Top Gear Vid: Civic-R and NSX-R

Who cares what Hammond the Hamster thinks because when he said something along the lines of "however hard it tried to be a Ferrari..." it shows that he's completely missed the point. The NSX never set out to be a Ferrari.
they always use that line.
On one of the Top Gears, they had Lambo special. Drove Miura, Gallardo and Mucielago. And their conclusion was also "It is not a Ferrari".
I don't even know why they tested the TypeR again. They tested one when the German R&D came over to the UK. Back then they said how good it was, and how well it went despite having 280bhp.

Anyway after seeing Hammond the Hamster's driving ability close up at the Bedford track, I don't care what he says.
that is total bull...... no car is a ferrari unless it is a ferrari
Wow.. that little punk was harsh. I wonder if he would have said that same thing if the TypeR had 400HP. I bet not.

Anyway, that was one of the meanest reviews I have ever heard on the NSX. I can't imagine HONDA was very happy.
zzrman said:
Who cares what Hammond the Hamster thinks because when he said something along the lines of "however hard it tried to be a Ferrari..." it shows that he's completely missed the point. The NSX never set out to be Ferrari.

But Honda did set out to BEAT Ferrari, which they DID, in every category short of "prestige", aka badge snobbery, when it first rolled out in 1991. ;) And that, my friend, is all that matters!!! :cool: :D
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Originally posted by NetViper
Wow.. that little punk was harsh. I wonder if he would have said that same thing if the TypeR had 400HP. I bet not.

Naw.... he'd still say the same crap about the car for NOT being a Ferrari. lol

Anyway, that was one of the meanest reviews I have ever heard on the NSX. I can't imagine HONDA was very happy.

I don't think Honda cared what guys like these say. If they did, they would've revamped the NSX eons ago. :)
But then again, Honda's decision to delay (and delay, and delay) any major revamp of the NSX is not entirely due to the fact that they don't care what critics say about their car. Of course they care what critics say about their car. They haven't made wholesale changes to the car because the car doesn't make money, and it's not going to make money even if they put in a 400 bhp motor because it's always going to be a Honda (even if it is badged as an Acura in the States) and they can't make any money selling the car at a price point that will give them a decent return on investment based on each unit sold because relatively few people know how to appreciate the car and relatively few people are willing to fork over Porsche 911 money for a Honda. The car appeals to a very small market niche, and it's a niche that's so small that it's a wonder that Honda even bothers to continue to produce this car in the first place.

Of course, I'm glad that they do, but let's face it, NSX-enthusiasts are few and far between.
All Honda had to do was offer a comptech SC as a factory option in 2002 with the restyled body. That would have shut up all the critics because the car would have ~370-390 HP. It could keep up with a 360 or Z06 in a straight line and probably beat it on a track.

This is a VERY simple solution. Magazines would of course test the SC version and have nothing but praise for it.

I seriously think HONDA made a BIG mistake not capitalized on their relationship with Comptech. To me it is a no brainer.

If people wanted to stay NA, they could just get the stock version. I know that F/I is not the solution we would all like, but dammit, why not make it an option. Just like Porsche has done for years. It seems to work for them.

Again, I bet a NSX-R with a Comptech SC pushing 400 HP would have shut that little punk up.
"It's the old class structure things and it extends to cars as well. The NSX comes from a Honda lawnmower company while the Ferrari comes from the guys that have won all those F1 titles"

how freaking stupid is this guy? i took that quote from that ferrarri link. omg.. that lawnmower remark just pisses me off reading it. how the hell does he have the AUDACITy?!?!? to say that honda can't build engines? That's why the damn nsx was built. because honda RULED F1 for years!!!!!!!!! He must be thinking about F1 for the past few years when schumacher is winning. can't wait till jensen and sato go out and rip those over priced pos :D


i just read some of the things over at that forum. they sure are cocky. EVERYONE one of them said "it'll never be a ferrarri" or somethiing on those lines. ANd the damn thread read "THread for bashiing NSX"

good looking out for nsx's netviper. they sure got a lot of internet trash talking. and i thought japanese car owners (mainly those civic/tegs) / domesitcs were cocky.
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I viewed (and reviewed) the video with great interest. I am always interested indeed in criticism about the things I love. As I am always welcoming positive OR negative comments, provided they are followed with correct argumentation.

But in this case, I just could not understand the almost self-contradiction this little know-it-all punk did in his review... until it hit me ! He loves the Civic Type-R, then loves the NSX and ends up on a very bitter taste and harsh review.

Why ?

simply because he can buy the Civic and CANNOT AFFORD the NSX !
Zanardi 50 said:
But Honda did set out to BEAT Ferrari, which they DID, in every category short of "prestige", aka badge snobbery, when it first rolled out in 1991. ;) And that, my friend, is all that matters!!! :cool: :D

I'm comforted by the fact that the next NSX will again beat Ferrari (okay maybe not Enzo, but then again, Honda won't go near that price I don't think). "No rival exists..."? I believe it.

That entire "lawnmower" post was actually a nice compliment, I thought.

Haters will always hate, though, no matter what.
apapada said:

But in this case, I just could not understand the almost self-contradiction this little know-it-all punk did in his review... until it hit me ! He loves the Civic Type-R, then loves the NSX and ends up on a very bitter taste and harsh review.

Why ?

simply because he can buy the Civic and CANNOT AFFORD the NSX !

this thread JUST opened over at honda-tech. and i said the SAME THING! how does this prick love the ctr when its really just a type s engine, and just 'tries' to 'fiddle' with finding someting wrong with the nsx-r?
I got the impression he wasn't really saying that there's anything majorly wrong with the NSX. It sounded more to me like he's just saying it's about time Honda applied their engineering wizardry on a new car, which actually isn't an entirely bad idea. Next-generation NSX; bring it on!! :D
I'm a bit slow with this post because that link was soooo slow to download.

That was a GREAT video. Civic vs NSX - it's all good! I love how he calls the NSX Type-R "totally HARDCORE"!!! :D YEAH BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The NSX is no "Uncle" - it's the DADDY of Honda's! :D

The Matrix Reloaded "Chateau" music at the end was a very nice touch. :cool:

The reviewer does make a very valid point: Honda is just fliddling with NSX. They got it 95% right with the first NSX. It is time they moved on.
But as for the NSX "never being a ferrari" (thank God!!!) and retiring off to the "pleasant supercar" museum... that guy can eat my shorts! <IMG SRC="">

:D Thanx <B>Akira</B> for the great post!
This guy on the video is an idiot, he does not know what he is talking about. We all know that the NSX is one of the best Engineered around.

It seems like he like the Civic...what gives

Bram said:
This guy on the video is an idiot, he does not know what he is talking about. We all know that the NSX is one of the best Engineered around.

It seems like he like the Civic...what gives


Like I said, he loves the Z4 styling...