Torn between GTR and NSX

4 January 2010
Augusta, Georgia
Hello all, I am truly thinking about trading in my 02 NSX towards a GTR. It is a really tough decision though. They are both cars I dreamt of owning since high school. I love my NSX, but the GTR seems to outperform it on many levels. It is also more practical for me currently. One thing I am concerned about is the collectibility of the GTR. We already know there will be no more NSX's. I haven't seen any solid production numbers on GTR's, but I'm sure they're not cranking out too many. It is a really hard decision.
Best of luck, thats all i can say.

The GTR is worlds ahead of the NSX technology and performance wise. That has been proven.

The NSX will always look better :)
GTR is a TRUCK when park next to a NSX! :biggrin:

The way I see it, GTR is nice, but NSX is nicer! The money you're about to invest into the GTR, put that towards a full built, turbo set up and you won't be DISAPPOINTED!
Admittedly I was only a passenger, but I didn't find the GTR engaging. It's very fast and clinical. If your only goal is raw performance, and if your driving pleasure is derived solely from accleration, I'd say the choice is clear.

If it isn't so cut and dry for you though, at least drive one. If you've always wanted one you probably can't go wrong. Personally they've never done it for me at all. I do have to admit that, for me, the new one is at least somewhat better looking than the older ones.
GTRs' are very cool, they are supercar performance and turn heads (for now) ... but if I was you, I'd just TT my car, put 500+ @ the wheels and voila, you look exotic and you can perhaps outperform one.

But, you do what you prefer .. maybe you need a change, changes are good, if you get disappointed by the robot, then you come back :)
I saw a GTR yesterday and it's a sharp looking car to be sure. The performance is also very impressive. No manual transmission though. That's a deal breaker for me. A sports car should have an available manual transmission. If you're looking to go fast then the GTR is the way to go. I think everyone on this forum would agree that the NSX is not about going fast as it is about smoothness. I always say at work "Smooth is fast".
While the gtr is an amazing performer, it lacks the head turning quotient. It really seems quite unremarkable on the road. I would still happily drive one and would consider the trade for my NSX. Tough call.
I've seen two GTR's in my small town (one white, the other silver.) I suppose they're amazing to drive, but they don't look like much to me. They look like a slightly tricked out Infiniti. :rolleyes:

Buy one if you want awesome performance, but be prepared to take the hit on maintenance & depreciation.

The NSX is much nicer looking, but you won't find much disagreement on this forum. :biggrin:
I would say do some reading on the NAGTOC forum, see the type of problems these guys are having with the GTR before buying one.

Excellent performance, but maintenance cost is VERY high and the warranty on Transmissions can be spotty, if the car is tracked or by using LC. This is a very complex car and there are quite a few issues with them, hence the reason they are not selling well.

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These cars could not be more different!!

If what you want is amazing power and don't really care about looks then do it! Otherwise, Im afraid, you will be back.
I think it's an easy decision. SUV vs Sports Car.

You can always buy another NSX. I would try out the GTR for a while.
I might try one in a few years too...

My only concern with the GTR is the reliability, cost of ownership, and depreciation. All of these are knowns with the NSX, and they're all unknowns with the GTR.
If you want the state of art sports coupe, then GT-R is a great choice. NSX is no longer relavent in performance or handling vs. new sports cars. But it possess a unique combination of reliability, resale, nostagia, looks, build quality that is still ahead of any Nissan products.
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to the average eye, it's no more than a glorified nisan maxima... if you're wanting raw performance, save yourself 50k and buy a supra
Starting off with nissans in the 90s, I have a purists respect with Nissan. Godzilla has a heritage like no other japanese sports car. Iconic Japanese and never to be forgotten, the GTR will always be heavy with technology and performance. I am impressed that the GTR is in the US...finally.

I would wait another year or two and then buy a GTR. The tranny is weak and needs more research. Nissan is continuing to work on this problem. apples and oranges comparison to the NSX. I think the way you sound, you might regret not checking one out. Both are great cars for different time periods.
The GTR is a solid sports car. It's powerful, drives well and is comfortable at the same time. People say it's "huge". Ok, so what? Get over it. It's bigger than the NSX. If you are all about "looks better", then stick with the NSX. I'm an NSX guy for life, but the GTR is definately a car for someone who wants a modern sports car. Is it collectible? Yes. It is now and will be in the future.
The tranny warranty issue is huge - if you track it - it's gone! That's what I read. I also read that it's a robot and not engaging but a stellar performer. From a purely mechanical perspective Nissans just aren't made as well as other Japanese cars. All Nissan trannies are suspect. I have a friend with an Altima 3.5s and his tranny went on him - higher miles but still -that's BS.

There are other cars in that dollar range that I'd be looking at way before that car but to each his own. Have you driven one? That might do it. If you are financially independant then wait for the LF-A to come off lease in 2 years and get that! There is life after NSX for sure - so whatever floats yer boat! I'd be thinking 911 Turbo - 2009 or newer! GT3 - much more fun and that was the comparo - Vette, 911, GTR - an article and the 911 won out. What else do you want to know?

No one can make this decision for you .....
maybe its just me but the gtr is so unattractive. If anything I would take an r34 over a gtr...but I would never sell the nsx for one

I say boost the nsx and enjoy the ride
Personally - I would wait till a 2009 911 Turbo with DCT is in the $90K range. It comes close to the GTR price is faster and is reliable.
Best of luck, thats all i can say.

The GTR is worlds ahead of the NSX technology and performance wise. That has been proven.

The NSX will always look better :)

Very true words! People forget the NSX was designed in the late 80's! :eek: The GTR will outperform the NSX hands down barring mods. But the million dollar question is what works for you? If power, performance, and numbers are what gets you going, then a GTR will work for you. For people like me I accept that my NSX is slower, but then it makes up for it with looks. I had the opportunity to get a 996TT but thought otherwise because I went back to looks. And the fact that 911's in one variation or another can be a dime a dozen in Southern California. To me, I add a few more brownie points to looks over performance numbers because I "see" the car before I get into it and drive away, and I "see" the car after I get out. (again subjective)
I own both. The NSX is my baby and always will be. I use the GT-R as my daily driver and it is a blast to drive and very forgiving even on the track. I have modified both cars with a supercharger on the NSX it puts down 400 whp, the GT-R 565 awhp.

The NSX is all beauty and finesse while the GT-R is brute force. I do get more comments on the GT-R than the NSX. IF I had to choose it would be the NSX.
Personally - I would wait till a 2009 911 Turbo with DCT is in the $90K range. It comes close to the GTR price is faster and is reliable.

"Great Advice" The look of the GTR is what turns me off to it. I think its Fugly. However you have to respect the performance capabilities of the GTR. Even with the over exaggerated manufacturer claims its still a fast car. The Porsche is way more refined then Nissan could ever be.
The fact that the NSX basically sits all day in the garage collecting dust is the reason why I'm considering selling her, but I know I will fall into the big pile of Primers who regret it afterwards and forever lurk on the forums crying. The GTR is ugly, but that's one of its attributes. Even bulldogs and pitbulls have their fans.

If I ever get a fair offer on my NSX I would consider it very carefully with a GTR successor in mind.:cool:
The only place a GTR is attractive is on a sheet of paper. The NSX is attractive in your garage, in front of a nice restaurant / club, rolling down the road and from the drivers seat.

And what's up with the "Being ugly is part of it's character" stuff? Ugly is ugly.

If that's your reasoning then the Nissan Cube must have the most "character" of their whole lineup. :rolleyes:

I think their designers need to get off the opium.
