To those who have owned vipers

It is an amazing car and I absolutely love it, but that doesn't mean it is the ONLY car I will ever want to own. I have an open mind to the fact that even though I totally love the NSX, I can still appreciate what other cars have to offer. Both of these cars, as well as many others, have their own unique attributes. I don't want to limit myself to one car just because it is my absolute favorite. There are a lot of cool cars out there, and I think it would be both interesting and exciting to experience them all. I plan to keep my NSX, but also plan to try other exotic 'type' cars as well...

This is meant to be a funny reply, OK!...But it sounds like we are trying to rationalize our past affairs with our wives.

Gary Yates
1995 Red/Tan

I took some heat for a tounge-in-cheek comment that only some people understood. The "pink slips" comment was all in fun - I would never want that much at stake in real competition and would never accept the title to another person's car if I were to prevail.

To those who didn't get it, perhaps you should have checked the box marked "sense of humor" when optioning your NSX ;-)

Face it - the Viper is a cartoonish car but a performance icon that everyone loves to go gunning for - it also happens to be cheaper than an NSX.

It's all about different strokes and neither car is "better" in any overall sense.

I guess I am a "clown shoe" guy - so if the shoe fits . . . .

See you at the track!

Keith Verges
Dallas, TX
Originally posted by dswartz:
In the NSX you feel almost like your driving a go kart

I couldn't have said it better myself and is one of the reasons I like owning/driving an NSX. Now that I've been driving my NSX for 2 years every time I get into a rental I have to jack the seat up all the way or it feels strange!

I found this thread interesting as I've often said before, cars are just like women for me. I love them all and can find something that really appeals to me in everyone of them. I'd love to have an NSX, Viper, Z06, 911, etc. in my garage and probably will at some point.

But you know that clown image from Ken was really funny! LOL

[This message has been edited by hejo (edited 26 November 2001).]