Tip: Clean your car before selling

Guys, I know, I know it was bad to post it up dirty.

It has not moved from that spot in 8 months. Driven less than 25 miles in the 4 months before it.

I cleaned cobwebs off it to take the pictures. I'm just brokering the sale for the owner, her father passed away 13 months ago leaving it to her. But she cannot drive a standard and has no idea of what she has.

Gah... this got me a little misty :( Fatherhood has made me soft!!!

Id say $39,500 is more than fair (assuming mechanically the car is fine). It doesnt look THAT bad to me.

Put it this way... The point about dealers is spot on... I looked at cars (that had passed through like 9 auctions) at dealers that you could EAT off. With LOW mileage. And when I took a closer look it was clear they had been taken apart and put back together.

If this car has never been hit or painted, it will be a GREAT deal for someone. Hell, if I were still in the market and wanted white, Id have seriously considered it. If the story were genuine and she was hurting for cash, Id prob pay her a bit OVER the asking price, but like I said, Ive gone soft :)

Make sure she doesnt get screwed on this thing or the karma police WILL get you eventually!



Why do you say the car is sold? I don't believe it is. I also think that this car would be a good deal if you deduct the price of deffered maintenance. Anyway, it's been cleaned up. I agree with the primer that said this was a refreshing ad - the guy that put himself thru school buying used musical instruments. His comments were right on.

I think this car would be a great buy at 35 or 36k cause it will need 5k in service no doubt. It's been thru several hands and don't forget a clutch is 4 grand. That's a chunk of change and I bet it will need one in a while. Anyway, who knows without driving it but it's a nice one. Wish I'd had the money to buy a later model - but my 91 Sebring is in excellent shape now and I'm driving it and loving it.

These are really great cars.
looks nice now, but a question.. Would you guys purchase this nsx knowing that it was neglected and left out for about a year?
I wouldn't have a problem buying it and I think everybody did alright at 39K.
These are cars that were built to be driven and in the real world some cars sit outside. In fact I see three in my driveway right now and they look pretty good. Alright, real good. And they'll sit there for more than a few more days and nights. (No, the NSX isn't one of them so you just relax- you know who you are :smile: )
I'm sure that when engineers worked on the NSX they expected for them to spend some time outdoors.
It cleaned up OK and with some real TLC from it's new owner I'm sure it will regain more of it's original luster.
The car cleaned up really nice. I would of thought about this car when I was looking for one.
Guys, it's still a good deal. That car is not sold! I know.

The guy that said the car is a 44k car would be right IF....it was totally up to date with service and the clutch was in good shape and the interior and paint was immaculate. Such is not the case here and I doubt anyone here is gonna run over with 39 much less pay 44k for it.

It's had several owners and who knows what kind of mechanical shape it's in. It also doesn't have any floor mats in it and that means someones feet have been on the original carpet all these years - not good. It still has paint issues along the rolled edge to the trunk - what's that gonna cost and who would buy a car like this and leave that scrape in the paint with some hand painted touch up on it????

So what's a good price - 39k isn't it. I wouldn't pay that for it - I'd be interested if I didn't have one at the right price. Like I said 35 or maybe 36k would be a good deal with all the maintenance it probably needs. At a minimum even if the clutch is perfectly fine (which I doubt) it would need 2k to 3k invested right now......so how do you all feel about it now???mmmmm:rolleyes:
Not sold unless it sold today - it sure as heck didn't sell in one day - that's bs. I have a friend that has been talking to the owner rep. That car won't sell for 40k - no way. Too much deferred maintenance. IMO, that is. We'll see.
By the looks of the rear rotors, the car must set outside, and for long periods.

you kidding? If i wash my nsx, and it sits in the driveway for a day and a half, the rotors start to rust. after backing out of the driveway and braking twice, they look brand new.
...It also doesn't have any floor mats in it and that means someones feet have been on the original carpet all these years - not good...

Not true. In one of the first pictures where the car is dirty you can clearly see floor mats. So maybe they were just not put back in for the 'after' picture.

I would be curious what the car sold for. Somewhere around $36k - $37k would seem okay for this, assuming a strong clutch. I mean, finding a white NSX is not an everyday thing. Recently I have seen more for sale, but even now there are only a handful anywhere in the country.
Let's see ....how can I say this ....the car is NOT, I repeat, NOT sold ok. It's still there and it will still be there tomorrow and the next day at 39k ok. It isn't going anywhere at that price. It is not and never will be a 44k car - ok - never will be no matter what you do it won't be a perfect low miler 2000 with all stock paint - won't be cause it needs paint work if for nothing else the scrape on the trunk area rolled edge and the front valence. Ok , so - definition of a 44k 2000 NSX:

Low mileage - this is closer to 50k miles - not low for a 2000
perfect paint - no paint work - a few rock chips
perfect or almost perfect interior including drivers seat bolster
all service - all service up to date - TB/WP/Hoses,belts
Clutch in very good condition - as would be usual for a low miler - not one with almost 50k miles and 3 owners.

So what would this car be worth if it was reconditioned:
Paint to areas that need it - front and trunk area
Interior - probably ok
New clutch - if it doesn't need one right this minute it will soon I suspect - of course you'd have to drive it - but won't go 75k miles without one I'd bet
All the service up to date and guys that's at least 2 to 3k just on the service which it hasn't had - ok
So put all that in it and you'll have paint work, mechanical work and a clutch staring you in the face and wheels that have curb rash that need fixing - to be top notch
And it needs tires and wheel work

All this above is stuff someone will have to do to make it as good as IT can possibly be and even with all that it would be what - not original paint almost 50k miles and service up to date - so what's it worth under ideal conditions like that - 40 or 42k maybe.

I mean guys come on this isn't 2 years ago before the recession - no - we are right in the middle of it and deals are to be had - if you could get this car, knowing what it needs, a good deal would be no more than 35k - cause you are going to immediately put 5k+ in this car maybe more like 6k+ - so how's this deal at 39k sounding to you now????

Not so good I suspect - guys when it comes time for you to plunk down your hard earned cash and get a car in really good condition - what's that worth to you??? NSX white, ohhhh boy, it's not and never will be an NSX-R ok, NOTTTT! It's a white car and why do you think they only made a few of em then - do you think it could possibly be that people weren't asking for white????? Whadaya think ....mmmm. So where's the money - anybody really ready to part with it and take on the task????

Did I say it was still for sale - YES! But then if anyone here was really interested they'd know that wouldn't they cause they'd have called the owner's rep wouldn't they. I think so.
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Let's see ....how can I say this ....the car is NOT, I repeat, NOT sold ok. It's still there and it will still be there tomorrow and the next day at 39k ok. It isn't going anywhere at that price. It is not and never will be a 44k car - ok - never will be no matter what you do it won't be a perfect low miler 2000 with all stock paint - won't be cause it needs paint work if for nothing else the scrape on the trunk area rolled edge and the front valence. Ok , so - definition of a 44k 2000 NSX:

Low mileage - this is closer to 50k miles - not low for a 2000
perfect paint - no paint work - a few rock chips
perfect or almost perfect interior including drivers seat bolster
all service - all service up to date - TB/WP/Hoses,belts
Clutch in very good condition - as would be usual for a low miler - not one with almost 50k miles and 3 owners.

So what would this car be worth if it was reconditioned:
Paint to areas that need it - front and trunk area
Interior - probably ok
New clutch - if it doesn't need one right this minute it will soon I suspect - of course you'd have to drive it - but won't go 75k miles without one I'd bet
All the service up to date and guys that's at least 2 to 3k just on the service which it hasn't had - ok
So put all that in it and you'll have paint work, mechanical work and a clutch staring you in the face and wheels that have curb rash that need fixing - to be top notch
And it needs tires and wheel work

All this above is stuff someone will have to do to make it as good as IT can possibly be and even with all that it would be what - not original paint almost 50k miles and service up to date - so what's it worth under ideal conditions like that - 40 or 42k maybe.

I mean guys come on this isn't 2 years ago before the recession - no - we are right in the middle of it and deals are to be had - if you could get this car, knowing what it needs, a good deal would be no more than 35k - cause you are going to immediately put 5k+ in this car maybe more like 6k+ - so how's this deal at 39k sounding to you now????

Not so good I suspect - guys when it comes time for you to plunk down your hard earned cash and get a car in really good condition - what's that worth to you??? NSX white, ohhhh boy, it's not and never will be an NSX-R ok, NOTTTT! It's a white car and why do you think they only made a few of em then - do you think it could possibly be that people weren't asking for white????? Whadaya think ....mmmm. So where's the money - anybody really ready to part with it and take on the task????

Did I say it was still for sale - YES! But then if anyone here was really interested they'd know that wouldn't they cause they'd have called the owner's rep wouldn't they. I think so.


There is an ass for every seat. I did make this person an offer on the car of what I felt it was worth needing what it needs. I offered 33k, My offer was not taken. They feel it is worth more. They may get the 39 who knows.. I have seen stranger things happen.
Dear Slibidia,

Obviously not worth 39 to you either or to Source. It's not getting that I don't think it's worth 39k it's the logic employed to get to what it's worth.

Any logic you'd like to employ? I mean why did you bother to answer.

Mainly what I was trying to get across here was that it is still for sale!

I keep seeing all these folks saying it's sold and I know it's not sold.

If you're responding to the idea of what it's worth then; what do you think it's worth and what kind of logic do you employ when buying an NSX or did you employ when you bought yours. Did you find one where ALL the maintenance was totally done - did you buy a perfect car?

I doubt if anyone has bought a perfect car or very, very few. One that I know of may have on this site. My objective here was to get at what it is that makes a perfect example exactly that. You may have a different perspective - it always makes me wonder when I read comments here on this thread like - this is a 44k car - I'd just like to take an official poll here for this particular car:

Anyone here think this particular car is a 44k car like it sits right now??? What do you think it's worth and why? How bout that.

I'm trying to be informative and objective but others may have a differing opinion and if so I'd like to hear what they have to say. Anyone care to comment on this car? :smile:
Dear Slibidia,

Obviously not worth 39 to you either or to Source. It's not getting that I don't think it's worth 39k it's the logic employed to get to what it's worth.

Any logic you'd like to employ? I mean why did you bother to answer.

Mainly what I was trying to get across here was that it is still for sale!

I keep seeing all these folks saying it's sold and I know it's not sold.

If you're responding to the idea of what it's worth then; what do you think it's worth and what kind of logic do you employ when buying an NSX or did you employ when you bought yours. Did you find one where ALL the maintenance was totally done - did you buy a perfect car?

I doubt if anyone has bought a perfect car or very, very few. One that I know of may have on this site. My objective here was to get at what it is that makes a perfect example exactly that. You may have a different perspective - it always makes me wonder when I read comments here on this thread like - this is a 44k car - I'd just like to take an official poll here for this particular car:

Anyone here think this particular car is a 44k car like it sits right now??? What do you think it's worth and why? How bout that.

I'm trying to be informative and objective but others may have a differing opinion and if so I'd like to hear what they have to say. Anyone care to comment on this car? :smile:

Well said.

The car is not sold, an interested party looked over the vehicle and kept me entertained for a solid 3 hours. Made a good offer that I believe to be reasonable. Now I just have to get the current owner of the car to a realistic price.

We found the TCS does not work for whatever reason, static through speakers and CD player in trunk is inop, trunk gasket is not sealing properly, spare tire is junk.

Its not a great car, not a bad car by anymeans. But it has wear and tear, clutch is almost gone.

Brian@S1, the current offer is still higher, sorry.
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So you'd rather get a rare automobile and then find out it sat outside for a year, than have the seller be upfront and honest about it? :confused:

The vehicle will clean up very nicely, that I can assure everyone. But I'm not going to hide the fact that it has not hide the usual treatment.

Sort of agree with this logic. Looking at the photos was painful, but at least the potential buyer knows what condition the car was in. I hope the car gets some TLC before it is sold. That way, the ad will be very honest in showing the previous condition of the car while displaying the beauty as it is brought back to life.

In the end, full disclosure is always what we need in the NSX market place. Good luck with the sale.
Let's see ....how can I say this ....the car is NOT, I repeat, NOT sold ok. It's still there and it will still be there tomorrow and the next day at 39k ok. It isn't going anywhere at that price. It is not and never will be a 44k car - ok - never will be no matter what you do it won't be a perfect low miler 2000 with all stock paint - won't be cause it needs paint work if for nothing else the scrape on the trunk area rolled edge and the front valence. Ok , so - definition of a 44k 2000 NSX:

Low mileage - this is closer to 50k miles - not low for a 2000
perfect paint - no paint work - a few rock chips
perfect or almost perfect interior including drivers seat bolster
all service - all service up to date - TB/WP/Hoses,belts
Clutch in very good condition - as would be usual for a low miler - not one with almost 50k miles and 3 owners.

So what would this car be worth if it was reconditioned:
Paint to areas that need it - front and trunk area
Interior - probably ok
New clutch - if it doesn't need one right this minute it will soon I suspect - of course you'd have to drive it - but won't go 75k miles without one I'd bet
All the service up to date and guys that's at least 2 to 3k just on the service which it hasn't had - ok
So put all that in it and you'll have paint work, mechanical work and a clutch staring you in the face and wheels that have curb rash that need fixing - to be top notch
And it needs tires and wheel work

All this above is stuff someone will have to do to make it as good as IT can possibly be and even with all that it would be what - not original paint almost 50k miles and service up to date - so what's it worth under ideal conditions like that - 40 or 42k maybe.

I mean guys come on this isn't 2 years ago before the recession - no - we are right in the middle of it and deals are to be had - if you could get this car, knowing what it needs, a good deal would be no more than 35k - cause you are going to immediately put 5k+ in this car maybe more like 6k+ - so how's this deal at 39k sounding to you now????

Not so good I suspect - guys when it comes time for you to plunk down your hard earned cash and get a car in really good condition - what's that worth to you??? NSX white, ohhhh boy, it's not and never will be an NSX-R ok, NOTTTT! It's a white car and why do you think they only made a few of em then - do you think it could possibly be that people weren't asking for white????? Whadaya think ....mmmm. So where's the money - anybody really ready to part with it and take on the task????

Did I say it was still for sale - YES! But then if anyone here was really interested they'd know that wouldn't they cause they'd have called the owner's rep wouldn't they. I think so.

Dear Slibidia,

Obviously not worth 39 to you either or to Source. It's not getting that I don't think it's worth 39k it's the logic employed to get to what it's worth.

Any logic you'd like to employ? I mean why did you bother to answer.

Mainly what I was trying to get across here was that it is still for sale!

I keep seeing all these folks saying it's sold and I know it's not sold.

If you're responding to the idea of what it's worth then; what do you think it's worth and what kind of logic do you employ when buying an NSX or did you employ when you bought yours. Did you find one where ALL the maintenance was totally done - did you buy a perfect car?

I doubt if anyone has bought a perfect car or very, very few. One that I know of may have on this site. My objective here was to get at what it is that makes a perfect example exactly that. You may have a different perspective - it always makes me wonder when I read comments here on this thread like - this is a 44k car - I'd just like to take an official poll here for this particular car:

Anyone here think this particular car is a 44k car like it sits right now??? What do you think it's worth and why? How bout that.

I'm trying to be informative and objective but others may have a differing opinion and if so I'd like to hear what they have to say. Anyone care to comment on this car? :smile:

The poster doth protest too much, methinks.

You could have just said, "the car is still for sale" and we all could have had two more minutes to our day. ;)
To Ponyboy,

So tell me what is it you find interesting about this thread? Is it that the car is still for sale and you are interested in buying it or the discussion of how you arrive at what the car should sell for? I mean this thread is or should be about how one goes about considering things that the car is going to need because someone here may find it acceptable to buy but needs some idea of how to estimate it's value.

So I ask you, protest or no, what is it you read this thread to determine? Are you buying or thinking of buying or just reading with intent to assist someone else with this prospective or potential purchase?

Just trying to get a grip on what threads like this are for??? Got any idea? You see I've been commenting on this thread since it started. I know you pointed out the scratch on the front of the car.
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