments from you. What say you? What YOU gonna do? Or are you just playing with us:wink::wink:
Wow, that was a lot more responses than I expected. Thank you to all for the input. After about a week of mulling over the decision, I've decided to keep my nsx. I don't want to end up like the many other owners who have regretted selling theirs. And besides, Nissan is still putting gtr's on the street. Nsx's surely wont get any easier to find in the future. In a few years if I still have that gtr itch,I will pick one up for a whole lot cheaper than I will get one now. Again, thanks to all for the input.
I think it's an easy decision. SUV vs Sports Car.

man is that thing huge and fuging ugly mo fo


man is that thing huge and fuging ugly mo fo
Good decision.

Wow, that was a lot more responses than I expected. Thank you to all for the input. After about a week of mulling over the decision, I've decided to keep my nsx. I don't want to end up like the many other owners who have regretted selling theirs. And besides, Nissan is still putting gtr's on the street. Nsx's surely wont get any easier to find in the future. In a few years if I still have that gtr itch,I will pick one up for a whole lot cheaper than I will get one now. Again, thanks to all for the input.
With respect can I ask if you are so torn on these two completely different cars, what made you want an nsx?
I cant imagine giving up the NSX cockpit for another sedan platform sports car
no matter how much tech and muscle it has. What reeled me in to the NSX was the looks and what sold me was the driving experience/seating etc. Personally I would love to see you buy a basic sedan to assume cargo needs and get creative with the NSX power mods. Change is refreshing and by the time your NSX is out of the shop with the new mods you will be craving to get into the seat!!

What ever you choose, good luck!

Oh I see you made your decision, Awesome choice.
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I own both and just came back from tracking my GTR for the first time over the weekend.

I definitely have a lot more fun tracking the NSX than the GTR. It seemed like I could do no wrong in the GTR and could mess up lines and still get through pretty quick. If I made the mistakes I made with the GTR in the NSX, then I definitely would have spun out. Most of my mistakes were due to me not being accustomed to the weight of the car and my speed coming into turns (needed more brake zone).

If you're only going to keep one of the cars, I would keep the NSX. I have decided to put the sale of my NSX on hold.

To the OP, check out NAGTROC to get more accurate information regarding maintenance costs, warranty, etc.