Today's DN-X announcement indicates that the NSX will not have a successor.

Originally posted by nsxtasy:
All of us in the States can say that we have one of the only 8,000 (approximately) NSXs sold in the United States. Worldwide production to date is somewhere around 20,000.

True, but since an NSX rarely ever travels continent to continent, one of 8,000 is an accurate assessment (if you live in the U.S.)
god i hate when ppl jump to conclusions like this.

the DNX has got nothing to do with the NSX.

IMO its a smart move for Honda - they need a sporty sedan in their Acura linup to compete with the europeans like BMW and Jap brands like Lexus.

how long did it take for honda to release the S2000? 15 years?

the nex gen NSX will be special - i wouldnt want Honda to rush anything.
Originally posted by NSX4U2:
No NSX = Resale value

In the long term, not tomorrow and after tomorrow...

But I think that Honda have too much to lose in aborting the second generation NSX.

I think they only wait for the V8 coming.

Think about it, if they can make the S2K, a 240 hp new Accord, don't you think that making a more than 400 hp exotic is a problem?

The new NSX will set standards again even though its coming is too long awaited...

My 2 cents ( even if Canadian! )
Originally posted by khuezee:
I agree. Since We have no evidence of what the next NSX is and its specs, if there happens to be NONE. Then what are we really missing out on other then pure speculation?? I am happy with what I got. We can all say that we have one of the only 8,000 (approximately) NSXs made.

Or one of 51 (including the prototype) ever made. Or even better yet, the LAST of the 50 made available to U.S. public.
Originally posted by NUK3M:
How long did it take for honda to release the S2000? 15 years?

Hmm..and I thought Honda initiated the S2000 project in '94. ??
Also, pardon me for saying this, but here in the U.S. (where the majority of NSX owners on this forum are from) the word 'Jap' had been used in a racially demeaning way and therefore considered extremely racist, and those Japanese and Japanese-Americans that lives here in the U.S. will find your abbreviation rather 'disturbing', esp what they have endured here in the U.S. during the 2nd world war where they were put in internment camps. I know you didn't mean anything bad by it, (perhaps for you it's easier to abbreviate?) but I hope you don't mind in the future to just type out the whole word to respect those of the Japanese decent if that's ok by you. I apologize in advance if I offended you in any way. Thanks.

[This message has been edited by Zanardi 50 (edited 07 October 2002).]
If Honda released a new NSX ][ and it looked different, it wouldn't be an NSX...

All they can do is beef up the specs (eg.V8, more HP), but then that would cause headaches for honda in supporting the NSX.

I'd expect the next big sports car to have a new name... maybe NSEX
sounds good...

then again, i would absolutely love it if Honda sprun an even better looking NSX onto the market... but i don't see how; how can u improve on perfection???
Originally posted by Zanardi 50:
...but here in the U.S. (where the majority of NSX owners on this forum are from) the word 'Jap' had been used in a racially demeaning way and therefore considered extremely racist, and those Japanese and Japanese-Americans that lives here in the U.S. will find your abbreviation rather 'disturbing', esp what they have endured here in the U.S. during the 2nd world war where they were put in internment camps. ...[/B]

This is America - Freedom of speech, remember? I hate this politically correct nonsense - if someone is offended that is their problem not the person doing the talking, especially when there was obviously no intent of (imagined) "harm". Whatever happened to "Stick and Stones can break my bones, but names will never hurt me"?

I guess it is now only allowable for some groups to use racially denegrating language (ever hear black guys call each other "nigger" - I have). There is a reason freedom of speech is one of the basic foundations for our country.

'91 Black/Black
Originally posted by 8000RPM:
That is the most absurd thing I have ever heard.

You mean you actually let what other people say about you offend you?
I can see how actions could offend you (heck they offend me) but not words! I don't wish to star a flame war here but neither will I sit back and watch political correctness run wild without even saying anything.

'91 Black/Black

You are entitled to your opinion, no matter how absurd
, and I will simply leave it at that.

In real life I would never associate with someone like you who openly defends the use of racial slurs and shamelessly promotes general political incorrectness. I am sure a different set of values is taught in your household than those evangelized in mine.

NSX ownership is the *ONLY* thing we have in common. So let's stick to discussing that subject only, please.

[This message has been edited by 8000RPM (edited 08 October 2002).]
Originally posted by 8000RPM:
That is the most absurd thing I have ever heard.

8K, I agree with you. Michigan obviously hasn't been on the receiving end of racism and if he/she has Michigan doesn't care. From a person that defends your freedom as my job, I understand "freedom of speech" however I don't understand how you can be so inconciderate of others. I'm definately not a politically correct monger that patrols the communication waves of the internet BUT I can see this point of some concideration for others fellow Americans or friends and can respect other people's cultures and not to take soundbites out of context as with what others call each other (You need to understand their culture and relationship). Sorry everyone for jumping out here BUT I TOO cannot let something like this just past. It's very easy to throw words and attitude out there on the keyboard so can we please just maintain respect among each other. Freedom of speech or expression doesn't mean that it will go unchallenged or is immune from a reaction. I'm pretty confident that words like this would not be thrown out there if these conversations were in person ESPECIALLY among an unfamiliar audience. So could we just be conciderate of others?

Kenji Ligon
Me too.

It's unfortunate that the whole concept of "political correctness" - that we are bending over backwards to avoid words that are offensive - can be used as an excuse to hide the fact that using words with connotations as ethnic pejoratives can be offensive and hurtful. At an extreme, this risks the possibility that those pejoratives might become acceptable, at a time when our society has only recently matured to the point where they are generally considered unacceptable. Citing their occasional usage by their associated ethnic groups is no more legitimate an excuse than quoting their usage in a book or film. Such excuses are exactly that - excuses, for actions that should never have occurred in the first place.

OT1H, I am glad to see that, every time this discussion has arisen, there is a general consensus that no offense was intended by the use of such words, and that none should be inferred. OTOH, we can avoid such contentious discussions in the future if we simply refrain from using them.

[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 08 October 2002).]
I did not (and do not) intend to insult or offend anyone, but neither do I apologize to someone who is offended when no offense was intended. The world is too full of people just waiting to be offended IMO.

By the way, I hold no grudge against any racial or ethnic group, but I don't go out of my way NOT to offend someone.

This is still a free country.

p.s. to 8000 rpm - I hold no animosity towards you, and I can think of one other thing we have in common (besides our NSXs). We are both Americans and have the right to express our opinions. Just because your opinion doesn't agree with mine does not cause me to dislike you.

'91 Black/Black
Originally posted by Michigan NSX:
I did not (and do not) intend to insult or offend anyone, but neither do I apologize to someone who is offended when no offense was intended. The world is too full of people just waiting to be offended IMO.

By the way, I hold no grudge against any racial or ethnic group, but I don't go out of my way NOT to offend someone.

This is still a free country.

p.s. to 8000 rpm - I hold no animosity towards you, and I can think of one other thing we have in common (besides our NSXs). We are both Americans and have the right to express our opinions. Just because your opinion doesn't agree with mine does not cause me to dislike you.

Just to let you know Michigan. Don't be fooled by the myth that freedom is free. There are plenty of men and women that voluntarily sacrifice their time and some their lives to defend this luxuryprivilage called freedom. So NO this is not a "free country." There are people that DEFEND the constitution that grants us this freedom. So during holidays and/or most of the year, these servicemen and servicewomen are in remote areas away from family and friends giving us the opportunity to "freely" sleep without fear as they stand watch. (Off the soapbox)

Think of freedom as we think of NSXs.... We take pride in it, we don't want to abuse it... We invest effort in it to make it better. AND It's a priviliage to have it because not everyone have it.

No I'm not mad, just get disappointed in how we (includes me) behave sometimes. I wholeheartedly believe that we are better than this.


Kenji Ligon

1991 Red CTSC NSX

[This message has been edited by Attitude Adjuster (edited 08 October 2002).]

[This message has been edited by Attitude Adjuster (edited 08 October 2002).]
Attitude Adjuster,

By free country I meant that the people in it are free. Free as in "freedom", not as in "no charge". The job of the military is to protect our freedom, not provide it. That is provided in the Constitution and ultimately from the people of this country. Never the less, I am extremely grateful and respectful to the military for the good work they do.

Also, don't fall in to the myth that freedom is a luxury/privilege. It is my RIGHT as an American citizen. It is THE founding principle that this great country was based on. I don't have the privilege of being free - it is my born right, and unless I commit a serious crime it cannot be taken away from me. All privileges/luxuries can be revoked - freedom in this country cannot!

'91 Black/Black

[This message has been edited by Michigan NSX (edited 09 October 2002).]
Originally posted by Michigan NSX:
Attitude Adjuster,

By free country I meant that the people in it are free. Free as in "freedom", not as in "no charge". The job of the military is to protect our freedom, not provide it. That is provided in the Constitution and ultimately from the people of this country. Never the less, I am extremely grateful and respectful to the military for the good work they do.

Also, don't fall in to the myth that freedom is a luxury/privilege. It is my RIGHT as an American citizen. It is THE founding principle that this great country was based on. I don't have the privilege of being free - it is my born right, and unless I commit a serious crime it cannot be taken away from me. All privileges/luxuries can be revoked - freedom in this country cannot!

QUOTE]Originally posted by Michigan NSX:
Attitude Adjuster,

By free country I meant that the people in it are free. Free as in "freedom", not as in "no charge". The job of the military is to protect our freedom, not provide it. That is provided in the Constitution and ultimately from the people of this country. Never the less, I am extremely grateful and respectful to the military for the good work they do.

Also, don't fall in to the myth that freedom is a luxury/privilege. It is my RIGHT as an American citizen. It is THE founding principle that this great country was based on. I don't have the privilege of being free - it is my born right, and unless I commit a serious crime it cannot be taken away from me. All privileges/luxuries can be revoked - freedom in this country cannot!


I must say again that I get a bit disappointed when people take for granted their freedom and think that they live in a vaccum with their decisions. And just because we have this feedom (with exceptions) doesn't mean that it's wise to do/say certain things. That's called MATURITY.

Michigan: Once again, I'm not mad, and don't expect you to change; you are you and we all should respect that. If you would, remember that there's a better way to categorize a culture with a term. I think the Japanese deserves more respect than that.

Being that there are young minds on here, I hope that no one thinks that this term we're discussing is okay or cool. You should look up that word in the dictionary to see if this word means anything but disrespect. I hope Michigan doesn't just read the constitution but also reads an English (American) dictionary and realizes what he is saying with that word.

Auraraptor: Your absolutely right!! Enough of this on my behalf.

Kenji Ligon
Main Entry: Jap
Pronunciation: 'jap
Function: noun or adjective
Date: 1886
usually disparaging : JAPANESE

If a word is defined as "usually disparaging" I don't it is a big surprise that people will take offense at its use. "Jap" is usually considered a disparaging ethnic slur, the same as "kike" or "kraut" or "chink". If you were not aware of that fact before, you are now.

You may have the RIGHT to say whatever you want in our society, but please also RESPECT the fact that this system is not provided for people to make a social or political point, it is here to share NSX-related information.

While you may not mean it in a disparaging manner, the fact is that it is defined as such and you are going to offend a number of people when you use it.

Certainly some people in the world are far too sensitive about things, but Ken summed it up well by saying: "OTOH, we can avoid such contentious discussions in the future if we simply refrain from using them."