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Tomoske collective investigation and tracking for law suit

22 February 2006
I just wanted to start a combined thread for tracking and collecting information about Tamoske. All nsx Tamoske group buy customers should post any information regarding contacting Tamoske other than through nsx prime. I encourage all the nsx community to come together and help those who were scammed. Google/yahoo do what you can to provide information leading to Tamoske.

I had time today to find a lithuanian phone book name finder on the net.

We are not watching this unfold from the side lines, we must act together. Please help.....Thank you in advance.


Those that have recieved your products from Tamoske should post the return address on the box, any information will help....Thanks in advance..
I think you may want to change the title to Tamoske instead of Tomoske (just in case there is a Tomoske on Prime).
Not limited to just GB. Anyone that would like to help in anyway be it investigative or knowledgeable legal action is welcome. There are more of us trying to find him than him trying to find us.
Bump for class action status!!

While I wasn't involved in the group buy, it would be nice to see you all get a check for $4.32 or some extra carbon cloth or something about eighteen months from now.

Since, that's about where you will all be after you factor in time, stress, and effort; and your case is finally heard by the international automotive small claims court of appeals.

Of course, that is assuming that there is something left to be had, and that it hasn't been already burned on R&D, materials, or a bad batch.

Uggh... good luck with the collective consumer investigation...

tamoske owes me $16,625.00 (not a typo), he has made clear his intention to make these transactions right, and I have given him a few additional months to repay me before taking legal action; nobody is more nervous than me ;-/

Last week he said there was a 3 week delay on these consoles, having to do with the clear coat, so, if this is your item of concern, perhaps wait for news in 2 weeks time.
tamoske owes me $16,625.00 (not a typo), he has made clear his intention to make these transactions right, and I have given him a few additional months to repay me before taking legal action; nobody is more nervous than me ;-/

Last week he said there was a 3 week delay on these consoles, having to do with the clear coat, so, if this is your item of concern, perhaps wait for news in 2 weeks time.

You sent him 17 grand!! Umm, ok, I thought you were talking about a $175 wet lay-up carbon console or something!!

Obviously your NSX also didn't come with the proper warning sticker...


  • nsxwarning_sticker.jpg
    37.9 KB · Views: 405
I contacted him for another, substantial, project, un-related to consoles, and received $8k in a wire; the $16,625 is outstanding; he has a reason for this, but I am not going to make excuses for him, and am not convinced as to the validity of his claim.
I contacted him for another, substantial, project, un-related to consoles, and received $8k in a wire; the $16,625 is outstanding; he has a reason for this, but I am not going to make excuses for him, and am not convinced as to the validity of his claim.

I see. You wouldn't be interested in disbursing those funds to the GB victims assistance fund now would you? Might be a good time to get that in-box cleaned out. :biggrin:
tamoske owes me $16,625.00 (not a typo), he has made clear his intention to make these transactions right, and I have given him a few additional months to repay me before taking legal action; nobody is more nervous than me ;-/

Last week he said there was a 3 week delay on these consoles, having to do with the clear coat, so, if this is your item of concern, perhaps wait for news in 2 weeks time.
I was wondering why I haven't had the pleasure of reading his broken English recently.
I was contacted by Tamoske today.

Our conversation made me feel much better about the scenario. After our long conversation, I again firmly stand by my belief that Tamoske is NOT a theif or criminal.

If he was, why would he continue to post on prime months after recieving our money? Why would he contact me? Why do any of this if he already has our money?

I have discussed with Tamoske the problems and delays. Unfortunately it is going to take a few more weeks. After all this time, a few more weeks isn't going to make any difference what so ever.

Yes the time delay is unacceptable. Yes Tamoske's excuses have not been the best and yes not meeting his 'new deadline' was unacceptable. I 100% feel this way and am just as frustrated as anyone.

Tamoske is running into many problems with his workers who are making the products. I for one do not want to wait all this time to recieve CF products with air bubbles, poor weave layup, yellowing, etc...

I am not familiar with Lithuania, I do not know the work conditions, labor force, unions, or anything about the country or work environment. I'm very confident neither does anyone else. Although this is not an excuse, without knowing every single detail about the entire operation, everything is speculation.

I know all of the delays are causing a lot of anticipation and I was about to jump on board to take action. But the recent update is making me feel a lot better about the situation.

Im sure many will reject this as their is no reason to believe his current promises, but again look at the whole perspective. If he was a theif, why go through all the trouble to keep posting on prime, and why contact me to tell me updates and advice?

I still think Tamoske has had problems out of his control and have made poor excuses and promises that he hasn't been able to uphold. But I do not believe he is a criminal or thief. I believe everyone will get the products they ordered in time.

This will probably not convince some of you, but if it were me reading this. This update would give me hope in believing that Tamoske is not a thief.

Tamoske has an honest intention, and is not a theif. He may no go about updating us honestly or delivering on his dead-lines, but I think he will deliver... eventually.

-Hopefully that makes some of you a little more rest-assured.
I was contacted by Tamoske today.....
If he was, why would he continue to post on prime months after recieving our money? Why would he contact me?

Ok. He would contact you because you are probably the only one at this point that he feels is on his side. That way you are now considered 'in' with him and might catch some heat from others to contact him when parts aren't shipped again. It wouldn't shock me either if the parts are ever sent if you get a big box of them and have to distribut them out like someone else got stuck doing.
I'll give you credit for being as patient as you are because as you know in the past I wasn't and certainly now wouldn't be. But like you said, what else can you do at this point, you are at his mercy.
I wonder why it had to come to creating a thread to come after this vendor before he would post or contact someone. Surely he is on here quite often looking at his favorite girlie thread and has to see people begging for an update. Sounds pretty selfish to me that he wouldn't at least have the decency to give any type of update.
I'm just SOOOO glad that I didn't get involved in this.
Best of luck to you guys and I guess come middle of April everyone will get their items.:rolleyes:
I was contacted by Tamoske today.

Our conversation made me feel much better about the scenario. After our long conversation, I again firmly stand by my belief that Tamoske is NOT a theif or criminal.

If he was, why would he continue to post on prime months after recieving our money? Why would he contact me? Why do any of this if he already has our money?

I have discussed with Tamoske the problems and delays. Unfortunately it is going to take a few more weeks. After all this time, a few more weeks isn't going to make any difference what so ever.

Yes the time delay is unacceptable. Yes Tamoske's excuses have not been the best and yes not meeting his 'new deadline' was unacceptable. I 100% feel this way and am just as frustrated as anyone.

Tamoske is running into many problems with his workers who are making the products. I for one do not want to wait all this time to recieve CF products with air bubbles, poor weave layup, yellowing, etc...

I am not familiar with Lithuania, I do not know the work conditions, labor force, unions, or anything about the country or work environment. I'm very confident neither does anyone else. Although this is not an excuse, without knowing every single detail about the entire operation, everything is speculation.

I know all of the delays are causing a lot of anticipation and I was about to jump on board to take action. But the recent update is making me feel a lot better about the situation.

Im sure many will reject this as their is no reason to believe his current promises, but again look at the whole perspective. If he was a theif, why go through all the trouble to keep posting on prime, and why contact me to tell me updates and advice?

I still think Tamoske has had problems out of his control and have made poor excuses and promises that he hasn't been able to uphold. But I do not believe he is a criminal or thief. I believe everyone will get the products they ordered in time.

This will probably not convince some of you, but if it were me reading this. This update would give me hope in believing that Tamoske is not a thief.

Tamoske has an honest intention, and is not a theif. He may no go about updating us honestly or delivering on his dead-lines, but I think he will deliver... eventually.

-Hopefully that makes some of you a little more rest-assured.

Well, what can I say....I'm lost with words. I've been keeping quiet (not trying to avoid anything here), but just trying to keep my sanity with this whole ordeal/fiasco since the beginning. I too was contacted by Tamoske, but had no dialogue or conversation as you have had stuntman. I was just directed to "please read thread.thank you". :rolleyes: Anyway, I WAS like you (had faith in Tamoske) dealing with Tamoske in the past. I thought he was honest enough for me to trust him which is one of the reasons (along with helping out the NSX community to get products that we wanted) I had decided to help in heading up these (2) GBs. Like many others here who have sent in deposit and countless waiting, getting numerous excuses and empty promises.... I'm at this point considering this as a lost and a lesson learned. I can not vouch for Tamoske anymore (unless he can prove me otherwise and deliver the parts as per his lastest update), because he has rake me through the coals, putting me in a rock and a hard place and he leaves me no choice but to help in this investigation.:mad: I WAS sympathic towards Tamoske because of his lack of communication skills, but I realize that this isn't the case with him. I like many others here who got involved with the (2) GBs have ran out of patience. I apologize to all and everyone here involved for the short comings. My hands are tied and yes we're at his mercy. At this point and like the many unexcuseable excuses we have had, I'm trying to be positive here and see how this will all play out. At the end of this LATEST deadline that Tamoske had posted, and he IF he doesn't come through.....I will be determined to help head up this investigation within my power, to make things right for everyone here. Tamoske the ball is in your court and I hope you're reading this, now do the right thing!!
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The bottom line is that if a vendor has accepted money from a customer and can't deliever a product, then at the very least the vender should provide constant updates about his efforts to remedy the situation.....Even if there's no new developments, the vendor still has the obligation to report this non news to the PEOPLE HE TOOK MONEY FROM......I told a real estate agent one..."I'm going to be a pain in the ass, constantly calling you for updates, but you won't think I'm a pain in the ass when you get your commission."
I was contacted by Tamoske today.

Our conversation made me feel much better about the scenario. After our long conversation, I again firmly stand by my belief that Tamoske is NOT a theif or criminal.

If he was, why would he continue to post on prime months after recieving our money? Why would he contact me? Why do any of this if he already has our money?

-Hopefully that makes some of you a little more rest-assured.

Because this is what con people do...perhaps he's hoping to get a little more money out of a few more people?

Hell he was selling more consoles before he was even able to get the first orders completed that he was already late on. That to me was the biggest red flag. How could you honestly take more money from people when you couldn't even get the first group of people completely satisfied?

Now, if he is legit, he may be trying to get things done, but at some point even he will realize that it may be easier to cut and run than continue fighting with his workers. (if this is actually the case)

Lets hope for everyone's sake that he pulls thru...but honestly dealing with a foreign country always has its risks....I'm not sure how you guys are going to get money back dealing with international law. It's hard enough getting money back here in the states.
NMYMIRR, IMHO you of all people should have recieved your products before anyone. You did all the leg work for Tamoske and this is what you get.:confused: When the GB was over I contacted Tamoske to see if I could get a console at the same discount rate. Sure no problem, he sent me the email for paypal and at the time I had no idea it was your email. Again I apologize for the inconvenience that put you through. In a way I do feel for Tamoske because if theres one thing I've learned since joining this forum is that NSX owners don't hesitate spending large amounts of their hard earned money on their cars. A good vendor can really appreciate that.
NMYMIRR, IMHO you of all people should have recieved your products before anyone. You did all the leg work for Tamoske and this is what you get.:confused: When the GB was over I contacted Tamoske to see if I could get a console at the same discount rate. Sure no problem, he sent me the email for paypal and at the time I had no idea it was your email. Again I apologize for the inconvenience that put you through. In a way I do feel for Tamoske because if theres one thing I've learned since joining this forum is that NSX owners don't hesitate spending large amounts of their hard earned money on their cars. A good vendor can really appreciate that.

Thanks for understanding my position. :redface:
Comment from the peanut gallery here (not involved = level head) ...

My best guess is he is probably a genuinely nice guy. He doesn't do well with written English... but imagine me trying to sell consoles to the NSX Club of Lithuania. I would probably be having an equally hard time.

Just overly committed and under-delivered. Too much too fast. Not that uncommon. Remember Mike C. at SWR? Nice guy but same problem. Couldn't manage customer expectations properly. Unrealistic expectations. When things go wrong, they get embarrassed and do the worst thing: close down communication with the customer. Not good when you are holding their money...

Had he said "hey guys I really dropped the ball on this and I promise you will get the product and here are some pictures showing where we are really at I guess I got over my head". This thread would have never started.

As it is his GB, he has to take responsibility for any contingencies which might impact schedule. When Boeing released the triple 7 then said "oh we can't deliver our vendors didn't get us the parts we needed on time" we call that a cop-out.

Ever work on a project where at month 4 everything is fine and at month 6 you are 4 months behind? Since you can't slip 4 months in 2 months time... really the problem is you were in trouble at month 2 you just didn't realize it and communicate it to the customer. You waited too long.

From his last post... Maybe he got a bad batch, a dependency screwed up, didn't come through, or flat out dicked him at the Nth hour. He's probably operating at a loss right now trying to get things done- and making composite parts is a non-trivial affair that takes a lot of trial and error to perfect. If this was his first time doing anything like this (I'm sure you all asked before hand??) it was probably a failure before it ever began.

Either way, you will all probably get your center consoles in the end.

Will they have been worth waiting for and the drama, stress, etc... CFRP wet layup part?

Hell No. Right now you are paying for him to learn and make his mistakes being a new vendor.

Chalk it up as a learning experience.

Except for Scorp, I don't know what to say about all that sounds like a separate deal to me.
it is basically up to the guy's good will to give you the parts- otherwise you are screwed. there are no laws in place allowing you to sue a citizen of a foreign country in a matter that does not pertain to national security, big-time financial fraud or life-threatening circumstances.